Part 1 / ITEM NO.


Report of theStrategic Director


The Assistant Mayor Housing & Environment on28August 2012


TITLE:Langworthy Shops Car Park



That the Assistant Mayor:

  1. Approves the Langworthy Shops Car Park Scheme as set out in this report.

2.Approves commencement of works subject to a target cost of £140,870.00.

3.Approves the appointment of Urban VisionHighways Services to undertake the works.



Terry McBrideExt: 8953



The strategic framework for the regeneration of Seedley and Langworthy was provided in an approved masterplan ‘Development and Urban Design Strategy for Seedley and Langworthy – January 2001’. This document highlighted the need to support the creation of a thriving, localised village centre. It also noted that in order to achieve this there would be a requirement to improve parking provision in the area by providing servicing / parking to the rear of the shops.

On27th May 2005 the City of Salford (78 – 142 Nansen Street, Salford) Compulsory Purchase Order 2003 was confirmed, which in effect allowed the City Council to assemble the land required to deliver the parking area.

Over time, and for a number of reasons, the original scheme has been revised. The current proposal to create a new road and car parking area providing 32 parking spaces to the rear of the shops has been developed within current land and funding constraints but fully meets local community aspirations.

Urban Vision (UV) has provided a target cost for the scheme of £140,870.00 and it is intended that the works will be undertaken by UV Highway Services in line with existing exclusivity rights.


BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: ‘Development and Urban Design Strategy for Seedley and Langworthy – January 2001’



An entry has been made in the Forward Plan for August 2012



1. Background

From 1999 to 2006 the regeneration of Seedley and Langworthy was the focus of investment under Round 5 of the Single Regeneration Budget.

Since the SRB5 programme ended in March 2006 investment by the public sector continued, in the main through the HMR programme.

The strategic framework for the regeneration of Seedley and Langworthy was provided in an approved masterplan ‘Development and Urban Design Strategy for Seedley and Langworthy – January 2001’. There was wide community consultation during the preparation of this strategy. The document gained formal approval on 29th January 2001.

The strategy envisaged that the future of the area will be predominantly residential, supported by complementary improvements to local services and facilities, including the establishment of localised village centres. One of the key early projects identified in the strategy, offering area wide benefit, is the establishment of a viable village/neighbourhood centre on Langworthy Road.

In the past Langworthy Road was a busy linear shopping street offering a range of shops and services to local people and the wider area. However, as thearea declined, many shops were forced to close.

The Langworthy and Seedley Traders Group confirmed that one of their key priorities, to improve the viability of their business, is the creation of more on-street parking (on Langworthy Road) with waiting restrictions to capture passing trade. Similarly, residents would like to see a more attractive, safe and pedestrian-friendly area within the public realm space outside the shops.

To achieve this, the area Master Plan proposed the construction of rear servicing and secure parking behind the refurbished shops. This would free up parking lay-bys to the front of the shops resulting in an increased passing trade to support the shops.

In order to progress this scheme and assemble land to the rear of the shops, the City of Salford (78 – 142 Nansen Street, Salford) Compulsory Purchase Order 2003 was confirmed on 27th May 2005. Since the confirmation of the Order and due to a number of reasons, not least being the additional land requirement for the school development, the original proposals for the scheme have been revised from the provision of service yards to the current proposed service road / car park scheme.

2.Proposed scheme.

The revised scheme was developed in conjunction with the Neighbourhood Manager based on criteria set by the local community. It will see the creation of a new road and car parking area providing 32 parking spaces to the rear of the shops (see attached plan). Works to be undertaken will include:

  • Securing planning permission
  • Excavate and remove site material
  • Installation of drainage
  • Build up of carriageway
  • Installation of kerbing
  • Marking out of parking bays
  • Provision of bollards to restrict traffic flow
  • Provision of soft landscaping to Amos Street
  • Provision of street lighting.

It is proposed that the scheme will be delivered by UV Highway Services in line with the existing Framework Agreement and exclusivity rights.

3.Financial implications.

UV has provided a target cost of £140,870.00 which includes all works and UV fees. Funding exists with the Private Sector Housing Capital Programme for 2012 / 2013 to deliver the scheme.


The delivery of the Langworthy Shops Car Park Scheme will support the continued development of a sustainable and thriving village centre in Seedley and Langworthy thereby meeting a core objective of the neighbourhood Master Plan and evidencing the City’s continued support for the area and its residents.

Funding exists within the 2012 / 2013 Private Sector Housing Capital Programme to support the delivery of the schemeand delivery by UV Highway Services complies with requirements set out within the Framework Agreement for this type of work.



Pledge 7 – ‘We will ensure that Salford is a city that’s good to live in with a quality environment and decent, affordable homes which meet the needs of local people’ Regeneration,Planning, Procurement Strategy,

Rethinking Construction Implementation Strategy.



Extensive consultation was undertaken with the local community in the development of the Master Plan document. Its core objectives set out the aspirations of the community and its vision for a sustainable future.


ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Medium – non delivery of the scheme will result in the Council failing to meet one of the core objectives of the Seedley and Langworthy Masterplan.


SOURCE OF FUNDING: Private Sector Housing Capital Programme 2012 / 2013.


LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: Supplied byNorman Perry, Group Leader (Property), Legal Services, 219 6316.

There are no legal issues arising out of this report.


FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Supplied by Janet Cross, Capital Accountant, X2858 / Chris Mee, Group Accountant, X0434.

There is sufficient budget within the Private Sector Capital Programme 2012/13, Seedley and Langworthy area to accommodate this project.



Urban Vision



