Unit 4 Math Plans

Lesson: 4.1 Decimal Place Value

Mathematical Practices: SMP2, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7, SMP8

Focus on SMP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

SMP8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

GMP2.2: Explain the meaning of the numbers, words, pictures, symbols, gestures, tables, graphs and concrete objects you and others use.

GMP8.1: Use patterns and structures to create and explain rules and shortcuts.

Content Standards: 4.NBT.1, 4.G.1, 4.G.2

Materials/Prep: MJ P. 78; SRB;Transparencies MM 106-107(opt); calculator; slate; Polygon Pair-Up Property Cards and Polygon Cards (MM496-497)

Vocabulary: N/A

Instructional Objective: TSWBAT extend the base-ten place-value system to decimals.

Math message: TM 239

1.Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Math Message Follow Up TM 239;

Reviewing the Place-Value Chart for Whole Numbers and Extending it to Decimals (MM107)

Identifying Digits and the Values of Digits in Decimals

2. Ongoing learning & practice:(Partner Activity):

Play Polygon Pair-Up SRB 258, MM 496-497

Math Boxes: 4.1RSA - Math Boxes Problems 3a-3d

Study Link: 4.1

3. Differentiation Options:

Readiness - Using Money to Explore Decimals MM. 109 and 428; Enrichment – Writing and Solving Place-Value Puzzles; Extra Practice - Making and Using Place-Value Tool MM 399-402

Lesson: 4.2 Review of Basic Decimal Concepts

Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP5, SMP6

Focus on SMP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

SMP6: Attend to precision.

GMP2.1: Represent problems and situations mathematically with numbers, words, pictures, symbols, gestures, tables, graphs and concrete objects.

GMP6.1:Communicate your mathematical thinking clearly and precisely.

Content Standards: 4.NF.6

Materials/Prep: MJ P. 80; SRB MM 426; MM 388 OR 389 (OPT.), base-10 blocks; Slate;

SEE ADVANCE PREP ON TM 244;Game Master MM458; 2 six-sided die and 4 pennies (per partnership) (opt); calculator or *,/ Facts Table (opt)

Vocabulary: One, whole, unit, tenth, hundredth

Instructional Objective: TSWBAT review basic concepts and notation for decimals through hundredths

Math message: TM245

1.Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Math Message Follow Up TM 245

Understanding Fraction Concepts

Modeling Decimals with Base-10 Blocks (MM426) RSA – see TM246

Practicing with Tenths and Hundredths (Journal pg. 80) RSA – See TM 248

2. Ongoing learning & practice:(Partner Activity):

Play Baseball Multiplication SRB 231-232, MM 460

Math Boxes: 4.2

Study Link: 4.2

3. Differentiation Options:

Readiness - Playing Base-ten Exchange MM. 458

Enrichment – Exploring the ONE MM 111

Lesson: 4.3 Comparing and Ordering Decimals

Mathematical Practices: SMP2, SMP3, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7

Focus on SMP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

SMP5: Use appropriate tools strategically.

GMP3.2: Work to make sense of others’ mathematical thinking.

GMP5.2: Use mathematically tools correctly and efficiently.

Content Standards: 4.NF.7

Materials/Prep: MJ p. 82 and 83; base-10 blocks; slate; SRB p. 259; 8 of each number cards 1-10; Fact Tables; counters or calculators (opt.)SEE ADVANCE PREP ON TM 250

Vocabulary: decimal

Instructional Objective: TSWBAT compare and order decimals in tenths and hundredths

Math message: TM 251

1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Math Message Follow Up TM 251 RSA – See TM 251

Ordering Decimals RSA – Journal page 83 Problem 1

2. Ongoing learning & practice:(Small Group Activity):

Play Product Pile-Up (SRB pg. 259)

Math Boxes: 4.3

Study Link: 4.3

3. Differentiation Options:

Readiness: Playing Coin Top-it MM 467 and 506

Enrichment: Writing Decimal Riddles

Extra Practice: 5-Minute Practice

ELL – Creating a Decimal All Around the Museum (See Differentiation Handbook)

Lesson: 4.4 Estimating with Decimals

Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6

Focus on SMP6: Attend to precision.

GMP6.1: Communicate your mathematical thinking clearly and precisely.

GMP6.2: Use the level of precise you need for your problem.

Content Standards: 4.NF.7, 4.MD.2

Materials/Prep: MJ 85; SRB 26; slate; Game Master MM490, 491, 506 (opt); number cards 0-9 (4 of each/partnership)

Vocabulary: trip meter, speedometer

Instructional Objective: TSWBAT explain why decimals are useful; guide estimation of sums and differences of decimals

Math message: TM 256

1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Math Message Follow-Up TM256

Discussing Why Decimals Are Useful (SRB pg 26) RSA – See TM 257

(Partner Activity): Estimating Decimal Sums (Journal pg 85) RSA – Journal pg 85 Problems 4, 5

2. Ongoing learning & practice:(Partner Activity):

Play Number Top-It SRB 256, MM 490 and 506

Math Boxes: 4.4

Study Link: 4.4

3. Differentiation Options:

Readiness: Estimating the cost of purchase MM 114, 115, 428

Enrichment: Solving Gasoline Mileage Problems MM 116

Solving a Decimal Magic Square Puzzle MM 117

Lesson: 4.5 Decimal Addition and Subtraction

Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SPM7

Focus on SMP1: Make sense of problems and preserve in solving them.

SMP7: Look for and make use of structure.

GMP1.4: Solve your problem in more than one way.

GMP7.2:Use patterns and structures to solve problems.

Content Standards: 4.NF.7, 4.MD.2

Materials/Prep: MJ 87; SRB 178 and 178b, Teaching Aid Masters MM 118, MM427-428 (opt.); base-10 blocks; quarters, nickels, dimes, pennies (opt); slate; SEE ADVANCE PREP TM 260

Vocabulary: N/A

Instructional Objective: TSWBAT extend methods for whole-number addition & subtraction to decimals.

Math message: TM 261; MM118

1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Math Message Follow Up TM 261 RSA – See side column TM 261-262

Adding and Subtracting Decimals Using an Algorithm

Practicing Decimal Addition and Subtraction (Journal pg. 87) RSA – See TM 263

2. Ongoing learning & practice:

Analyzing Circle Graphs (Journal pg 88)

Math Boxes: 4.5

Study Link: 4.5

3. Differentiation Options:

Readiness: Investigating a Decimal Version of a Number Grid MM 427

Enrichment: Solving Hiking Trail Problems MM 120 and 121

Lesson: 4.6 Decimals in Money

Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6

Focus on SMP4: Use appropriate tools strategically.

SMP6: Attend to precise.

GMP4.1: Apply mathematical ideas to real-world situations.

GMP6.2:Use the level of precise you need for your problem.

Content Standards: 4.MD.1, 4.MD.2

Materials/Prep: MJ 90-91; Teaching Aid Masters MM 427-428 (opt.); Transparency MM 122(opt); base-10 blocks; money(opt);

*,/ Fact Triangles; Game Master MM489; deck of number cards

Vocabulary: deposit, withdrawal, balance, interest

Instructional Objective: TSWBAT practice adding and subtracting decimals to compute balances in a savings account.

Math message: TM 267

1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Math Message Follow Up TM 267 (Journal pg 90)

Introduce Bank Accounts (Journal pgs 90-91)

Practicing Mental Arithmetic (Journal pg. 91)

Partner Activity: Maintaining a Savings Account (Journal pg 91; MM 122)

2. Ongoing learning & practice: Partner Activity:

Play Name That Number (SRB 254; MM489)

Math Boxes: 4.6 RSA Math Boxes Problem 4

Study Link: 4.6

3. Differentiation Options:

Readiness: Finding totals and making change MM 114 and 428

Enrichment: Solving “Goodie Bag” Problems MM124

ELL: Building a Math Word Bank (Diff HB 141)

Lesson: 4.7 Thousandths

Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP4, SMP6, SMP7

Focus on SMP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

SMP7: Look for and make use of structure.

GMP2.1: Represent problems and situations mathematically numbers, words, pictures, symbols, gestures, tables, graphs and concrete objects.

GMP7.2:Use patterns and structures to solve problems.

Content Standards: 4.MD.1, 4.MD.2

Materials/Prep: MJ p. 94-95; Transparency MM 125(opt); base-10 blocks, slate, SEE ADVANCE PREP TM271; SRB, Teaching Aid

Masters MM419-421 (opt)

Vocabulary: thousandth

Instructional Objective: TSWBAT extend basic concepts and notation for decimals through thousandths

Math message: MJ 94; TM 272 RSA – Mental Math and Reflexes TM272

1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Math Message Follow Up TM 272 (Journal pg 94)

Modeling Decimals with Base-10 Blocks (MM125) RSA –TM 273

Practicing Reading and Writing Decimals

Independent Activity: Practicing with Tenths, Hundredths, and Thousandths

2. Ongoing Learning and Practice:

World-Tour Option: Visiting Africa MJ 171-173; 176-177; SRB 276-277, 279,288,283 and 296-305; MM 419-421

Math Boxes: 4.7

Study Link: 4.7

3. Differentiation Options:

Readiness – Counting by the Thousandths

Enrichment-Analyzing Softball Batting Averages MM 127

Extra Practice – Playing Base-10 Exchange MM 459

Lesson: 4.8 Metric Units of Length

Mathematical Practices: SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7

Focus on SMP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

SMP6: Attend to precise.

GMP2.2: Explain the meaning of the numbers, words, pictures, symbols, gestures, tables, graphs and concrete objects you and others use.

GMP6.3:Be accurate when you count, measure, and calculate.

Content Standards: 4.NPT.1, 4.MD.1

Materials/Prep: MJ 96; SRB; slate; meter stick; tape measure; centimeter ruler; chart paper; SEE ADVANCE PREP TM 277; Game Master MM472 (opt); calculator

Vocabulary: centimeter (cm), meter (m), millimeter (mm), decimeter (dm)

Instructional Objective: TSWBAT review the relationships among metric units of length; guide student as they work with metric measurements.

Math message: TM 278

1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Math Message Follow Up TM 278 (SRB)

Reviewing Metric Units of Linear Measures

Practicing Conversions among Metric Units RSA – See TM 279

Partner Activity: Measuring in Centimeters (Journal pg 96) RSA – Journal pg 96 Problem 2

2. Ongoing learning & practice:Partner Activity:

Play Fishing for Digits (SRB pg. 242 MM 472)

Math Boxes: 4.8

Study Link: 4.8

3. Differentiation Options:

Readiness – Exploring the Relationship between Metric Units MM 129

Enrichment – Exploring the Use of Prefixes in Metric Units MM130

ELL – Building a Math Word Bank Diff HB p. 141

Lesson: 4.9 Personal References for Metric Length

Mathematical Practices: SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6

Focus on SMP5: use appropriate tools strategically.

GMP5.1: Choose appropriate tools for your problems.

GMP5.3:Estimate and use what you know to check the answers you find using tools.

Content Standards: 4.NF.7, 4.MD.1

Materials/Prep: MJ 98-99; SRB 130; slate; Fact Triangles; tape measure; ruler; meter stick; Game

Master MM 491, 506; number cards 0-9 (4 of each from EM Deck)

Vocabulary: personal measurement reference

Instructional Objective: TSWBAT establish personal references for metric units of length.

Mental Math

2. Ongoing learning & practice:Partner Activity:

Play Number Top-It (Decimals)(SRB pg. 256 MM491 and 506) RSA MM 506

Math Boxes: 4.9

Study Link: 4.9

3. DI Options:

Readiness: Matching Metric Units MM 132

Enrichment – Designing a Measurement Scavenger Hunt

Extra Practice – 5-Minute Math

Lesson: 4.10 Measuring in Millimeters

Mathematical Practices: SMP1, SMP2, SMP4, SMP5, SMP6, SMP7

Focus on SMP6: Attend to precise.

SMP7: Look for and make use of structure.

GMP6.3: Be accurate when you count, measure, and calculate.

GMP7.2:Use patterns and structures to solve problems.

Content Standards: 4.OA.2, 4.MD.1

Materials/Prep: MJ 101-103; Teaching Aid Masters MM 429, 413-414, 416; centimeter ruler; slate; scissors; highlighter;


Vocabulary: N/A

Instructional Objective: TSWBAT measure lengths to the nearest millimeter; practice converting measurements between millimeters and centimeters.

Math message: TM 290 RSA – Mental Math and Reflexes TM 290

1. Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Math Message Follow Up TM 290 (Journal pg. 101)

Measuring Lengths in Millimeters and Centimeters (Journal pg. 101; MM429)

Partner Activity: Measuring Invertebrates in Metric Units (Journal pgs. 101-103)

2. Ongoing Learning & Practice:

Math Boxes: 4.10

Study Link: 4.10

3. DI Option:

Readiness – Exploring the Need for Millimeters MM 134

Enrichment – Investigating Ratios

Extra Practice – Measuring to the Nearest Millimeter

Lesson: Unit 4 Review

Materials/Prep: old study links, journal, notebook, study guide

Instructional Objective: SWBAT extend the base-ten place-value system to decimals. SWBAT review basic concepts and notation for decimals through hundredths. TSWBAT compare and order decimals in tenths and hundredths. TSWBAT explain why decimals are useful; guide estimation of sums and differences of decimals. TSWBAT extend methods for whole-number addition & subtraction to decimals. TSWBAT practice adding and subtracting decimals to compute balances in a savings account. TSWBAT extend basic concepts and notation for decimals through thousandths. TSWBAT review the relationships among metric units of length; guide student as they work with metric measurements. TSWBAT review the relationships among metric units of length; guide student as they work with

metric measurements. TSWBAT establish personal references for metric units of length. TSWBAT measure lengths to the nearest millimeter; practice converting measurements between Millimeters and centimeters.

Math message:

Teaching the lesson (whole group):

Study guide

Partner or group work- Ongoing learning & practice:

Math boxes 4.11

Study Link - STUDY UNIT 4