Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting

Tuesday, August 11, 2009




Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sierra Vista Campus



1.01Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Jan Guy, Board Chair, at 6:10 p.m.

Board Members Present:

Mrs. Jan Guy

Mr. David DiPeso

Dr. John Eaton

Mr. Don Hudgins

Mrs. Jane Strain

1.02Pledge of Allegiance

1.03Adoption of Agenda

The agenda was adopted as published.

1.04Citizen’s Interim

There were no requests to address the Board.

1.05Standing Reports


There was no Senate Report.

1.05.2Student Government Association (SGA)

Ms. Deb Munson, Advisor to the Student Government Association, introduced Tamara Vukomanovich, President, SGA. Introducing themselves were the following SGA officers - Jacob Desio, Vice-President, Nicole Martinez, Special Events Coordinator, and Jessica Stine, Secretary. Iveth Montano, Treasurer and Michelle Guilmette, Representative were unable to attend. Ms. Vukomanovich provided the Governing Board with a SGA calendar of events. She reported that the hours reflecting the availability of student government officers will be posted on the door of the Student Union. She stated that the Wii is available and free for student use during Student Union hours. She reported on upcoming events, including the Back-to-School Bar-B-Q, a luau, and Popcorn Tuesdays, and extended an open invitation to anyone interested in attending any ofthe SGA events.

1.05.3 College President Report

Dr. Rottweiler thanked the Governing Board and the entire college for the warm welcome he and his family have received. He reported on several opportunities he has had since his appointment as president of Cochise College, including, but not limited to,participation in the Willcox groundbreaking event, two associate faculty appreciation events, and convocation on August 10th. He stated he looks forward to visiting each community across the county and working with a number of people in providing the important educational services that this college provides.

Dr. Rottweiler reported that the legislature continues to discuss the budget; however, the administration is comfortable with where the college is at this point, as it relates to community college funding. The Cochise College budget is set and is moving forward. He added that he and Kevin Butler are working with the governor’s office related to the 2009-2010 fiscal stabilization funds and stimulus money. He informed the Board he will be meeting with the Arizona Community College President’s Council on August 26th and 27th, and anticipates getting a better understanding of where the college stands in the state and where we are moving, especially around the P-20 Council.

Dr. Rottweiler stated that, on August 17th, G.I. Jobs magazine will issue a press release announcing the colleges and universities which made the list of Military Friendly Schools. He added that Cochise College appears to be ranked very favorably on this list, and will report on the college’s final ranking at the September Board meeting.

Dr. Rottweiler distributed to the Governing Board, the 2008-2009 Cochise College Year-End Report, and stated that the senior administration has been very active. He stated he has reviewed the report and is very impressed by the college’s accomplishments over the past academic year.

Regarding master facilities planning, work continues across both the Sierra Vista and Douglas campuses, and the Willcox Center. Dr. Rottweiler extended an invitation to the Governing Board members to tour the new facilities. Discussion continues regarding ribbon cutting ceremonies. He stated that senior administration met with the architects to continue ongoing discussions around the master facilities planning. Mr. Butler briefed the Board regarding plans for the Douglas Campus solar field, reviewed the significant cost savings to the college, and stated he plans to bring forward a solar services agreement at the September meeting.

Dr. Rottweiler was pleased to announce that Mrs. Strain is being recognized as the recipient of the 2009 Pacific Regional Trustee Leadership Award by the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT). She is also the sole nominee, from our region, for the prestigious M. Dale Ensign Trustee Leadership Award. In October, Dr. Rottweiler will accompany Mrs. Strain to San Francisco to receive the award.

Dr. Rottweiler commented on activities he has participated in during the past six weeks, which include his attendance at the Annual Banquet for the Cochise Private Industry Council andthe Community Leader’s Breakfast at the Sierra Vista Regional Hospital, he recorded public service announcements for a Douglas radio station to encourage back-to-school registration as part of a Douglas Chamber of Commerce initiative on the importance of education, and he attended the first annual Sierra Vista Spotlight Breakfast. He reported he has a full calendar of upcoming events over the next month, to which he is looking forward to. He informed the Board that he would like to begin holding county-wide‘PresidentsBreakfasts’, inviting community leaders to attend and provide input on matters pertaining to the college.

1.06.4Monthly Financial Report

The Financial Reports for June, 2009, and July, 2009,were presented and accepted as submitted.


2.01Acceptance of Minutes from the Special Meeting of June 8, 2009

The minutes of the June 8, 2009, SpecialMeeting of the Cochise County Community College Governing Board were accepted and entered into record.

2.02Acceptance of Minutes from the Regular Meeting of June 8, 2009

The minutes of the June 8, 2009, Regular Meeting of the Cochise County Community College Governing Board were accepted and entered into record.

2.03Acceptance of Minutes from the Special Meeting of July 8, 2009

The minutes of the July 8, 2009, Special Meeting of the Cochise County Community College Governing Board were accepted and entered into record.



Dr. Rottweiler reported on the following correspondence received:

  • Dr. Robert Carreira received a letter from Marv Sorensen, Benson High School Economics Instructor, thanking Mr. Carreira for being a guest speaker in Mr. Sorensen’s economics classes.
  • Mr. Tim Dabovich received a letter from Bryan Bullington, Principal, Benson High School, thanking Mr. Dabovich and Cochise College for the donation of 54 chair/desk combinations.
  • Dr. Robert Carreira received a letter from Patricia Peterson, Director, Administrative Services, Rotary Club of Sierra Vista, thanking him for briefing the Rotary Club on the Cochise College Economic Research Center’s mission and services.

3.02NISOD Awards - 2009

Dr. Joanna Michelich introduced, and Dr. Rottweiler presented the NISOD award/medallion to, Dr. Macaela Cashman, Ms. Janeen Crockett, Mr. Patrick Jones, and Ms. Susana Sanders. Mrs. Guy congratulated all the award recipients.

3.03ACE (Achieved Classified Excellence) Awards – 2009

Ms. Kathy Carrillo, Classified Association president, introduced the four ACE Award recipients - Ms. Kathy Curtis, Ms. Rita Miller, Ms. Irma Alejandro, and Ms. Terry Ortiz. (Ms. Ortiz was unable to attend the meeting.)

3.04Insurance Agreement Renewals for FY2010

Mr. Bill Howard, Director of Financial Operations, provided an overview of the college insurance plans that were put in place for FY2010 with the Arizona Risk Retention Trust, for casualty and liability,which covers all college property, vehicles, and visitors on campus, etc. He was pleased to report that this was accomplished at a modest 2.7% increase. He added that the college has approximately $69M in assets that are insured through the Trust. Additionally, insurance has been put in place for worker’s comp, the Aviation Program, the Nursing Program, and the Athletic Programs. Mr. Howard stated that, overall, with all the insurance programs in place, the college spends approximately half a million dollars per year in premiums, which he feels is a very good program of coverage. Mr. DiPeso inquired if Mr. Howard was aware that there is a state compensation fund where insurance can be run through a chamber of commerce and get a 10% discount. Mr. Howard replied that he was not aware of this but that he would look into it.


4.01Consent Agenda*

Mr. DiPeso moved and Dr. Eaton seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

The following items were approved:

4.01.1*Classified; Appointment(William J. Leyland, Grounds Maintenance Worker Senior)

4.01.2*Classified; Appointment (Daniel D. Wetstein, Grounds Maintenance Worker, Senior Inmate Supervisor)

4.01.3*Administrative Support; Appointment (Andrea K. Daniels, Assistant Soccer Coach)

4.01.4*Administrative Support; Appointment (Andres R. Padilla, Assistant Baseball Coach)

4.01.5*Administrative Support; Appointment (Jennifer K. Wantz, Career Development Specialist)

4.01.6*Administrative Support; Resignation (Rosalinda Alaniz, Career Development Specialist)

4.01.7*Administrative Support; Resignation (Bonnie Holman, Program Specialist)

4.01.8*Administrative Support; Resignation (Tracy Howard, Lead Teacher)

4.01.9*Classified; Retirement (Ernest F. Leon, Facilities Maintenance Tech, Senior)

4.01.10*Faculty; Retirement (Mary Beth Sutor, Counselor)

4.01.11*Termination of an Employee During the Probationary Period (Margaret Macias, Administrative Assistant)

4.01.12*Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Tucson Unified School District No. 1

Dr. Michelich introduced Jennifer Wantz, whose appointment is before the Board this evening. She also introduced employees whose appointments were approved at previousBoard meetings earlier this year – Tetima Chandra Parnprome (May 12), Edmond R. Priddis and Kristy L. Ritter (June 8). Mr. Dykstra introduced Daniel Wetstein and William Leyland, whose appointments are before the Board this evening. On behalf of the Governing Board, Mrs. Guy welcomed all to Cochise College.

4.02Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC) 2009-10 Annual Amendment

Mrs. Strain moved and Mr. Hudgins seconded a motion to authorize the college president to sign and execute an agreement on behalf of the Board. Dr. Michelich stated she was pleased to announce that the college has a contract with ADC, but it is not of the size and scope of the previous contract. As a result, the college will have to curtail down to four full-time programs, with four full-time faculty, and no additional associate faculty. The college has been able to retain the electronics, computer, automotive, and construction programs. However, the college had to reduce the number of instructional days from 208 to 188, eliminating 20 previously scheduled Fridays during the school year. Dr. Michelich commended Dave Raber and his supervisor, Sheila DeVoe Heidman, for their hard work and diligence in getting this contract through. The faculty has agreed to teach these programs with an 8.7% reduction in salary. With Board approval of the contract, classes may begin on Monday morning. Dr. Michelich could not speculate on a contract for future years. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.


Mrs. Guy adjourned the regular meeting at 6:55 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Ms. Loretta Mountjoy, Executive Administrative Assistant, Office of the President

Mrs. Jane Strain, Secretary of the Governing Board