Discovery Centre, Ecclesall Woods, Abbey Ln, Sheffield S7 2QZ

THURSDAY EVENINGS - Juniors (Years 3 & 4): 5.00 – 6.00 PM, Intermediates (Years 5, 6, 7): 6.00 – 7.30 PM

Child’s Name: ……….………………………..…… Date of Birth: ……………………………………………

Name of School, …………………………………………….… School Year in September 2014…….……

Parent / Carer Name………………………………………………………………………………………..……

Parent / Carer Address………………………………………………………postcode: ………………………

Parent / Carer phone nos: …………………………….…………mobile: …………….………………………

Parent / Carer email address: …………………………………………………………………………………..

In case of emergency, please provide an alternative name & contact number:


I will provide my child with wellies and indoor shoes, a waterproof coat and trousers each session. (Please note: we are currently investigating funding sources to support the buying of outdoor clothing and equipment.)

My child does/does not have any additional educational/medical/emotional needs that you need to be aware of. Please give details of any additional needs here:




I do / do not (please circle) give permission for my child to use tools in a carefully supervised environment, using safety gloves, as part of this programme.

I do / do not (please circle) give permission for photographs to be taken of my child during this programme for my child to keep and for future publicity of similar outdoor programmes.

I do / do not (please circle) give permission for my child to use face paint as part of this programme.

Please let us know how & where you found about the youth theatre: ………………………………

Parent / Carer signature …………………………………...... date………………………………

More info: /


Directions to the JG Graves Discovery Centre, Ecclesall Woods, Abbey Ln, Sheffield S7 2QZ

n.b. If you are following SATNAV systems to find us, when you reach Abbey Lane ignore the SATNAV as it will take you to the houses nearby which share the same post code. The Centre is accessed directly off Abbey Lane - look for the large white sign just inside the woods and you will find the car park at the end of the track.