Bay Harbor Improvement Association
Minutes of Annual Meeting
Saturday, June 10, 2017
President Charlie Winsor called the annual meeting of Bay Harbor Improvement Association to order at the pavilion at the boat basin at 5PM Saturday, June 10, 2017. A quorum was established with over41 property owners signing in and15 proxies. There were additional property owners who had not signed in and quite a few guests.
Charlie welcomed the group and encouraged everyone to get their neighbors to join the association. Charlie noted that lights and power had been added to the pavilion. The pavilion is for the use of association members and paid property owners may ask for use of the pavilion by contacting the secretary, Gail Choate. She will have the key that turns on the lights. Charlie also stated that the area has no trash receptacles so you must provide your own. Charlie also wanted to thank Tim Kurtin and Jack Hopkins for all their help with the pavilion. Charlie also voiced a bit of honest humor when he said in case of a hurricane, tie yourself to the pilings, cause the pavilion will stay.
The President asked for a reading of the minutes of the past meeting. The secretary asked that the reading be waived and a motion was made by May Bonno and seconded to accept the minutes as distributed. Motion carried.
The President also asked for the Treasurer’s Report. The treasurer’s report had been distributed and showed a profit of $10,764.64 for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2017. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Tim Kurtin and seconded by May Bonno. Motion carried.
The President introduced the current board: Charlie Winsor, President; Bob Seay, Vice President; Gail Choate, Secretary/Treasurer; Bill Hand, Jack Hopkins, May Bonno, Mark Bloom, Pam Williams, Tim Kurtin, Danny Kurtin, and David Labbe.
Serving the second year of their terms are: Mark Bloom, Bill Hand, Tim Kurtin, Danny Kurtin and David Labbe. Leaving are: Charlie Winsor, Jack Hopkins and Pam Williams.
Agreeing to another two year term are: Gail Choate, Bob Seay and May Bonno.
The president asked for nominations for the board from the floor. Nominated were: Dale Mohn, Annette Moore, Cathy Winsor and Don Gray. A motion to accept all candidates was made by Betsy Redfield and seconded by Jeanne Hopkins. Motion carried.
A report was given by Tim Kurtin on the dredging that is proposed as a joint project from the BP settlement among the West end subdivisions that have canals. We did not make the first round cut, but there is more money available. The project is a waiting game.
The fishing tournament held last night and this morning had over 50 registered fishermen. Tim Kurtin was in charge of the tournament.
The winners were:
Trout 1st Gene Gansky
2nd Tim Kurtin
3rd Steve Gillespie
1st Mike Garvin
2nd Harry Heitkamp
3rd Christi Giglio
1st Mike Garvin
2nd Gene Gansky
3rd Spence Dukote
Mike Garvin
Messages from the President
The President spoke about the lights on both signs, at First and Fourth streets are working now. If you see that they are not working at any time, notify a board member. Also the locks on the boat launch have been cut, along with the removal of the chain. The locks and chains are replaced now. If you see the locks undone, please lock them up. Don’t loan your key out. Call the city for any road repair.
Time to eat and visit the silent auction.
A motion to adjourn was made by Pam Williams and seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
Gail Choate