Lion Pride Magazine

June-July 2015

Volume 43 – Issue 6



The Lions of Michigan All State Band is scheduled to participate in Mason’s 150th Celebration Parade on July 4th. This award-winning, 60-member band is made up of High School students from around the state of Michigan, and have been performing for Lions around the world at the International Conventions since 1978. The success of the band is attributable to outstanding students, excellent instructors, and dedicated support staff.

Returning to Michigan July 4th after a competitive performance at the Lions International Convention in Hawaii, the band will enjoy a lunch stop and 4:00 performance at the Mason-Holt Eagles “Great American Picnic.” A pre-parade concert is scheduled at 5:30 p.m. on the Mason Courthouse lawn, Saturday, July 4, prior to marching in the parade.

Congratulations to LMASB CEO Carol Uhleman-Short, Band Director Lion Roger Wyersberg, LMASB Assistant Becky Dahlke and the students who have made this years’ experience a success!

Join us next year as we perform in Fukuoka, Japan!

Esther LaMothe Lions Clubs International Director 2013-2015

Over 300,000 air miles, 35 states and 6 countries represents Lion Esther’s two years on the Lions Clubs International Board of Directors. What a whirlwind of activities these two years brought.

The journey began in Hamburg, Germany in July 2013 when Lion Esther, PDG Gary and Lion Linda Babcock traveled to Hamburg for the International Convention and the final step for Esther’s election to the board. She left Michigan as our candidate and returned home as our International Director.

LCI has a policy where single Directors, like Esther, may have an “official” travel companion. The requirements are that it can only be one companion for the year; he/she must be a Lion in good standing from a club in good standing; and be willing to participate in all activities. A director may submit a request to the International President to have this companion approved and once approved, he/she is treated the same as a spouse for expenses and hospitality. Lion Linda Babcock has been her travel companion for the last two years, helping and supporting her with every visit and board meeting. Linda’s husband, PDG Gary, has been the chauffeur driving them back and forth to Detroit Metro Airport. All he has to do is put Esther’s car on auto pilot!

After Germany, the first board meeting was in Australia, home of PIP Barry Palmer. The other board meetings were in San Diego and Toronto. This year found the Board in Arizona, Prague and will finish in Hawaii. Board meetings are serious business and the Directors work very hard on your behalf. Esther chaired the Leadership Development Committee this year for IP Preston and was on the committee last year for PIP Palmer. She also served on the Family and Women Action Committee, whose goal is to increase female membership and leadership as well as help with social service projects.

In Prague, Lion Esther received the Ambassador of Good Will Award in a palace….hard to top that! Lion Linda became a Melvin Jones Fellow and received her plague from PIP Palmer and IP Preston. Both very memorable events.

Over the course of the two years, many friendships worldwide were made. Lions everywhere do so many wonderful things in their communities and in the world.

Lion Esther has been humbled by this experience and forever grateful to the Lions of Michigan and the world for giving her this opportunity.

Following in the footsteps of PID Bill Hansen and PID Gary Anderson, Lion Esther is asking that in lieu of any formal celebration of her service, that individuals donate to a state project of their choice in her name.

Following Hawaii, Lion Esther plans to spend time with her sons in Kentucky and Las Vegas and to return to her Michigan Lions, whom she has missed these past two years, and to resume her many community volunteer opportunities.

Congratulations, International Director Esther LaMothe, for a job well done!

Upcoming Events

June 26-30

LCI Convention – Hawaii

July 4

Independence Day

July 4

LMASB Concert-5:30 p.m.

Mason, MI

July 31

1st VDG Training

Causeway Bay Hotel – Lansing

July 31-Aug 1

Council of Governors Meeting

Causeway Bay Hotel –Lansing

August 1

Lions of Michigan Foundation

Hall of Fame Dinner – Causeway Bay Hotel –Lansing

August 22

Committee Chair Training

State Office – 10:00 a.m.

September 17-19

USA/Canada Grand Forum

Grand Rapids

For complete calendar of events, check our website:

Executive Director’s Pride

With the 2014-15 Lions year quickly coming to a close, Lions can be proud of their many accomplishments. To re-cap what has been a very busy year: Lions recorded 3,571 activities, providing over 85,000 hours of service to nearly 32,000 people. In addition, 46,940 pairs of eyeglasses were supplied, 1,976 trees planted and $700,000.00 in donated funds. Lions were able to help 1,113 people receive the Gift of Sight; supported 559 campers at Lions Bear Lake Camp; helped with KidSight screenings across the state, and supported fundraising efforts for Leader Dogs for the Blind Canine Development Project.

Can we surpass these accomplishments in the coming year? Absolutely! The 2015-2016 International Theme: Dignity, Harmony, Humanity, will be your guide. Dignity through Humanitarian Service and Harmony through Cultural Exchange and Joint Global Projects. A beautiful theme to carry out not only in our clubs, but within ourselves. Peace, hope, determination, teamwork and uniting people through service are central elements of this year’s presidential them.

Your leadership team is ready to take on the challenge beginning July 1, and Lions will be ready to make 2015-16 a year of record-breaking growth, service, fun and fellowship.

Yours in Service,

Lion Wendy Burns, Executive Director


If it’s your first year as a State Chair or your 5th, join us for an orientation/refresher course in what is expected of you as Chair of one of the 20 State Committees.

Topics to be covered include:

·  What to expect from your District Governor

·  Defining your role with the District Chairs

·  How to manage a conference call

·  What the Lions State Office provides you with

·  Q & A

WHEN: August 22, 10:00 a.m.

WHERE: Lions State Office, 5730 Executive Dr., Lansing 48911

Another Great Lionistic Year ~Council Chair Jim Pettinato

It is absolutely amazing the things we accomplish as Lions. From providing glasses to a person in need all the way to eye surgery we cover it all with little or no financial assistance from the recipient.

Summer camps for the visually and hearing impaired is such a wonderful experience for them and you can hear their laughter from a long way away. Think what their summer would be like without these opportunities.

So how does all this happen? It happens because we are Lions and we provide the necessary resources to provide these services to those less advantaged than us.

Do we do it for recognition? No way, we do it because there is a need and we are Lions.

Our motto “We Serve” is much more than a motto it becomes the way we live our lives and influences all aspects of our daily routine.

It has been a pleasure serving the Lions of Michigan as the 2014 – 2015 Council Chairperson and you had a great group of Governors making this a fantastic year for us and all the people we serve in Michigan.

Lauraine and I wish you the best as you continue to serve those in need in your community, State and around the world.

Isn’t it Great To Be A Lion!!!!!!!!

Jim Pettinato, Council Chair


2015 Lions Leadership/Graduate Institute- November 13-15, 2015

The Lions Leadership Institute is a unique opportunity for individuals to learn and develop lifelong leadership skills, which can be applied to their job, their Lions Club, and their life.

Training equips Lions with the motivation, knowledge and skills to ensure that a high level of service is provided. It develops more leaders, and more leaders translate into greater service. Training makes Lions more effective.

Attending the Leadership Institute gives participants the tools and confidence to become more effective leaders. The skills learned can be applied to their job, their Lions Club and their everyday lives.

Participants learn key components of team building. By sharing ideas, success stories and humanitarian endeavors, Lions learn how to influence membership and become more open-minded and receptive to change.

How will the institute improve Michigan Lionism?

The Leadership Institute provides each district with a pool of trained leaders. Lionism is also improved by creating more responsive and dynamic Lions Clubs throughout Michigan.

Become Your Best – Train with the Best!


The Romeo Lions membership, which is currently sitting at 84 members, would like to thank District Governor Tom Hill for naming us the Club of the Year for District 11-A2. As a club, we couldn’t be more honored to receive this recognition! The foundation of our club is strong having started in 1942 and has been motivated by the motto “We Serve” ever since. Thankfully we are the host and organizers of the Michigan Peach Festival which is entering its 84th year! This Labor Day weekend festival allows us the opportunity to meet the Governors goals each year, to support local families in our community, to host an annual Christmas Party for children of less fortunate families (this year 45 families equalling 65 children attended), award seven $1000 scholarships to graduating seniors from Romeo High School and to always support LeaderDog to our fullest ability. In fact, this year in addition to our annual contributions, we made a commitment of $75,000 spread over five years to the LeaderDog kennel building project. This spring we also hosted our annual Wild Game Dinner and the second annual District Hearing Aid Program Pasta Dinner. Most recently, we held our Golf Outing that was a great success! As you can see we are a busy club, but there is no other way we would rather be. So in closing, thank you again District Governor Tom, we are humbled and grateful for this award. It has been a great year under your leadership, thank you for all you do and did this year!!

Below are some pictures of our club. This first is our 2014-2015 board and some other important members, the second one was taken at the Car Show which is one of the Peach Festival events. The third one was taken at the Hearing Aid Pasta Dinner.


Casino Trip, Euchre, Pancake Breakfast, Meat Bingo, Eat at this Restaurant-we get 20% of bill, Tote Bags. These are just a few things the Lioness of district 11A2 do to raise money. The Lioness are very active. When I visit them it is so much fun. They have one fundraiser after another. They give to all of the district charities and always meet the Governors Goals. They also support their Lions Club by helping with fundraisers. I am very proud of the Lioness Clubs of MD 11 and Lioness of District 11 A2. They work hard to help the less fortunate and have a great time doing it. Good job ladies, keep it up.

Members are tired of hearing “We need members.” Take time to look at your club. What is the average age? We are not getting any younger! I urge you to have a CEP program, a Club Orientation. It is disheartening to see what MD 11 will look like in 5 or 10 years. You need to evaluate your club every 3 to 5 years. We all need to work on membership.

It has been great being Governor. I want to thank the 2014-2015 Council of Governors for a great year. It has been my pleasure knowing you. We have had a lot of fun together. Good luck to all. One last thing: No more saying “where is your twin?” Governor Marty, it has been so much fun traveling and

getting lost together! –Governor Tom

DG Tom Hill, District 11 A2


The calendar indicates we are at the end of our year serving as a District Governor. How can this be? I can only speak for myself, but it has been a whirlwind of activities, fun, new friends, challenges and Lionism at its best. I have often heard that PDGs (which I will soon be), means “Power Done Gone.” I would like to think of myself as “Passionate District Governor.” I do not think I ever felt like I had some unique power while Governor, unless it was to empower and inspire our great Lions. I like the word “passionate” because we all have so much more to give and we serve enthusiastically. I am looking forward to getting back to my club meetings on a regular basis, helping with our club service activities and continue to serve with our district and state, helping to promote the opportunities that Lions provide for people to serve and then helping those not able to purchase eyeglasses, hearing aids, or provide funds for Leader Dogs and the like. I am sure, like my fellow District Governors, I learned so much about innovative service projects from our clubs as we visited. It doesn’t matter if the club has fewer than 10 members or more than 70, we are all in this for the same purpose….serving. Thank you to the great Lions, Lioness and Leos of MD-11 and SD-10 who serve unselfishly every day to make a difference in their communities.