AU Summer University 2015
Course on the
(United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods)
Vienna Convention on the International Sales of Goods
By prof. Morten Midtgaard Fogt
The tentative program: 44-46 hours
The lectures are numbered and the required reading is indicated in the list below.
Week 32:
1. Monday from 08:00-12:00
2. Thursday from 08:00-12:00
3. Friday from 08:00-12:00 and 13:00-15:00
Week 33:
4. Monday from 08:00-12:00
5. Thursday from 08:00-12:00
6. Friday from 08:00-12:00 and 13:00-15:00
Week 34:
7.-8. Monday from 08:00-12:00
9. Thursday from 08:00-12:00 (perhaps 13:00-15:00)
10. Friday from 08:00-12:00 and Q-hours from 13:00-15:00
Week 35:
Wednesday-Friday: Exam from 08:30-17:00
Obligatory reading (pensum):
J. Lookofsky, Understanding the CISG, 4th ed., 2012 (not Ch. 9)
Articles and case law mentioned
Week 32:
1. Introduction and Overview
Lookofsky, Understanding, Ch. 1, §§ 1-1 to 1-4.
Case law:
Danish Supreme Court Case UfR 2001.1039 HD, see M. M. Fogt, EuLF 2003, 61 et seq. (Steel pipe case)
2. Field of Application and Reservations
Lookofsky, Understanding, Ch. 2A.
Fogt, The stipulation and interpretation of freight prepaid delivery clauses under the CISG, EuLF 2003, 61 ff.
Case law:
Field of Application:
DC, ND California 27.7 2001, Asante Tech, INC v. PMC-Sierra, INC (Art. 10 CISG, the computer chips case)
Danish Eastern CA 23th April 1998, UfR 1998.1092 ØLD (Art. 1 (1) b) CISG, Chez Madame Bernard case)
Danish Western CA 10th november 1999, Fogt 2000, Dalloz Sommaire, Cahier droit des affaires, vol. 176 nr. 42, p. 438-440; Fogt, ZEuP 2002, p. 585 ff.; Fogt, UfR 2002 B, p. 129 ff. (Art. 1 (1) a)-b) CISG, Danish Christmas Tree case)
CA Tallinn 19.2 2004 (Art. 11, 96 CISG, Tomato Paste case)
OLG Köln, Germany, 26 August 1994 (Art. 1 CISG, Market study case)
OLG Koblenz, Germany, 17 September1993 (Art. 1 CISG, Computer chip case)
HG Zürich 17.2.2000 (Art. 1 CISG, ‘Software to be installed’ case)
Danish Eastern High Court (CA) 4.12 2000, UfR 2001.713 ØLD (Art. 3 (2) CISG, Hire/purchase case)
Cour de cassation (F) 5. 1 1999 (Art. 1 and 4 CISG, Thermo King case)
CISG Reservations:
Bernstein/Lookofsky, Understanding, Ch. 8.
Danish Eastern CA 23th April 1998, UfR 1998.1092 ØLD (Art. 92, Art. 1 (1) b) CISG, Chez Madame Bernard case)
Danish Western CA 10th november 1999, Fogt 2000, Dalloz Sommaire, Cahier droit des affaires, vol. 176 nr. 42, p. 438-440; Fogt, ZEuP 2002, p. 585 ff.; Fogt, UfR 2002 B, p. 129 ff. (Art. 92, Art. 1 (1) a)-b) CISG, Danish Christmas Tree case)
Danish Supreme Court Case UfR 2001.1039 HD, see M. M. Fogt, EuLF 2003, 61 et seq. (Art. 31 a) – Steel pipe case, part of the case concerned Art. 94)
CA Tallinn 19.2 2004 (Art. 11, 96 CISG, Tomato Paste case)
3. General Provisions and Introduction to Contract Formation
Lookofsky, Understanding, Ch. 2B.
Fogt, CISG and Agreement and Binding Practice to Arbitrate (forthcoming 2015)
Fogt, The Knowlegde Test under the CISG (forthcoming 2015)
Case law:
Italian Tribunale di Padova Sez. Este from 11.01.2005 (Art. 6 CISG, ‘law and regulations of the ICC’ clause)
Federal Supreme Court of Austria (OGH) from 2.4 2009 (Art. 6 CISG, the ‘comma’ case)
Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland (BG) from 16.12 2009 (Art. 6 CISG, ‘laws of Switzerland as applied between domestic parties’ clause)
Court de Cassation of Belgium 19.6 2009 (Art. 7 (2) and 79 CISG, Lourraine Stell Tubes case)
CA Vilnius, 27.3 2000, comments Fogt/Rosch, Dalloz 2003 (Art. 9 (1), Wood case)
Week 33:
4. Contract Formation
Lookofsky, Understanding, Ch. 3, §§ 3-1 to 3-6.
Case law:
Austrian Supreme Court, OGH 10.11 1994 (Art. 14 CISG, Chinchilla pelts case)
CA Kiel 27.7.2004 (Fogt, IPRax 2007, 417 ff.), see (Art. 8, 18 (3) and 9 (2) CISG, Frying fat case)
BGH 9.1.2002 (Art. 7 (1) and 19 CISG, Powdered Milk case)
5. Contract Formation continued
Lookofsky, Understanding, Ch. 3, §§ 3-7 to 3-11.
Fogt, ‘Contract Formation under the CISG: The Need for a Reform’, in: DiMatteo (ed.), International Sales Law – A Global Challenge, Cambridge UP 2014, p. 179-202
Case law:
US District Court, Southern District, New York, 18.1 2011 (Hanwha Corporation v. Cedar Petrochemicals)
6. Contract Formation contined and Introduction to Obligations of the Parties
Lookofsky, Understanding, Ch. 4.
Week 34:
7. Obligations of the Parties
Lookofsky, Understanding, Ch. 4.
Fogt, Some Remarks on the Caveat Emptor Rule under the CISG – in Cator’s Case and others, in: J. Lookofsky/ M. B. Andersen, The CISG Convention and Domestic Contract Law, Harmony or Cross-Inspiration or Discord, Copenhagen 2014, p. 147-16
Case law:
BGH 8.3.1995 (Art. 35 CISG, New Zealand mussel case ‘recommendation’)
U.S. District Court of Louisiana 17.5 1999, (Art. 35 CISG, Safety regulation case, mandatory public regulations)
BGH 2.3.2005 (Art. 35 CISG, Pork meat case, about mere suspicion)
8. Obligations of the Parties and Passing the Risk
Lookofsky, Understanding, Ch. 4 and Ch. 5.
Danish Supreme Court Case UfR 2001.1039 HD, see M. M. Fogt, EuLF 2003, 61 et seq. (Art. 31 a) – Steel pipe case)
9. Remedies for Breach, Buyer’s Remedies
Lookofsky, Understanding, Ch. 6A-6B.
Danish Western CA 10th november 1999, Fogt 2000, Dalloz Sommaire, Cahier droit des affaires, vol. 176 nr. 42, p. 438-440; Fogt, ZEuP 2002, p. 585 ff.; Fogt, UfR 2002 B, p. 129 ff. (Art. 92, Danish law lex causae, Art. 35 (1), Art. 38-39, Art. 50, Art. 25, Art. 26, Art. 49 CISG – Danish Christmas Tree case)
10. Remedies for Breach, Seller’s Remedies and common provisions (see the common provisions in Art. 71 ff.)
Bernstein/Lookofsky, Understanding, Ch. 6C
Danish Supreme Court Case UfR 2008.181 HD (Part II CISG, Art. 71-73 – Suzuki motor cycle case)
Additional reading, article: M. M. Fogt, Vertragsschluss, antizipierte Vertragsverletzung und Deckungskauf nach CISG, forthcoming ZEuP 2015.
(Ch. 7 in overview (hovedtræk) is part of the exam)
Week 35:
Own preparation for exam
Week 35:
Oral exams:
Wednesday to Friday 26-28 August 2015