65 Jefferson Court

Gordonsville, VA 29942

(540) 832-1751

New Client Information

1.  Name (First, Last):______

2.  Street Address: ______

3.  Mailing Address (if different from above):______

4.  City: ______ZIP:______County:______

5.  Home Phone:______Work Phone:______Cell Phone: ______

6.  Primary Contact Number (Include area code): ______

7.  Employer:______Driver’s Lic # ______

8.  Email address:______

We send emails to remind you if your pet(s) are due for vaccines

and register you to use our online pharmacy

9.  Spouse’s Name: ______Spouse’s Phone Number: ______

10.  Referred By: ______The client who referred you will receive a $10.00 credit.

Please note, we do not accept checks as a form of payment.

Pet Information

1.Pet’s Name: ______

Please circle your answers: Canine/Feline Male/Female Spayed or Neutered: Yes/No

Breed: ______Color: ______DOB/Estimated Age: ______

2.Pet’s Name: ______

Please circle your answers: Canine/Feline Male/Female Spayed or Neutered: Yes/No

Breed: ______Color: ______DOB/Estimated Age: ______

3.Pet’s Name: ______

Please circle your answers: Canine/Feline Male/Female Spayed or Neutered: Yes/No

Breed: ______Color: ______DOB/Estimated Age: ______

Name of previous Animal Hospital (Veterinarian):______

By signing this form, I understand that I am responsible for this account and any charges incurred. I am also aware that Crossroads Animal Hospital requires 24 hour notice before canceling an appointment. If 24 hours notice is not received or the appointment is missed altogether without cancellation notice, there may be a $40.00 missed appointment charge applied to your account per each exam that was missed.

Client Signature:______Date:______

Name Printed:______

Disclosure of Hours

In accordance with state law, we are required to provide you with a disclosure of our business hours. During the times listed below, our facility is open and fully staffed. When the hospital is closed, there are no employees or caretakers on the premises. Any animals remaining at the clinic after the hours listed below will be unattended.



Sunday – Closed

Client Signature: ______Date: ______