March 17, 2002
Minutes of Father Melbourne Ladies Auxiliary
1. Meeting called to order: March 13, 2002 7:10 p.m.
- Members in attendance:
Arleen Heath – President / Sherry Bodin – Vice President / Monica Belgarde – PR Director
Mary Cleveland – Trustee / Lyn Dalsfoist / Maria-Elena Walsh
Tina Dennis – New Member
- PRAYER: Arleen opened officially opened the meeting with a prayer of “Thankfulness.”
- Recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
- February RCIA Retreat: (CLOSED)
Thank you to Mary Cleveland, Betty Adler, Lyn Dalsfoist, and Arleen Heath for setting the RCIA Retreat on February 9. The RCIA candidates and elects enjoyed the refreshments.
- Promotion of Ladies Auxiliary: (OPEN)
Monica Belgarde will research the possibilities of having lapel pins, nametags, and maybe even vests with an emblem of the Ladies’ Auxiliary. Arleen Heath will email an emblem found online that represents the Ladies Auxiliary. Monica will find out if there is a copyright on the emblem prior to printing/ordering items with this logo.
- March Guest Speaker: (CLOSED)
The March speaker from the Catholic Library had to reschedule due to another engagement but has requested to be the guest speaker during the May 8 meeting.
- Auxiliary Funds: (OPEN)
The Knights have offered to provide funds to the Auxiliary to start an account. The Ladies will volunteer for one of the Pancake Breakfasts to gain funds for the Auxiliary. Other ministries within the parish to help raise needed funds for their respective areas do this practice. After this initial fundraiser, the Auxiliary will organize and execute future events that will generate funds for the organization. Next discussion should be to coordinate with the Knights on which month would be available for our ministry and our availability to help at a Pancake Breakfast.
- Parish Summer Picnic: (OPEN)
The Auxiliary is DEFINITELY chairing this event and Myrtle Ferrell remains the Auxiliary’s chairperson! Arleen Heath spoke with Pat Kennish (Social Committee) on Sunday March 17 and confirmed the Auxiliary’s role regarding the picnic. The Social Committee offers their help in whatever we may need. The Knights have postponed the Pancake Breakfast on Sunday June 2 so the Parish Summer Picnic can be held on this day. Sister Loretta has approved this date. Myrtle Ferrell has the information book on previous summer picnics. This event is fast approaching and we are eager to put together one fantastic summer picnic! More to come!!
- Auxiliary Public Relations Projects: (CLOSED)
Monica Belgarde reports that the Auxiliary have a booth at the parish annual Ministry Fair and to conduct a recruitment drive on one particular Sunday. The Pancake Breakfast is also another way to promote the organization when we volunteer. This topic will be under the Standing Committees area in the Membership Committee section.
- Ladies Auxiliary Name Tags/Vests: (CLOSED)
This topic discussed in paragraph 6b. “Promotion of Ladies Auxiliary. “
- March RCIA Retreat: (OPEN)
The March RCIA retreat is scheduled for Saturday, March 23. Monica Belgarde will purchase the items needed for the morning refreshments. The budget for these refreshments should be limited to $50.00 according to Deacon Ken. Volunteers for this event are Monica Belgarde, Sherry Bodin, Arleen Heath, Lyn Dalsfoist, and Betty Adler. Show time that Saturday will be 7:45am at SEAS.
- SEAS Kitchen Inventory: (OPEN)
Mary Cleveland spoke with Judy Christianson about the Auxiliary helping with the annual inventory of the parish kitchen on Saturday March 16 at 10:00am. The volunteers for this task are Sherry Bodin, Mary Cleveland, Arleen Heath, Jeannie Hanus, and Betty Adler. Thank you!
- Easter Vigil Reception: (OPEN)
Lyn Dalsfoist reports that the Auxiliary will be organizing and conducting the reception on March 30 at 7:00pm in the SEAS main foyer. Deacon Ken expects about 120 people to attend this reception. There are four RCIA volunteers for this event on top of the Auxiliary volunteers. We will be in charge of setting up the tables, ordering and purchasing the cakes, mixed nuts, mints, punch ingredients, coffee and clean up after the event. The parish will provide the paper products (plates, napkins, forks/spoons, and cups). Deacon Ken will contact Arleen Heath to provide specific guidance on what is expected for the reception (i.e., size / flavor of cakes, names / phone numbers of RCIA volunteers, and the reception’s budget). The Auxiliary will set up on March 30 at 5:00pm; return for the reception at 7:00pm; and be available throughout the evening to ensure refreshments are in order. Arleen Heath will make a couple of small placards with the Auxiliary’s name on it to be placed amongst the refreshment tables. Arleen Heath also spoke with Judy Christianson about centerpieces for the tables and was told that the Reception Committee (Nancy) has already contacted her about this. The volunteers for this task are Lyn Dalsfoist, Maria-Elena Walsh, and Arleen Heath. If you are able to help during this event, please give Arleen Heath a call at 348-8881. Thank you very much!
- Mementos for RCIA Candidates / Elects: (OPEN)
Lyn Dalsfoist and Maria-Elena Walsh will come up with a small memento to present to the elects and candidates the evening of Easter Vigil on behalf of the Auxiliary. The budget for this is $50.00. Lyn Dalsfoist reports that there will be a total of 20 elects and candidates this year.
- April Guest Speaker: (CLOSED)
Sherry Bodin reports that Bruce will be our April speaker and the topic will be self-defense practices for women. He is scheduled for April 10 at 7:00pm.
- New Auxiliary Member: (CLOSED)
The Auxiliary enthusiastically welcomes Ms. Tina Dennis as our newest member! She has generously volunteered to provide the Auxiliary with a tabletop U.S. and Alaska State flag set at the next meeting. We are blessed that you have joined us and thank you for your time!
- By-Law Committee: Lizzie Newell, Chairperson
Review process is conducted in November. No changes at this time.
- Membership Committee: Monica Belgarde, Chairperson
Please see Old Business section, paragraph 6f. Auxiliary Public Relations Project.
- Social Activities Committee: Tina Dennis, Chairperson
Tina Dennis has graciously agreed to take on this committee. Current responsibilities include coordinating monthly meeting refreshments (Jeannie Hanus has volunteered to provide a refreshment for the April meeting…thank you Jeannie), biannual dinner meetings (June / December), and recognition of monthly birthdays. This is an evolving committee and the responsibilities will be more defined during the annual by-law review process. Any suggestions prior to that process will be appreciated and discussed during monthly meetings. Thank you!
- Installation Committee: INACTIVE
Arleen Heath mentioned that there would be an installation ceremony for the next elected officers. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
- Catholic Action Committee: INACTIVE
10. Arleen Heath closed the meeting at 8:20p.m.
President, Ladies Auxiliary