US History

Teacher: Mr. Cooper

School: Cordova High School

Room: G 6

Course Description:

This course is aligned with the California Common Core State Standards and is required by the state for high school graduation and college and university admissions. US History is living and active, as well as constantly being reinterpreted and updated. The version that we have now will be our foundation for understanding our history as you continue to learn and grow in your understanding past the walls of this classroom.

Curriculum Units:

1.  A Nation is Born

2.  Imperialism and Progressivism

3.  Boom and Bust

4.  Global Struggles

5.  A Time of Upheaval

6.  A Changing Society

o  Procedures:

1.  Materials:

100 page Notebook



2.  Behavior:

Disruptive Behavior will not be tolerated. Every student is important, but no student is more important than the class. A first disruption will be met with a warning, the second will result in a seat change and a parent phone call, and a third infraction will be met with administrative action (such as suspension).

3.  Power School / Getting Help:

All assignments will be posted on the student’s Power School and my teacher website. It is the responsibility of the student to seek out individual help and guidance. The best way to do that is to make an appointment with the teacher or stop by during lunch, before, or after school.

4.  Attendance/Tardy Policy:

Your attendance is an essential part of your success. If an absence is unavoidable, it is your responsibility to seek out and complete the work on the same time frame as your peers. Tardy students disrupt the flow of the classroom and impair your ability to succeed in the classroom.

5.  Late Assignments/ Cheating:

Late or missing work, not resulting from an excused absence, will be awarded 50% credit for one week after the deadline. “Late bell Late Assignment.” No individual extra credit will be offered. Students caught cheating will receive a zero on their assignment and 50 points off their quarter participation receive a parent phone call.

Papers and Projects:

All expectations and rubrics for papers and projects will be given at least two weeks in advance of the due date.

o  Grading:

25% Quizzes and Tests

25% Notebook

25% Participation

25% Class work and Homework

·  Films and Clips: If class time allows we will be watching the whole or clips from John Adams, The Alamo, Glory, The Last Samurai, Cinderella Man, Saving Private Ryan, and Forest Gump. By signing this Syllabus, you are giving your student permission to observe these clips or movies, however, there are alternate assignments for each that students may complete during the time the rest of the classes movie time.

o  Rules:

Respect the teacher, your classmates, and yourself

Engaged in every class

Tolerance of others and their beliefs/opinions

Refocus when the teacher finds you or you find yourself off task (There is one warning and if you continue off task you will be asked to leave the classroom)

On time every time

* School rules regarding food, dress, phones, and electronic devises will be observed.

Teacher Contact Information:


Student Name:______Parent Name: ______

Student Signature: ______Date:____ Parent Signature ______Date:____

*Please make a copy of this course outline and return the original with signatures by 8/15/16

*The original course outline, with signatures, will be kept on file.