Beef Steak / Determinate / 80 / Mid-Season / Large, meaty, deep red fruit. Good sandwich tomato.
Big Beef / Indeterminate / 73 / Early / Large, great taste, easy to slice. Disease resistant.
Burpee Big Boy / Indeterminate / 78 / Mid-season / Large, firm, meaty red fruit.
Early Girl / Indeterminate / 52 / Very Early / Solid, tasty, medium fruit. Disease resistant.
Golden Jubilee / Indeterminate / 80 / Mid-season / Large, 8oz smooth skinned golden orange fruit.
Grape / Indeterminate / 75 / Mid-season / Grape sized red fruit. Great for snacking or salads.
Health Kick / Determinate / 72 / Early / High yielding, 4 oz plum shaped fruit. Contains 50% more lycopene (cancer fighting substance). Disease resistant.
Jet Star / Indeterminate / 72 / Early / Good flavor, medium sized red fruit. Disease resistant.
Juliet / Indeterminate / 60 / Early / Sweet, 1 oz pear shaped fruit, resist cracking. Holds well on vine.
Legend / Determinate / 68 / Early / Medium to large red fruit with few seeds. Great flavor and disease resistant.
Oregon Spring / Determinate / 58 / Extra Early / Meaty, large tasty fruit. Great for sauces and eating. Disease resistant.
Patio Tomato / Hybrid / 70 / Mid-season / Perfect for container gardening. Smooth, firm and flavorful.
Pik Red / Determinate / 71 / Mid-season / Excellent, large, red fruit is firm, juicy and solid. Great container tomato plant.
Roma / Determinate / 72 / Mid-season / Plum shaped Italian fruit. Meaty, little juice and few seeds.
Sun Sugar / Indeterminate / 65 / Early / Apricot cherry tomato with tropical fruit flavor. Highly productive.
Sweet 100 / Indeterminate / 65 / Early / Huge, multiple branched clusters of small sweet fruit high in Vitamin C. Vigorous vines.
Willamette / Indeterminate / 75 / Mid-season / Medium sized, tasty fruit.
Yellow Pear / Indeterminate / 75 / Mid-season / Vines produce high yields of two inch long sweet, clear, yellow skinned, pear shaped fruits.

Determinate tomato varieties are ones which reach their full size quickly and then bear all their fruit in a fairly short time. This is great for early crops or when you want to dry tomatoes or can or freeze big batches of sauce. Indeterminate tomato varieties, on the other hand, continue to grow and bloom until frost cuts them down. These varieties are excellent for longer harvest periods and good for all summer snacking and picking.

Cheap Sam’s Plant Bargains

148 Morris Avenue

Holtsville, NY 11742