Slinfold Parish Council

PO Box 315, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9XX

Tel: 01403 785864 (Mobile 07733-359479)


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held on Thursday 31st January 2013

7.30pm in the Parish Room

001/13 Attendance and Apologies for Absence

Those present: Councillors R Hillyard (Chairman), G Constantine, M Dunkerton, M Edmonds, C Gibson, M Haines, P Redmond, G Stenton-Chandler and D White.

Also present Cllr. M Hodgson (County), P Youtan (District), S Ritchie (District) and the Clerk M Burroughs.

Apologies - None

002/13 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests

Cllrs. Dunkerton and Hillyard declared a personal interest in 010/13 (the Village Hall grant application). There were no other declarations of interest or changes noted to members’ interests.

Standing Orders were suspended at this point to allow the public to speak.

Public Session - there were two members of the public present. One thanked the Parish Council for writing to Arriva Bus and requested a copy of the reply (see 006/13).

003/13 Chairman’s Announcements

It was noted that there had been no response from HDC following the Chairman’s and Cllr. Haines meeting last year. Cllr. Haines is pursuing a response.

004/13 Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 19th December 2012 - the draft minutes having been circulated were taken as read. The minutes were approved and signed as a true record.

005/13 Matters arising from 004/13 (as circulated and for information only)

·  Following various complaints from residents and by the Clerk on behalf of residents, WSCC raised a job with Balfour Beatty to ‘jet system’ parts of Hayes Lane to include gullies, catch-pits and connections. The work was carried out on 25th and 28th January and it is hoped that this will improve drainage in the area and prevent further flooding;

·  Parish Council Newsletter – the Clerk is progressing this and will circulate a full report for consideration at the February meeting;

·  Golf Club construction traffic – the Clerk has spoken to the club to ask them to remind contractors not to use the village as a through route to the site;

·  Cherry Tree trees – the site visit is outstanding pending better weather.

006/13 Matters arising from the Public Session

·  Arriva 100 bus – A communication has been sent to Arriva to request that the 6:00pm pick up from Horsham railway station is reinstated;

·  Lighting Maydwell Avenue – following the Clerk’s meeting with AJW in December. Cllr. Edmonds has provided an update and Cllr. Stenton-Chandler having visited the site 3 times, agreed to send a written report to the Clerk.

007/13 Queens Diamond Jubilee

Update on tree planting

·  The A29 oak trees have been planted by WSCC from their budget;

·  Cllr. Edmonds and the Clerk are exploring options for the planting of an oak and a maple at the end of Park Street and Lyons Road. One quote for £500 has been received.

Update on village signs

·  The licences for the signs have now been granted by WSCC;

·  As the licences have been approved, Cllr. Hillyard has been in contact with the supplier and hopefully the signs will be produced over the coming weeks.

008/13 Planning

Cllr. White presented the Planning Report to the Parish Council. The report was reviewed, approved and the Parish Council ratified the decisions made by the Planning Advisory Committee as appropriate. Details follow:

i)  New and amended planning applications: The following application(s) were received in the month and reviewed by the Planning Advisory Committee. HDC to be advised of the Parish Council’s recommendations as follows:

HDC Application number / Date validated by HDC / Address & Post Code of application / Nature of application / Name Applicant or Agent / Feedback to HDC
DC/13/0130 / 28-Jan-13 / Jalna Pinkhurst Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0QR / Extension and refurbishment of existing dwelling to provide altered living accommodation for a disabled person / Ladislav Hudec / No objection provided HDC confirm the need for disabled accommodation
DC/13/0101 / 22-Jan-13 / Furtherfield, Lyons Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0QT / Erect a greenhouse / Mr and Mrs T Warren / 31/01/2013, No Objection
DC/13/0095 / 18-Jan-13 / Amberfield Spring Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RT / To demolish existing outbuildings and erect a 2 bay open oak framed garage with garden machinery store and lofted space over for a home office and store, with an external oak staircase / Mr and Mrs D Pegler / 31/01/2013, No Objection
DC/13/0082 / 16-Jan-13 / 6 Mitchell Gardens, Slinfold, West Sussex RH13 0TY / Surgery to 4 x Oak trees on land south and east of 6 Mitchell Gardens / Mr Stuart Spencer / 31/01/2013, No Objection. Cllr. Youtan to ask W Jones, HDC to visit site
DC/12/2380 / 8-Jan-13 / Redwood House, Guildford Road, BBH, West Sussex RH12 3PW / New conservatory / Mrs Rosemary Poggio / 31/01/2013, No Objection

ii)  Applications permitted, refused and withdrawn:

HDC Application number / Date received by HDC / Address & Post Code of application / Nature of application / Status / Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date)
DC/12/1738 (Amended) / 3-Jan-13 / 1 Railway Cottages Spring Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RT / Ground and first floor additions and associated internal works / Application Permitted / Amended application permitted before feedback could be provided but no previous objection
DC/12/2062 / 5-Nov-12 / Brookside, Park Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RU / Re submission of expired planning permission DC/08/1256 (Single storey rear extension) to provide additional kitchen facilities / Application Permitted / No Objection - HDC advised 7/12
DC/12/2061 / 8-Nov-12 / Westholme, Pinkhurst Lane RH13 0QR / Rear extension with two dormer windows and a new pitched roof at the rear replacing the existing flat roof / Application Permitted / No Objection - HDC advised 7/12
DC/12/2059 / 1-Nov-12 / Forge House The Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RP / Fell 1 x Hornbeam tree (Work to Trees in a Conservation Area) / Application Permitted / No Objection - HDC advised 7/12
DC/12/2033 / 30-Oct-12 / 3 Tannery Close Slinfold West Sussex RH13 0RW / Single storey front garage extension / Application Permitted / No Objection - HDC advised 7/12
DC/12/1995 / 30-Oct-12 / Builders Yard Mead Farm, Stane Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RE / Redevelopment of existing builders yard and erection of 1 detached (4-bed) dwelling / Pending decision by HDC but recommended for refusal / 29/11 - PC agreed NO OBJECTION to the erection of a dwelling with access from the A29 but OBJECTS to the change of use for land and the precedent that it sets if access is from Maydwell Ave.
DC/12/1835 / 30-Oct-12 / Stone Cottage, Lyons Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0QT / Extension to existing dwelling comprising of two storey replacement, single storey link and double garage / Application Refused / No Objection - HDC advised 7/12
DC/12/1806 / 28-Sep-12 / Millstones Stane Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RE / Erection of a covered sand school with planted earth bund (1.5m high) to the south, east and north sides surrounding the building / Application Permitted / HDC advised - No Objection
DC/12/1738 / 17-Sep-12 / 1 Railway Cottages Spring Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RT / Ground and first floor additions and associated internal works / Application Permitted / 27/9/2012 - No Objection. HDC advised 28/9
DC/12/1176 / 29-Jun-12 / Land South of Doomsday Cottage Pinkhurst Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex / Application for the provision of private stables and exercise school for four horses / Application Permitted / 8/8/2012 HDC advised Objection

Planning applications pending consideration or decision by HDC:

The Parish Council received a report on all previous applications currently pending consideration or a decision by HDC.

ii) Enforcements and Appeals – None to report

iii) It was RESOLVED to approve the Planning Report as above - agenda items i) - ii)

iv) School Car Park - Cllr. White and the Clerk provided an update. It was RESOLVED to:

-  Make a start on the initial work required for the car park with immediate effect;

-  Continue, with the support of Cllr. Hodgson, to pursue S106 funding to complete the work required.

v) Slinfold LLP’s presentation for a development of houses behind Hayes Lane:

Following the presentation from Slinfold LLP on 24th January 2013, with regard to the proposed plans for 20 residential units behind Hayes Lane, it was agreed that the Clerk should request:

-  an electronic copy of the presentation (it was noted that the one presented to residents on 31st January varied to that presented to the Parish Council on 24th January;

-  a copy of all the feedback forms from residents;

-  regular updates on progress;

-  written proposals with regard to the land that the Parish Council leases at Cherry Tree;

-  full paper copies of the planning application to be submitted to HDC.

vi) Other Planning Matters - None

009/13 Report from County and District Councillor(s)

Cllr. Hodgson (County) commented on:

·  WSCC budget and that there is a meeting next week to discuss;

·  the New Homes Bonus;

·  The Downs Link – update at Christ’s Hospital;

·  8.5 million for flooding and that he has requested a ‘blitz’ on drainage in the northern part of the County;

·  Greenfield Road;

·  Highways Consultation 2013-14 & 2014-15 - the PC would like Hayes Lane adding to WSCC’s forward programme for highways work;

·  Christ’s Hospital rail crossing - Cllr. Edmonds to take up possible safety issues with ‘West Sussex Rail Users’.

Cllr. Youtan (District) commented on:

·  Green Waste – there will be a £29 charge per year;

·  Mead Farm application – going to committee on 5th February;

·  AJW traffic – concern that restrictions on staff travelling through the village are having an impact on local businesses e.g. the shop and the pub;

·  Strategic Housing Plan to 2010 and the possible options for the district and villages;

·  DC/13/0082 – will raise concerns with Will Jones.

Cllr. Richie (District) who arrived later commented on:

·  The use of defibrillators in the village - he will send details to the Clerk;

·  Strategic Housing Plan – once numbers for the district are agreed then there will be a selection of sites.

010/13 Finance

i.  It was RESOLVED to approve payments totalling £2,947.92 for January 2013 (as reviewed by members present), as follows: Details of salaries are available on request.

Cheque/DD / Payee / £ / Comment
DD / Saxon Weald / £55.16 / Monthly charge for garage rental
200461 / MRS M BURROUGHS / Salary Jan
200462 / MRS M BURROUGHS / 103.17 / Expenses Jan
200463 / MR T MOTHE / Salary Jan
200464 / WSCC Pension Fund / 211.71 / Clerks & PC – January
200465 / Slinfold Village Hall / 31.50 / SPC £31.50
200466 / Slinfold PCC / 12.20 / Yearly magazine
200467 / Southern Electric / 317.12 / Streetlights
200468 / HDC / 148.72 / Q1 2013
200469 / Communicorp / 100.00 / Annual Subscription
200470 / Hedleys Solicitors / 165.60 / Trees
200471 / Mrs R Hillyard / 73.10 / From Chairman's Allowance
200472 / Case Electrical / 112.79 / Repairs
200473 / N Coles / 550.00 / Reissue Cheque
TOTAL / £2,947.92

ii)  Accounts to 31st December 2012 – the accounts having been circulated were noted;

iii)  Precept – it was RESOLVED that the precept requirement for 2013-14 should be the same as 2012-13 i.e. £51,279. Details of the final tax base Band D calculations less a grant from HDC show that overall there will be a small increase of £0.57 per Band D from £56.77 to £57.34 per annum. The Clerk will advise HDC of the precept requirement.

iv)  Village Hall Trustees Grant Request – it was RESOLVED to approve the request of £548;

v)  Salt/Grit Bins - it was RESOLVED to approve the purchase of two salt/grit bins at a cost of £400 to be sited in the vicinity of the shop and in the Streetfield/Lowfield Road area. WSCC has advised that licences are not required and that they will fill the bins when sited.

011/13 – Highways and Footpaths

·  Highways budget – the Clerk advised that £4 million had been added to the budget for pot holes and that 6 dedicated pot hole patrol teams work in West Sussex. The Clerk has asked that the pot holes in Hayes Lane be looked at by a patrol;

·  Greenfield Road and Hayes Lane verges – members from the Highway Committee agreed to meet on site with the Clerk and WSCC, Highways to look at parking options to include the possibility of providing a disabled space;

·  Highways Meeting – Cllr. Stenton-Chandler as Chairman of the Highways Committee to advise is she would like to hold a meeting in February;

·  Love West Sussex website – this website allows anyone to report a matter such as pot holes, blocked drain, flooding, overgrown vegetation, streetlight failure etc. online.

012/13 – Consultations, Meeting & Projects

·  Registering Community Assets with HHDC – The Clerk has circulated details of HDC’s registration process to include the criteria that must be met. The Parish Council agreed that the pub, the shop, Cherry Tree Farm and the surrounding woods, the caravan site and possibly the access road behind the Cricket Club (Cllr. Haines to establish if the Cricket Club are in agreement) be registered. In the first instance the Clerk will request that HDC register the pub;