Permanency Plan - TPR / Guardianship
The Honorable Judge[TM2]
Name - Child (Last, First, MI)
[TM4] / Birthdate - Child
TPR Date
[TM6] / Last ARB Review Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
[TM7] / Court Number
Current Provider
[TM9] / Provider Address
As the guardianship agency for [TM11], whose parent's rights have been terminated, we are referring this case to the court for a permanency plan hearing. As required under s. 48.38(5m)(a), Stats., we are submitting the following information.
I. / Describe The Child's Current Adjustment Needs And Progress (Within The Family / Facility, Peer Group And Community).


II. / Continued Necessity For And Appropriateness Of Placement


III. / Extent Of Compliance With Permanent Plan By The Agency And The Children


IV. / Services Provided Outside The Agency To Meet The Special Needs Of The Children


V. / Progress Towards Obtaining A Permanent Home For The Children


VI. / Date Permanent Plan / Adoption Is Likely To Be Achieved


VII. / Appropriateness Of The Permanent Plan And Circumstances Which Prevent Adoption Or Sustaining Care


VIII. / Date Of And Recommendation Of Last Permanency Plan Review Panel


IX. / Recommendation Of Guardianship Agency


X. / Signatures
Name - Worker
SIGNATURE - Worker / Date Signed
Name - Supervisor
SIGNATURE - Supervisor / Date Signed

Permanency Plan - TPR / GuardianshipPage 1 of 1

CFS-2355 (Rev. 12/2004)

[TM1]1The Date field is user entered on this template.

[TM2]1The Judge pre-fills from the Judge field on the Legal Documentation window and is not editable on the template. This data can be updated in the Judge field on the Legal Documentation window

[TM3]1This field pre-fills from the Court 2 field on the Legal Documentation window, and is not editable on the template. This data can be updated from the Court 2 fields on the Legal Documentation window.

[TM4]1The Child’s Name field pre-fills with the name of the case participant selected as ‘Child’ in the Role in the Document group box on the Legal Documentation window and is not editable on the template. If an incorrect child was selected, the information can be updated by selecting the ‘Child’ role for the correct child in the Role in Document group box on the Legal Documentation window. If the child name is misspelled, the data can be updated in the name fields on the Basic tab of the Person Management window.

[TM5]1The Birthdate field pre-fills from the Date of Birth field on the Basic tab of the Person Management window with the Date of Birth of the participant selected as ‘Child’ in the Role in the Document group box on the Legal Documentation window and is not editable on the template. This date can be updated in the Date of Birth field on the Basic tab of the Person Management window.

[TM6]1The TPR Date field pre-fills from the Date Order Entered Field of the Legal Status Window when the Legal Action is either 'Request for TPR,' 'TPR Petition Voluntary,' or 'TPR Petition Involuntary,' and the Result is either 'Motion Granted' or 'Petition Granted.' This field can be updated in the Date Order Entered field on the Legal Status.

[TM7]1The Last ARB Review Date field is user entered on this template.

[TM8]1The Court Number field is user entered on this template.

[TM9]1The Current Provider field pre-fills with the names of Parent 1 and Parent 2 of the Provider present on the Provider tab of the Out of Home Placement window for the selected child, and is not editable on the template.

[TM10]1The Provider Address field pre-fills with the Address of the Provider present on the Provider tab of the Out of Home Placement window for the selected child, and is not editable on the template. The address can be updated via the Create > Provider Work > Maintenance > Maintain Physical Address module for the specific provider.

[TM11]1This field pre-fills with the name of the case participant selected as ‘Child’ in the Role in the Document group box on the Legal Documentation window, and is not editable on the document. This name can be updated/modified in the Role in Document group box on the Legal Documentation window.

[TM12]1This field is user entered on the template.

[TM13]1This field is user entered on the template.

[TM14]1This field is user entered on the template.

[TM15]1This field is user entered on the template.

[TM16]1This field is user entered on the template.

[TM17]1This field is user entered on the template.

[TM18]1This field is user entered on the template.

[TM19]1This field is user entered on the template.

[TM20]1This field is user entered on the template.

[TM21]1The Worker Name pre-fills from the database based on the worker who created the document and is not editable on the template. The worker’s name can be updated by a supervisor in the First Name/MI/Last Name Field on the Basic tab of the Person Management window. If the assignment is incorrect, the supervisor needs to make the correct assignment(s) to the case by accessing the Create Worker Assignment window.

[TM22]1The Supervisor Name pre-fills from the Worker Maintenance window for the worker creating this document and is not editable on the template. This data can be updated in the Supervisor field on the Worker Maintenance window for the worker creating the document.