Name: ______Period: ______Date:______

Trebuchet – Medieval Catapult

Throughout the movie, watch for these answers:

1. List the simple machines you see being used to build the Trebuchet. Classify what simple machine they are. Describe the two complex machines used to build the Trebuchet.


Wheel and Axle:


Incline Plane:



Complex Machines used to build the Trebuchet:

2. Describe siege warfare. What were some of the defenses? What were some of the offensive tactics?

3. Summarize the history of the medieval siege and castle warfare.

4. Who was King Edward I, Longshanks? How did he defeat Wales and Scotland?

5. What is Warwolf?

6. Describe the history of Trebuchet? From where did the technology come?

7. How were engineers more important than the “valiant” knights?

8. Describe the Trebuchet as a complex machine. What simple machines make up the


9. What were the challenges that the Trebuchet builders faced?

10. How was the Trebuchet an effective weapon? What were its weaknesses?

11. What were other early complex machines used in Europe at that time?

Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Complex Machine Assessment

Objective: Students will understand how Europeans took the simple machines of the Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods and used those principles to create complex machines. This created tools, technology, and weapons of war that were more advanced than in the Americas. Students will also realize that these are “baby-steps” toward the industrial revolution.


  1. Using materials from home, students will create a complex machine. DO NOT SPEND MONEY$. Popsicle Sticks
  2. Students must use all six simple machines

_____ Screw

_____ Incline Plane

_____ Wedge

_____ Wheel and Axle

_____ Pulley

*Remember – a gear is a wheel and axle and a lever working together.

3. You could make a: Trebuchet, Catapult, Guillotine, any other medieval type complex machine. *** Please remember that you cannot use materials that will be dangerous. Example: Do not use a real blade in a Guillotine.


100 points will be given to students who create a complex machine using all six simple machines. Creativity, time, and effort are obvious because of the detail and neatness of the machine. The machine was made from home materials, and not purchased. The machine works and functions extremely well.

90 points will be given to students who create a complex machine using all six simple machines. A moderate amount of time and effort is evident, but not as much detail and neatness is put into the machine. The machine was made from home materials, and not purchased. The machine works, but has a few quirks.

80 points will be given to students who create a complex machine using all six simple machines. The machine is complete, but creativity, time, and effort are lacking because of the lack of detail and neatness of the machine. The machine was made from home materials, and not purchased. The machine is built, but it does not work very well.

This assignment is equal to a test. Total _____ / 100 Points