AV Equipment Instructions.

Switching On:

Press the “On” button on the control panel on the wall (look for the blue lights).

The projector will now switch on. The “On” & “Computer” buttons will both flash for

about 30 seconds while the projector switches on and the lamp warms up.

If the “On” button and either the “VHS/DVD” or “Computer” buttons on the panel are illuminated and the projector is off, press the “On” button. The projector will now switch on.

Using a Laptop:

Do NOT switch your laptop on yet.

Press the “Computer” button on the control panel on the wall.

Connect the laptop using the VGA/Computer cable (labelled “Laptop”) and the AUDIO

cable (if required).

Switch your laptop on now. If necessary, press the appropriate key combination on your laptop (i.e. Fn+F5) to mirror/extend the output of your laptop to the projector.

NB: Using a MAC Laptop: Switch your MAC on BEFORE you connect the laptop cable. Ensure you have your video/VGA adaptor (if required).

Using the PC:

Press the “Computer” button on the control panel on the wall.

Ensure the PC is switched on. You may have to move the mouse to “wake” the PC up.

NB If a laptop is connected, it will over-ride the main PC signal.

Login with your University username and password. Insert your USB stick if appropriate.

The PC has a “Timeout” facility if it is not used for about 5-10 minutes. You will get a warning message. If it does log you out, any files saved on the desktop will bedeleted.

If a PowerPoint Presentation is started (i.e. the first “slide” is shown), it will NOT “Timeout”.

Using the DVD/VCR:

Press the “VHS/DVD” button on the control panel on the wall.

Switch on the DVD/VCR player. Select “DVD” or “VCR” on the front of the DVD/VCR player.

Insert your DVD/Tape.

Press the “Play” button on the DVD/VCR player, or use the Remote Control, if available (usually in the cabinet, on/by the DVD/VCR).

Adjusting the Volume:

The volume controls are at the right hand side of the control panel, Volume▲ & Volume▼.

If you are using a laptop or the main/classroom PC, please remember that there are twovolume level controls that can be adjusted. Ensure the audio cable is plugged into the correct output of the laptop, usually the headphones socket.

Switching Off:

Press the “Off” button on the control panel on the wall.

The “Off” button will now flash for 2 minutes. Pressing any other button while this flashes will not do anything.

Remove your DVD/Tape.Switch off the DVD/VCR.

Remove your USB stick from the PC via the “Safely Remove Hardware” icon on the menu bar.

Ensure you have logged off the PC.

Gateway Seminar Rooms Media Services – Ext.3674