2007 Deep Bench
Questions by Pat Hope
Edited by Rob Carson, Andrew Hart, and Quentin Roper
Quads Packet Tossups

1. Jackson and Broadway used a similar setup as it to study the properties of active nitrogen. One result of it was the discovery of Rabi oscillation, which is one of the foundations for most MRI machines, while another application produced the hydrogen maser. It was performed when of its namesakes was studying under Max Born, and led to questioning of the overly simplistic Bohr model of the atom. Showing how electrons behave differently than true dipoles when passing through a homogeneous magnetic field, FTP, name this 1922 experiment designed to test whether particles have intrinsic angular momentum.
ANSWER: Stern-Gerlach experiment

2. He was allegedly able to communicate in both Greek and Latin by the age of seven, and was apparently the brains behind the building of Christ's Hospital. His foreign policy accomplishments include bringing an end to the War of the Rough Wooing. Domestically, he dealt with the revolts against use of the Book of Common Prayer, and his advisors included Northumberland, and the First Duke of Somerset, who ruled as a regent for this man during the first two years of his reign. FTP, name this ruler who was succeeded by the nine-day reign of Lady Jane Grey and eventually by his half-sister Mary, the son of Henry VIII who ruled England as a boy-king from 1547-1553.

3. Piet tends to the title plants while Gladys pores over a journal with no words in it, and Steve Daniels prepares to leave the country in this man's A Lesson from Aloes. The title characters decide "Our life is dumb" before an old man dies on them, but Boesman beats the corpse and they have to flee in his Boesman and Lena. The young schoolteacher Elsa Barlow admires the elderly Miss Helen's statues in one in his works, while in another, Zachariah and Morris are two brothers with different skin colors, and they role play black menial and white master. In addition to The Blood Knot, this man wrote a work in which Sam Semela's relationship with Hally changes when Hally spits on him. FTP, name this author of MASTER HAROLD...and the Boys.
ANSWER: Harold Athol Lannigan Fugard (accept A Lesson from Aloes before "this man's")

4. This man’s political career began early in life when he became a city counselor in a posh Paris suburb, most famously negotiating with a man who had taken schoolchildren hostage. He rose quickly through the political ranks, becoming Minister of the Budget and, as Minister of Finance, he cut government ownership of his country's Telecom. Eventually serving two terms as Minister of the Interior, where he worked to relieve tensions among his country’s Muslims and ended up taking flak for riots in late 2005. Eventually beating Ségolène Royal to take his current job, FTP, name this Hungarian-descended President of France.
ANSWER: Nicolas Sarkozy (Or Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sárközy de Nagy-Bocsa, but seriously, who’s going to say that?)

5. This runner-up in the 2000 slam dunk contest had to sit out several games in 2001-02 with an inner ear disorder. He started out at San Jacinto and Allegany Colleges before transferring to a larger school. After stating he was almost positive he would stay at Maryland for his senior year, he entered the NBA Draft, and was taken number two by Vancouver. He forced a trade from Vancouver, refused to come off the bench for Orlando, and was immediately released by Portland after he was traded for Zach Randolph. FTP, name this best bud of Cuttino Mobley and once-again Houston Rocket, a guard nicknamed "Franchise."
ANSWER: Steve D'Shawn Francis (Prompt on "Stevie Franchise")

6. The lower right corner of Picasso's composition of this name features a group of three women, one enigmatically smiling and another whispering into the third's ear. In the top left background of this painting, a woman in blue sits on a bench and rejects the advances of a man in a black suit. A beaded man in the front right is picking his teeth with a toothpick or match, and a younger man next to him fiddles a pen in his two hands on the table. In the center, a bearded gent appears to be leaning in for a kiss, but his girl is leaning away from him. Near the left center, a bearded man in a bowler is seen dancing with a woman in white. Set at a fashionable restaurant at Montmartre, FTP, name this Impressionist masterpiece of Pierre-Auguste Renoir.
ANSWER: La moulin de la Galette or Bal au la moulin de la Galette, Montmartre

7. This construction is used to prove that a square wave's Laplace transform has poles at all values for which the denominator of the transform equation equals zero. One variation which uses difference operators is called the Stolz-Cesaro Theorem. It can be proved by performing a Taylor expansion on an equation and applying Cauchy's mean value theorem. It is not useful for unreduced trigonometric functions because it simply rearranges them, but it can be used to find the limit of lots of expressions in which a function is multiplied, divided, or taken to the power of another function. FTP, name this rule which uses derivatives in calculating limits of functions when the component functions approach zero or infinity.
ANSWER: L’Hôpital’s Rule

8. One character with this name is a visitor at the namesake seaside resort town in Jane Austen’s unfinished novel, Sanditon, while another is the constant companion of Esther Summerson in Bleak House. Another person with this name is the wife of Adam Verver in The Golden Bowl. Yet another is Lucy Honeychurch's cousin with whom she visits Florence in A Room With a View. A still more famous person possessing this first name marries William Collins in Pride and Prejudice. Another character with this name writes the words "Terrific" and "Radiant" before dying at the county fair. FTP, name this name, best known as that of a literate spider in an E.B. White novel about her namesake "web."
ANSWER: Charlotte

9. After one of his major battles he signed a two-month armistice in return for a city, prompting the president to repudiate his authority, and he commanded troops under Henry Atkinson in the Black Hawk war. He was the captain in charge of Fort Harrison during a battle there, which earned him his promotion to major, and his victory at Lake Okeechobee was a win against the Seminoles. After defeating Pedro de Ampudia at Monterrey, he disobeyed Polk's orders and diverted John Wool's troops to march with him Santa Anna's troops at Buena Vista. FTP, name this general and future Whig president, known as "Old Rough and Ready."
ANSWER: Zachary Taylor

10. Taft's strong dissent in Adkins v. Children's Hospital suggested that this case should be overruled. The "era" that this case ushered in ended with a case that saw the notorious "switch in time to save nine," West Coast Hotel v. Parrish. Much of Rufus Peckham's opinion dealt with whether the law in question constituted a proper use of the police power. John Marshall Harlan's dissent in this case decried the Court's attempt to become a legislature, while Oliver Wendell Holmes's dissent stated that the fourteenth amendment does not enact Spencer's Social Statics. FTP, name this 1905 case which overturned a law concerning bakers' working hours.
ANSWER: Lochner v. New York

11. There are four enclaves in this country including Sokh and Shakhrimardan, and tThis country has an exclave at Barak, in the Fergana Valley northwest of its city of Osh. Like Afghanistan and Azerbaijan, it has a city called Jalal-Abad, which was a stop along the Silk Road, and its principle river is the Naryn, which meets the Kar Darya to create the Syr Darya. It shares its highest peak with its larger neighbor, and that 24,000+ foot tall summit is known as "Victory Peak" or Jengish Chokusu. It is home to Lake Issyk Kul, the second-largest mountain lake in the world, in its Alay range of the Tian Shan Mountains. FTP, name this landlocked, mountainous Central Asian nation with capital at Bishkek.
ANSWER: Kyrgyzstan

12. A modification of a modification of this reaction requires a pyramidine base for decarboxylation. That reaction is the Doebner modification, and it is based on a modification to this reaction that sees the nucleophilic addition of an active hydrogen group to a carbonyl, resulting in the alpha, beta conjugated version of this reaction's product. In addition to that reaction named for Knoevenagel, the Robinson annulation requires Methyl-vinyl-ketones because they are both a Michael adapter and able to undergo this reaction. This reaction sees a carbonyl and an enolate ion form a beta-hydroxy-aldehyde or -ketone, which is then dehydrated to an enone. FTP, name this condensation reaction named for a portmanteau of "aldehyde" and "alcohol."
ANSWER: Aldol condensation

13. In one section, a bad batch of antipyretics calls a lawyer to Bangkok and later to India, which is of particular interest as he was once a schoolmate of two Siamese princes. This portion ends after that lawyer sees moles on the side of Ying Chan and a villa burns down.* The final section features an attempted suicide via methanol in 1974, sixty years after the events involving Satoko and the untimely death of Kiyoaki, who is apparently reincarnated in each subsequent section. Featuring the recurring character of Shigekuni Honda, FTP, name this tetralogy by Mishima Yukio.
ANSWER: The Sea of Fertility (Accept: Temple of the Dawn before asterisk)

14. At the very end of Paradiso, this man replaces Beatrice as Dante's guide as he approaches his meeting with the Virgin Mary. His first major role in greater Church affairs came at the Council of Troyes. He prosecuted Abelard for heresy and sided with Innocent II in his feud with Anacletus II over the papacy after the death of Honorius II. He was called upon to preach after the fall of Edessa, and he was able to get Conrad, king of the Romans to join in his most notable accomplishment. His speech at Vezelay caused Louis VII and Eleanor of France to take up the cross. FTP, name this Cistercian, a Frenchman who advocated the Second Crusade.
ANSWER: St. Bernard of Clairvaux

15. Successive lines are keyed in A minor, A-flat minor, G minor, and F-sharp minor in the Confutatis section of this work. The Tuba mirum section of this work features an unexpected obbligato trombone, and this piece is scored only for basset-horn, bassoon, trumpet, trombone timpani, and string, although the organ part is extant for most of the work. The Kyrie is a double fugue, while the offertory contains the sections Domine Jesu Christ and Hostias. Its lacrimosa cuts off abruptly after eight measures, and it was completed by Franz Sussmayr. Containing a notable dies irae, FTP, identify this unfinished choral work by the composer of The Magic Flute.
ANSWER: Mozart’s Requiem or K. 626

16. The female protagonist is last seen kneeling before the tomb of Raphael at the Pantheon, where she gives a gesture of repulsion and blessing. Three characters make an appointment to go to the Church of the Capuchins to see a painting that looks like the central antagonist, but they find the antagonist's funeral instead. The climactic event of this novel takes place on Tarpeian Rock, where the male protagonist flings a stalker to his death. That murderer is Donatello, who kills the stalker of Miriam, and after he is apprehended the story shifts to a relationship between Kenyon and Hilda. FTP, name this work which takes its title from Donatello's resemblance to a Praxiteles statue, the last novel of Nathaniel Hawthorne.
ANSWER: The Marble Faun

17. In the fallout of this event, Alexander Baring claimed that "No slight to the authority of the United States was ever intended." One of its instigators was killed by an Irish rebel name Benjamin Lett, and in the incident, only one man named Amos Durfee was killed, although initial reports indicated that dozens had died. After a failed revolt, Rensselaer Van Rensselaer took refuge on Navy Island, leading to this event. It was perpetrated by Col. Allan MacNab, and in retaliation, Martin Van Buren ordered the burning of the S.S. Robert Peel. FTP, name this incident, which saw Canadian loyalists cross the US border to burn a ship supplying separatists.
ANSWER: SS Caroline Affair (accept the burning of the Caroline)

18. Among this character's associates are a computer named TEC-XX, for whom she runs errands and teaches about love and her name graces a beam weapon used to counteract the power of the Star Rod. She was unofficially married to her nemesis in an attempt to fulfill the prophecies of the Dark Prognosticus and has been known to attack with frying pans and her parasol. She has an advisor named Toadsworth, although she is primarily known for her less active role in games, usually stuck in a castle somewhere after being kidnapped by a large turtle. FTP, name this blond, pink dress-wearing sovereign of the Mushroom Kingdom.
ANSWER: Princess Peach Toadstool

19. In another one section, "Bad Blood," the author laments his lack of a connection to the history of France, but ends with the narrator's going along with the "French way." The author analyzes his own prior poetry, saying "I invented the color of the vowels!" and labeling "U" green in the section "Alchemy of the word." The first section describes a banquet where every heart was open wide, while another section is spoken from the viewpoint of the poem's addressee and is entitled "The Foolish Virgin and the Infernal Bridegroom." Featuring the sections "Delirium I" and "Delirium II" and written to the author’s former lover, Paul Verlaine, FTP, name this work of Arthur Rimbaud.
ANSWER: A Season in Hell or Une Saison en Enfer