GULL cascade plan form

Contact details:

Please provide the following information:

Your name:

Your organizational position:

The name of your organization and the full postal address:

Your organization’s website address (if you have one):

Your email address:

Your Skype ID (if you use Skype):

Acceptance details:

Please confirm as appropriate [delete either Yes or No] for each statement:

[Yes / No] I have established a Professional Master and/or Doctor cascade leadership groupso as to cascade the GULL system to others via the creation and implementation of one or more outcomes map(s).

[Yes / No] I confirm that professional Master/Doctor degree participants (as appropriate) meet the typical entry profile requirements and I understand that GULL normally certifies the work of cascade leadership groups on completion of levels 2 and 5 respectively (certification at other levels is available on request).

[Yes / No] I confirm that I have read, understood and will adhere to the narrative format requirements for foundation levels 1 & 2 and progression levels 3, 4 & 5 and that the cascade leadership group project work commencing at level 3 will include the creation and implementation of one or more Professional Bachelor degree pathway outcomes map(s).

[Yes / No] I understand that GULL normally certifies Professional Bachelor outcomes map pathways on completion of levels 2 and 5 respectively (certification at other levels is available on request).

Professional Bachelor degree pathway outcomes map

Please provide outline details of one outcomes map only so that we can provide you with feedback (as appropriate).

Input activity (e.g. training, short courses or other inputs):

[Enter details here]

Overall duration of the input activity:

[Enter details here]

Overall objectives for the outcomes map:

[Enter details here]

Overall outcome indicators for participants:

[Enter the overall outcome indicators for participants - here]

Please specify the outcomes criteria for each level of certification (as appropriate):

Professional Bachelor level 1: Entry (Duration: Not less than 7 weeks):

[Enter outcomes criteria here]

Professional Bachelor level 2: Certificate (Duration: Not less than 7 weeks):

[Enter outcomes criteria here]

Professional Bachelor level 3: Diploma (Duration: Not less than 10 weeks):

[Enter outcomes criteria here]

Professional Bachelor level 4: Associate degree (Duration: Not less than 12 weeks):

[Enter outcomes criteria here]

Professional Bachelor level 5: Degree (Duration: Not less than 14 weeks):

[Enter outcomes criteria here]

Overall duration of the Professional Bachelor degree pathway:

Method(s) used by participants to gather the evidence of outcomes attainment:

[Enter details here]


[Enter your questions here]

Please email your completed form to us at: