Chapter 30 and 31 Study Guide 2016

  1. What were the countries that made up “French Indochina?”
  2. Who was the communist leader of North Vietnam?
  3. Who was the ant-communist leader of South Vietnam?
  4. Who were the Viet Cong? Where were they from?
  5. What was the HoChiMinh Trail? Who used it?
  6. What was the chemical that killed plant life in Vietnam that the US Military used?
  7. What was Guerrilla warfare? Who used it?
  8. Who was the commander of the U.S. forces in Vietnam?
  9. What was the Jelly like substance dropped on Vietnam?
  10. What was the turning point of the war?
  11. What was the “Search and Destroy” military policy of the U.S. Military during WWII?
  12. Who did President Nixon start to bomb after he became president?
  13. What was the 26th Amendment?
  14. Compare and contrast Doves and Hawks.
  15. Describe the Presidential election of 1968. Who ran? Who did not run? Results?
  16. What was the Policy of Vietnaminzation?
  17. Why was Ngo Dinh Diem a “bad guy?”
  18. What did the Geneva Accords do to Vietnam?
  19. What were the reasons people opposed the Vietnam War?
  20. What was the War Powers Act?
  21. How did the USA help the French in Vietnam?
  22. What did Nixon do in Vietnam that angered the American people?
  23. What did MLK say about the Vietnam War? Did it help or hurt the anti-war effort?
  24. Why did people feel the Draft Lottery was unfair?
  25. Ho Chi Minh was considered a hero because he founded the Communist party in Vietnam, refused aid from the USA and led the fight against the French.
  26. In reality the Tet Offensive was a victory for which side?
  27. After the war many Vietnamese fled to the USA to escape the Communists.
  28. Why were elections in 1956 never held in Vietnam?
  29. Why did the USA fear Vietnam gaining independence after WWII? What did they think they would become?
  30. How did fighting in WWII differ from Vietnam?
  31. After the USA left Vietnam how did the war end? What did North Vietnam do?
  32. The performance of the South Vietnam army that was fighting with the Americans hurt the American soldiers morale.
  33. Why did the United States military use chemicals in the Vietnam Jungles?
  34. Who visits China and Soviet Union to help improve relations with the United States?
  35. What was OPEC what did it do to the United States?
  36. What policy eased tensions between USA and USSR?
  37. Who was Nixon’s top advisor as president?
  38. What was the SALT Treaty?
  39. Who did Nixon run against for president in 1972?
  40. Who were the burglars working for that broke into the Watergate Hotel?
  41. Who replaces Nixon when he resigns?
  42. IRAN Hostage Crisis – helped to defeat Carter when he ran for president his second term.
  43. Who served less than one term as president?
  44. What president signed the Helsinki Accords?
  45. Who defeated Gerald Ford for presidents?
  46. What spelled out basic human rights in USA and other countries?
  47. What reduced tension in the Middle East?
  48. What was the economic problem that plagued the USA in the 1970s?
  49. What does détente mean?
  50. Where was the college student massacre in the USA?
  51. How was serves in Vietnam determined?
  52. What president escalated the War in Vietnam?
  53. What was the line of latitude that divided North and South Vietnam?
  54. What was the area of land that divided North and South Vietnam called?
  55. What is the French word to over throw a government?
  56. What was the trail that the N. Vietnamese use to supply the Viet Cong?
  57. What was the Bay of Pigs Invasion? What county did it effect?
  58. What was the turning point of the Vietnam War?
  59. What percentage of African Americans were in Vietnam? What percentage were in the USA?