Pharmacological synthesis – Flavia Cantone

First hospitalization- June 2009: hypotonic and mioclonic crisis

DEPAKIN without effect


After a month in adding with ZARONTIN: excellent effect for one year and two months.

Second hospitalization- September 2010: she starts also to be absent

We tried, together with rivotril and zarotin,

FRISIUM without effect

KEPPRA no effect

LAMICTAL no effect

We tried again with DEPAKIN no effect

ACTH caused her blood pressure to rise

TOPOMAX good effect for 7 months. She is not absent any more

Third hospitalization- June 2011

HYDROCORTISONE good effect after a month but it also caused her blood pressure to rise after one month an a half.

Fourth hospitalization– August 2011: while reducing HYDROCORTISONE increases mioclonic crisis; she was absent just once with strong mioclonies

Continuing with RIVOTRIL and ZARONTIN plus:

again with TOPOMAX, effect just for one week

again with FRISIUM and reduction of rivotril but immediately inserted again because stronger crises started

She is unable to swallow and she uses a drip for nutrition.

introduction of NOOTROPIL: good initial result

At home:

LUMINALE very good effect but just for one month

VIMPAT with a slow increment and relative reduction of LUMINALE – worsening

Fifth hospitalization- October 2011

Continuing with ritrovil and zarontin plus:

VIMPATwith dosage but without effect

Introduced DINTOINA but the mioclonies have increased

Introducted INOVELON with little effect ( episodes of vomiting started, it’s not sure if they had been caused by the inovelon, because she often vomits with drips)

With only rivotril and zarontin she stabilizes for not more than ten days

Tried KEPPRA again plus ZONEGRAN reducing ZARONTIN

Discharged in November 2011 with:

RIVOTRIL, KEPPRA AND ZONEGRAN for four months. She is always conscious, she has got a lot of mioclonies above all in the upper limbs, she can

no longer sit down, her voluntary abilities are very limited but she can eat and drink in small amounts and she is starting to speak again with short sentences.

We tried to substitute KEPPRA with ZARONTIN, because it had such a good effect in the past, but it was unsuccessful.

Shehas started to loose her weight, so we have reduced and thenstoppedthetherapywith zonegran.

In the month of July we tried ACTH, until the half of August (it has been incremented slowly because of the pressure situation), with small effect but the pressure didn’t rise.

We tried with hydrocortisone again but it caused her blood pressure to rise;reducing itmiocloniesstarted again so she has been hospitalized again.

Sixth hospitalizationSeptember2012

EvenMIDAZOLAM has an immediate effect but during the hospitalization the effect diminishes and URBASON is added for three days.

Mioclonies continue even if they are weaker, but suspending MIDAZOLAM they start to be stronger so it’s necessary to reintegrate Midazolam again.

During the hospitalization the effect diminushes and URBASON is added for three days followed by a tablet of 10mgDELTACORTENE.

Mioclonies continue even if they are weaker, but suspending midazolam they start to be stronger and they oblige to reintegrate midazolam again.

In the long run the effect is weaker and weaker.

We are trying again with TOPOMAX also with a higher quantity(6 mg/kg).