CLUB: ______

Week 1: Introduction to Social Networks date done


/ Introduce Social Networks, definition of, vocab- nodes, links, degrees of separation, degree of a node, asymmetric vs. symmetric networks, hub
Networks themselves are not complex systems, rather the social component of the network makes it a complex system.


/ The Kevin Bacon Game (see handout)
Discussion / What was the biggest degree of separation that you found? What was the most common degree?


/ Netswork Live- build a network with straws and elastic (see handout)
Discussion / How does information flow through a network? Were there any delays or bottlenecks? Was there a node that was more connected than others?
Extension / Make this network into Netlogo (see handout from week 2/3)
Webform questions / In your own words, explain what 'six degrees of separation' means.
How does the concept of ‘degree of separation’ relate to social networks?
Assignment / Over the week, think about your own social network and the social network of your family.

Notes on how it went:

Week 2: Building on Social Networks knowledge date done


/ Building a Cell-phone Network (see handout)


/ Which node has the most edges? If 1c hears a rumor and passes it along to it’s contacts, will everyone ‘hear’ the rumor? Why or why not? (see handout for more discussion questions)
Acitvity / Build your own network in Netlogo (see handout) Put the information from cellphone network into Netlogo
Investigations/webform / Think back to the structure of the cellphone network. What were some differences between the nodes in that network?
Why would it be important to study these differences?

Notes on how it went:

Week 3: My Social Network date done


/ My Social Network (see handout) students draw their social network on paper


/ Students take their information and make this network in Starlogo TNG and do some analysis- i.e. send a message through the network


/ Students take their information from their own social network and

Webform questions

/ Consider your social network. What different kinds of relationships do you have in it?
If some news about you were to spread through your network, how will these differences affect the spread of that information?

Notes on how it went:

Week 4: Implementing alterations date done

Webform / How can computer models be used to understand social networks?
Activity / Create a cmap plan of your Social Network project.
Activity / Students begin work on their own project- could go back to older models and add social networks to Opinion Dynamics or Shared Resources

Week 5: Implementing alterations and experimentation date done

Concept mapping activity / Starting with the basic complex systems concept map, give examples of each concept from the unit on Social Network. For example, where it says agents on the basic concept map, ad who the agents are in a model of social network.


/ Continue work on projects.

Week 6: Analyze model and create presentation date done


/ Run model multiple times and collect data. Analyze data by making a graph of the data. Prepare a short presentation (3-4 minutes). Practice presenting by sharing with your club members.

Notes on how it went: