Center for Social Impact Learning, Middlebury Institute
Ambassador Corps and Scholars

Students traveling away from the campus on a College- or Institute-sponsored trip are required to follow the guidelines listed below.


  • Students are strongly encouraged to plan all travel to minimize driving in darkness
  • Students strongly encouraged to exercise conservative judgment regarding travel in poor weather. If in doubt about driving conditions, pull over or change plans!
  • All students should review the MIIS international program planning and policies prior to departure:
  • Students should avoid traveling alone. It is recommended that students travel with a local community member or colleague from their host organization.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to inquire with local community members about safe and secure travel routes, locations, and transportation options.
  • In-country travel expenses for assignment purposes should be reimbursed by host organizations and be clarified by both parties before finalizing travel plans.


  • Students are not permitted to leave the country of assignment during the length of the program without express consent from the Middlebury College Global Operations team. Failure to comply may lead to loss of HTH and Global Rescue coverage for out of country travel.
  • Students have the right to leave their site for weekend excursions. When planning weekend or tourist travel activities, students must notify their supervisors in advance.
  • Students committing to an assignment for less than 90 days are expected to commit to the full length of their assignment. Taking time off beyond the weekends requires approval from the site supervisor and CSIL team. Personal travel should be done before or after assignment at the individual student’s personal expense.
  • Students will not drive more than 9 hours per day, regardless of the number of drivers available for the trip or in the vehicle; after this 9-hour maximum is reached, groups are required to stop for the night.
  • Trips shall not depart from any location nor should driving take place between the hours of 1:00AM and 5:00AM.
  • Student drivers may not use cell phones when driving.

A reminder about additional resources

  • MiddCreate Intercultural Competency Manual:
  • Why you need cultural intelligence and how to develop it:
  • Moving World’s Tips on How to be a Good Volunteer (attached)