Be A Social Sciences Movie Critic

Viewing a film with a critical eye is an essential skill as a social scientist. In many ways movies are a reflection of the world around us and serve as a good medium to educate, criticize and evaluate what we see around us. For this assignment you need to put on your sociological lense.

The Task:

After viewing the film American History X write a social sciences movie review . Your review should include but is not limited to the following:

·  offer a brief (VERY BRIEF) synopsis of the film

·  a description of how the characters are portrayed and their significance to the film

·  the attitudes represented by the characters

·  describe the central themes / messages the film is trying to convey…….Here, you would want to back up your claim with evidence, so show a certain scene or interactions between characters that represents the theme you discussed

·  What questions does this film raise?

·  How is this film linked to the course? ……be sure to incorporate social science terminology as much as possible

·  Your overall general impression of the film

NOTE: Write a conclusion that outlines the main points in your review. This is where

all of the information discussed should be summed up

VERY IMPORTA NT NOTE: Do NOT write a paper that simply lists a bunch of answers to the above questions. A review should follow general essay organizational form. Show me you have thought about the film and made connections between the film and what you’ve learned in class.

Be A Social Sciences Movie Critic

Criteria / Level 4
(80-100%) / Level 3
(70-79%) / Level 2
(60-69%) / Level 1
- Knowledge & Understanding of film and the Time Period & Events within which it is set. - -
- Understanding of concepts being dealt with / clearly explaining the relationship between the film’s portrayal of the issues and real life
- Information presented is informative, organized and original in scope / -explaining the relationship between the film’s portrayal of the issues and real life
- Information presented is informative organized and develops the topic / -making some effort to explain the relationship between the film’s portrayal of the issues and real life
- Answers are mostly complete,informative and some evidence supports the topic / -making a limited effort to explain the relationship between the film’s portrayal of the issues and real life
- Answers are not complete as information is unfocussed
- Ranking and Critique of Film / providing a clear and justified ranking of the film / -providing a justified ranking of the film / -providing a ranking of the film / -does not provide a ranking of the film
Thinking / Inquiry
- Ability to research, question and reflect upon the film / -making excellent use of historical evidence and/or current events / -making considerable use of historical evidence and/or current events / -Lacking a varied use of historical evidence, current events and documentary support / -making little use of historical evidence, current events
-Volume, language, fluency and physical expression
- Creativity, engages the audience
- Organization / -begins with a clear intro. that sets the scene
-providing clear descriptions of segments and their relation to society in a highly effective presentation style
-ending with a clear and effective conclusion, summing up the evidence
- Is able to incorporate anthropological / sociological and or psychological terminology with a high degree of effectiveness / -begins with an intro. the sets the scene
-providing descriptions of segments and their relation to society in an effective presentation style
-ending with a clear conclusion, summing up the evidence
- Is able to incorporate anthropological / sociological and or psychological terminology with a moderate amount of effectiveness / -begins with an intro. that attempts to set the scene
-providing descriptions of segments and their relation to society in a satisfactory presentation style
-ending with a conclusion and attempts to sum up the evidence
- Is able to incorporate anthropological / sociological and or psychological terminology with a little degree of effectiveness / -Begins with an intro. that does not set the scene
-providing clear descriptions segments and their relation to society in a poor presentation style
-ending with a conclusion and makes little attempt to sum up the evidence
- Is able to incorporate anthropological / sociological and or psychological terminology with no effectiveness