SaltLakeCounty Jail Intensive Management Flowsheet
Prisoner Name:______SO#:______Date:______
1.Physician initiating Intensive Management:______
2.Prisoner placed in: Seclusion FSP Status 2 pt Restraint 4 pt Restraint 5 pt Restraint Forced medication
3.Time-Intensive Management initiated:______ Order documented in Medical Record
4.Time physician evaluated prisoner:______(Policy requires that evaluation occur within four hours).
5.Health Services Unit Administrator______notified at:______.
6.Rationale for Intensive Management:
Substantial likelihood of immediate physical harm to the prisoner as demonstrated by credibly threatened or actual self-destructive behavior.
Behavior of the prisoner creates a continuation of a health hazard or potential health hazard to staff or other prisoners.
Significant threat to county property exists and other measures have failed.
Restraint or Seclusion offers less risk of injury to the prisoner, staff, or others than other readily available options.
Specific behavior:______
7.Alternatives attempted:
Prisoner removed from stimuli Verbal calming Crisis evaluation Voluntary medication offered:______
Other: ______
8.Contraindications: Do conditions exist which may be exacerbated by physical restraint exist (bone or joint trauma, vascular disease, etc)?
No Yes, explain:______
9.Method used to place prisoner in restraints:
Prisoner went voluntarily Prisoner refused direct order Custody intervention required to place prisoner in restraints
10.Physical assessment of prisoner immediately after initiation of Intensive Management:
No apparent injury Injury present—documented in medical record
11.Physician-ordered criteria for the discontinuation of Intensive Management:
Prisoner demonstrates self-control Risk of harm to self or others no longer present Able to understand/contract for safety
Signature of RN initiating Intensive Management:______Date:______
12.Prisoner response to Intensive Management:
13.Continuation of orders. Initial order to expire at:______(Initial order time limited to 4 hours)
14.Criteria for discontinuation not met and orders documented in medical record every 4 hours as summarized below:
4 hour:______(ordering provider)______(time)
8 hour:______(ordering provider)______(time)
12 hour:______(ordering provider)______(time)
16 hour:______(ordering provider)______(time)
20 hour:______(ordering provider)______(time)
15.Criteria for release met:
Intensive Management discontinued at:______
Physical Assessment of prisoner immediately afterwards: No apparent injury Injury present—documented in medical record
Signature of RN discontinuing Intensive Management:______Date:______