CFA Yearbook Staff Application


Please completely fill out every section of this application, as well as the contract. Applications with missing information will not be considered. All sections of the application are due no later than Wednesday, April 8, 2015. Return all applications to Ms. Borders in Rm. 108 at the Academy.

Section I. Personal Information

Full Name ______

Address ______


Home Phone ______

Cell Phone (if you have one) ______

E-mail address ______

Current grade level ______

Current GPA ______

Section II. Classes/Extracurricular activities

Do you plan to participate in band or sports your freshman year? If so, please explain.


Section III. Quick Questions

Please check yes or no for the following questions.

Yes / No
Are you willing to make yearbook a priority for next year?
Are you willing to work as needed after school, on weekends, or during holidays to fulfill your responsibility in meeting deadlines?
Do you feel comfortable writing and having your work edited?
Have you worked on the Yearbook Staff this year at South Girard?
Do you feel comfortable taking pictures and/or learning these skills?
Do you feel comfortable with layout/design and/or learning these skills?
Do you have a computer at home with Internet access?
Do you feel comfortable talking to other students you do not know and interviewing them?
Will you contribute to the financial success of the yearbook by selling ads, participating in fundraisers, and selling yearbooks?
Can you attend a summer yearbook workshop to prepare, plan, brainstorm ideas, etc. for yearbook??
Would you be willing to accept a leadership role and assume a position involving additional responsibility and commitment?
Do you work well under pressure?
Do you work well on tasks with others?
Do you have a Twitter account?
Do you agree to refrain from accessing any websites not pertaining to yearbook until all your work is done and perfect?

Section IV. Section Editors

Please answer the following question.

Are you interested in being a section editor? What section are you interested in (people, student life, clubs academics, sports, advertisements, index, business manager)? Why do you feel you are qualified to be an editor of this section? If you need more space, please answer on another sheet of paper.


Section V. Letter

Write a letter to me and this year’s staff explaining your interest in working on next year’s publication. In your personal letter, explain why you feel you would be an asset to the yearbook staff. What special skills, interests, or personality traits would make you a valuable yearbook staff member? Make sure your name is on your letter.

Your letter should address the following: your level of responsibility in completing assignments on time, your desire to do excellent work, your care in doing neat work, your attention to detail, creativity, ability to get along with and take orders from peers, general attitude, discipline, and why you would make a good yearbook staff member.

Section VI. Teacher Recommendation

Please get two current teachers to complete recommendation forms for you. They must complete these and send these via courier to me at CFA. You are not to send these letters to me with YOUR packet. I want these teachers to feel the freedom to be honest about you in the recommendation process. One of these teachers MUST be your English teacher.

Yearbook Staff Contract


Yearbook students are responsible, hardworking, motivated, reliable, mature, positive, friendly, and detail-oriented. They are good writers and/or photographers. Yearbook staff members know there is a time to work and a time to play. Work always comes first.

I, ______, am a student at South Girard School. I am in good academic standing. I am applying to be a member of the 2015-2016 Yearbook staff at the Central Freshman Academy. With my signature below, I acknowledge that if I am chosen as a yearbook staff member for the 2015-2016 school year:

1. I must accept the assignments given to me and complete them before or on the day of their deadlines. I understand that failure to complete my entire assignment by the deadline, including any editing or photo-retakes, will result in a lower grade. If I am unable to complete a deadline because of illness or other excused absence, I will work with Ms. Borders and other staff members to get my work done. If I am unable to work according to these standards, I acknowledge that Ms. Borders may elect to change my schedule for the 2nd semester.

2. I understand and accept that in order to meet my deadlines or a staff deadline I may need to stay after school and/or work online on weekends. I will not, however, come during other class periods since the yearbook program may be accessed from home.

3. I agree to help other staff members finish their deadlines if I have completed mine.

4. If I transfer out of the class, I will make sure all assignments given to me at the beginning of the year and any current assignments are delegated to other staff members. I will inform the adviser about all unfinished assignments and work I have delegated before I leave the class.

5. I agree to sell a minimum of one half-page ($120) in business ads. I agree to pursue these sales during the summer in order to meet the obligation. I understand that my grade will be negatively affected if I fail to do so.

6. I will be available and willing to help sell yearbooks during scheduled sales days.

7. I agree to handle all yearbook equipment, including cameras, yearbooks, computers, printers, and other supplies with care and will be responsible for replacement or repair if lost or damaged while in my possession.

8. I agree to attend all staff meetings. If I am unable to attend, I will contact the adviser.

9. I understand that more than one missed deadline will result in removal from the class and a failing grade.

10. I will be available to participate in one of the summer activities and will ensure that the adviser has a current phone number and/or email address where I can be reached.


Applicant’s Signature Date


Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Date