Lisa Brown Kindergarten Lesson Plan

October 13—October 17

Letter Ff

*8:00 Pledge of Allegiance in Hallway

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Calendar / Review Cc cut and glue page.
Treasures small group phonics
Calendar / Journals and highlight [Ff] page.
Treasures small group phonics
Calendar / Torn Pumpkin
Treasures small group phonics
Calendar / Make Friendly Frog book.
Treasures small group phonics
Calendar / Centers
Treasures small group phonics
Phonics/Letter Recognition/Reading / Introduce letter [Ff] phonics cards. Read poem “Funny Fox.” Skill: Identify and make rhymes, matching sounds. Listen for syllables. Listen for words in poem that begin with [Ff]. Practice writing lower case [f] on marker boards for correct formation. Complete handwriting and cut and glue page.
*Who can formulate a rhyming word that begins with /f/ that rhymes with the words I say? / Review Letter [Ff] recognition and sound. Read “My Ff Book.” Write [Ff] words on board. Activity: Compare words that begin with [Ff] to words that do not. Practice writing upper case [F] on marker boards for correct formation. Complete upper case [F] handwriting page and [Ff] phonics cut and glue page.
*Who can formulate words that begin with /f/? / Review letter [Ff] (recognition and sound). Read “Fifi Ferret’s Flute.” Skill: Initial sound. Activity: Have students find things on last page of story that begin with letter [Ff]. Read “Friendly Frog.” Have children complete phonics pages and make Friendly Frog.
*Who can distinguish between these two pictures and tell me which one begins with /f/? / Review Letter [Ff] (recognition and sound). Read poem “Ferris Wheel Fun.” Skill: Initial sound, Comparing upper case and lower case [Ff]. Comparing sounds. Activity: think, pair, share.
Complete cut and glue page or fill in the correct word sentence page.
*Who can formulate a sentence using a /f/ word from the board? / Write sentences on chart paper using [Ff] words on board. Complete My first letter Ff book.
*Who can look at the picture and identify the beginning sounds
Computer Lab 9:45—10:30 Activity: (letter recognition) Success Maker: math and reading skills
Objective / *Identify and match the letter [f] to the sound /f/
*Recognize the difference between a letter and a printed word
*Handwriting: Write [Ff] / *Identify and match the letter [f] to the sound /f/
*Recognize the difference between a letter and a printed word
*Handwriting: Write [Ff]
*Identify rhyme / *Identify the same initial sound in a group of words
*Match the letter [f] to the /f/ sound
*identify rhyme / *Formulate/Create Sentences / *Demonstrate knowledge of beginning sounds
Lesson Set / Strategies:
*Independent practice
Blooms Taxonomy:
*Marker boards
*Work sheet / Strategies:
*Independent practice
Blooms Taxonomy:
*Marker boards
*Thumbs up-Thumbs down
*Work sheet / Strategies:
*Independent practice
Blooms Taxonomy:
*Thumbs up-Thumbs down
*Work sheet / Strategies:
*Independent practice
Blooms Taxonomy:
*Work sheet / Strategies:
*Independent practice
Blooms Taxonomy:
Standards / RF.K.2d; RF.K.3a; L.K.2c; RF.K.3c; RI.K.3; RI.K.1 / RF.K.2d; RF.K.3a; RF.K.3; RF.K.3c;; RI.K.3; RI.K.1; RI.K.2 / RF.K.2d; RF.K.3a; RF.K.3c: RL.K.5; / RF.K.2; RF.K.3a; RF.K.3c; SL.K.2 / L.K.5a;RF.K.2; L.K.2d; RF.K.3c; RI.K.3, RL.K.3; RI.K.1; RL.K.1; RF.K.3c
Interactive Writing / Daily
News (modeled writing). The helper of the day tells the class something they want them to know. The teacher writes it on chart paper. Modeling letters, letter sounds, writing on lines, emphasizing proper spacing and punctuation. / Daily
News (modeled writing). The helper of the day tells the class something they want them to know. The teacher writes it on chart paper. Modeling letters, letter sounds, writing on lines, emphasizing proper spacing and punctuation. / Daily
News (modeled writing). The helper of the day tells the class something they want them to know. The teacher writes it on chart paper. Modeling letters, letter sounds, writing on lines, emphasizing proper spacing and punctuation. / Daily
News (modeled writing). The helper of the day tells the class something they want them to know. The teacher writes it on chart paper. Modeling letters, letter sounds, writing on lines, emphasizing proper spacing and punctuation. / Daily
News (modeled writing). The helper of the day tells the class something they want them to know. The teacher writes it on chart paper. Modeling letters, letter sounds, writing on lines, emphasizing proper spacing and punctuation.
Standards / W.K.5 / W.K.5 / W.K.5 / W.K.5 / W.K.5
10:40—11:20 / Lunch/Recess / Lunch/Recess / Lunch/Recess / Lunch/Recess / Lunch/Recess
Math / Review #0—8 and number words 0—8. Introduce #9 and #word 9. Work at tables to sort manipulatives into groups of nine. Practice writing #9 on marker boards for correct formation. Complete #9 handwriting page.
Explain what the number nine means? / Field Trip to Pumpkin Patch / . Introduce color word white and review shapes. Review #9 and #word 9. Read “Nine Bright Pennies.” Activity: Find things on the last page that are in groups of 9. Complete #9 counting and handwriting page
If there are two plates and nine cupcakes on each plate, how many cupcakes are there all together? / Review color word, shapes, and #9 and # word nine. Work in CGI Math Journals. Complete #9 Counting cut and glue sheet.
Can you model a way to divide nine cubes into three groups? / Review #9 and #word 9. Watch Sesame Street video: Number 9 complete. # 9 counting cut and glue sheet.
Can you use manipulatives to explain which number is greater?
Objective / *Identify the number /9/ the number word /nine/
*Write the number /9/ and the number word /nine/ / *Identify the number /9/ the number word /nine/
*Write the number /9/ and the number word / nine / / *Identify the number /9/ the number word /nine/
*Write the number /9/ and the number word / nine / / *Identify the number /9/ the number word /nine/
*Write the number /9/ and the number word / nine / / *Compare numbers
Lesson Set / Strategies: *Modeling, *Independent Work
Blooms Taxonomy:
*Marker Boards
*Worksheet / Strategies: *Modeling, *Independent Work
Blooms Taxonomy:
*Worksheet / Strategies: *Modeling, *Independent Work
Blooms Taxonomy:
*Worksheet / Strategies: *Modeling, *Independent Work
Blooms Taxonomy:
*Student lead Modeling
*Questioning / Strategies: *Scaffolding, *Independent Work Blooms Taxonomy:
Standards / K.CC.1; K.CC.3; K.CC.4; K.CC.4a
K.CC.4b; K.CC.5; K.G.1; K.G.2; / K.CC.1; K.CC.3; K.CC.4; K.CC.4a
K.CC.4b; K.CC.5; K.G.1; K.G.2; / K.CC.1; K.CC.3; K.CC.4; K.CC.4a
K.CC.4b; K.CC.5; K.G.1; K.G.2; / K.CC.1; K.CC.3; K.CC.4; K.CC.4a
K.CC.4b; K.CC.5; K.G.1; K.G.2; / K.CC.1; K.CC.3; K.CC.4; K.CC.4a
K.CC.4b; K.CC.5; K.G.1; K.G.2; K.G.5
12:15—12:40 / Rest / Rest / Rest / Rest / Rest
Social Studies/
Science / Introduce Pumpkins. Make KWL chart. Read “From Seed to Pumpkin.” Discuss the cycle of a pumpkin.
Question: Who can compare the life cycle of a tree to the life cycle of a pumpkin? / Read “Pumpkins.” Discuss book and work on KWL chart. Investigate pumpkins from pumpkin patch
Question: Who can estimate how many cubes tall your pumpkin is? / Put pumpkin seeds in cups (10 in each cup) to count by 10’s. Complete counting activity. Read “The perfect Pumpkin.
Question: Can you give me an estimate of the number of seeds inside this pumpkin? / Review pumpkins and complete KWL chart. Read “Patty’s Pumpkin Patch” and, “The Pumpkin Pie Prize.”
Who can tell me something that we make from pumpkins?
Objective / * Identify basic needs of
plants and animals
food, water ,light, air
* Describe plant
development and growth
* List and classify objects
according to the single
properties of size, color, shape / * Estimate and measure
length, mass, and
capacity/volume of
familiar objects using
non-standard units
* Identify basic needs of
plants and animals
food, water ,light, air
* Describe plant
development and growth
* List and classify objects
according to the single
properties of size, color, shape / * Estimate and measure
length, mass, and
capacity/volume of
familiar objects using
non-standard units
* Identify basic needs of
plants and animals
food, water ,light, air
* Describe plant
development and growth
* List and classify objects
according to the single
properties of size, color, shape / * Identify basic needs of
plants and animals
food, water ,light, air
* Describe plant
development and growth
* List and classify objects
according to the single
properties of size, color, shape
Lesson Set / Strategies:
Blooms Taxonomy:
Assessment: Observation / Strategies:
Blooms Taxonomy:
Assessment: Observation / Strategies:
Blooms Taxonomy:
Assessment: Observation / Strategies:
Blooms Taxonomy:
Assessment: Observation
Standards / LS.2.K.4; LS.3.K.1; PS.5.K.1 / NS.1.K.4; LS.2.K.4; LS.3.K.1; PS.5.K.1 / NS.1.K.4; LS.2.K.4; LS.3.K.1; PS.5.K.1 / LS.2.K.4; LS.3.K.1; PS.5.K.1
1:05—1:20 / Recess / Recess / Recess / Recess / Recess
Prep. Time / 1:18—1:58
Mrs. Busack / 1:18—1:58
Mrs. Carr / 1:20—2:00
Mrs. Trafford / 1:20—2:00
P.E. 1
Coach Setzer / 1:20—2:00
P.E. 2
Coach Setzer
Social Studies/
Science / Make “Sequencing Pumpkin Life Cycle / Make pumpkin book. / Make sequencing pumpkins. / Make Pumpkin lady/
2:50—3:10 / Snack / Snack / Snack / Snack / Snack