Worldwide Youth of Science and Engineering


We the people of the Minooka Worldwide Youth of Science and Engineering (WYSE) declare such forth these assessments that progress the mind to such levels as an exceptional scholar to be of highest echelon of honor. To partake in this advancement of knowledge, one must follow a definite set of regulations. Of these include the understanding and subsequent application of all the rules within the Minooka Community High School handbook. Including these rules, one must obey the laws of our country and of this state. If said member fails to live up to the expectations of these edicts, the consequence will be applied as according to the advisor of the Minooka Worldwide Youth of Science and Engineering (WYSE) and the dean of students. Punishment may comprise of reprimand or the possibility of suspension and/or termination from this prestigious assemblage of brilliance. Beyond the practice of following said rules, one must participate in a specific minimum of full meetings and individual subject practice tests. These numbers will be as follows: two total conferences, one of said member’s main subject group and one with everyone of WYSE; two timed tests a semester(finals and ACTS do not count); and one subject test to be completed at home per month. The Grade-Point-Average minimum to be accepted into WYSE must stay above 3.5. With the accumulation of the practice of these rules, attending the minimum amount of meetings, and taking the least amount of timed and take-home tests, one will be proudly accepted as an honored WYSE member. Remember that, as a member of this organization, you reflect the views of all members of WYSE and at each event reflect the views of our school, Minooka Community High School. In signing this declarative constitution, you agree to follow these requirements and also understand the consequences for not following them. Focus. Perform. Excel.

X______(Printed Name)

X______(Signature and Date)