Scottish Health Promotion Managers
Note of meeting held on 24 October 2017
CoSLA Conference Centre, Haymarket, Edinburgh
Present / Anna Baxendale (AB), Head of Health Improvement & Health Inequalities NHS GG&C (Chair)Moyra Burns (MB), Health Promotion Manager, NHS Lothian
Catherine Mackereth (CM), NHS Dumfries and Galloway
Elaine Young (EY), Asst Director of Public Health, NHS Ayrshire & Arran
Linda Smith (LS), Public Health Lead, NHS Grampian
Allyson McCollam (AMcC), Associate Director of Public Health, NHS Borders
Matt Lowther (ML), NHS Health Scotland
Kerri Todd (KT), NHS Lanarkshire deputy for MR
Ann McLaughlin (AM), NHS Forth Valley deputy for JK
Ann Conacher (AC), ScotPHN Manager
Ryan Hughes (RH), ScotPHN Co-ordinator
Colin Gilmour (CG), Head of Health Improvement, Western Isles (v/c)
Carol Stewart (CS), Health Improvement Manager NHS Orkney (v/c)
Lesley Marley (LM), Directorate Manager, Public Health, NHS Tayside (v/c)
Cathy Steer (CSt), Head of Health Improvement, NHS Highland (v/c)
Apologies / Chris Littlejohn (CL), Head of Health Promotion, Grampian
Maria Reid (MR), Asst Health Promotion Manager, NHS Lanarkshire
Pauline Craig (PC), NHS Health Scotland
Elizabeth Robinson (ER), Head of Health Promotion, Shetland
Johnny Keenan (JK), Head of Health Improvement, NHS Forth Valley
Ruth Bennett (RB), Head of Health Promotion, NHS Fife
Hazel Meechan (HM), Public Health Specialist, NHS Forth Valley
Heather Cunningham (HC), Health Promotion Manager, NHS GG&C
Guests / Kerry McKenzie, NHS Health Scotland
Lovetta Williams, NHS Health Scotland
Notes / Gillian McCartney (GMcC), Network Officer, ScotPHN
1. / Welcome, introductions and apologies
· AB provided apologies and introductions were made
2. / Note from previous meeting (15/08/17) - Agreed
Matters Arising
Loneliness – NHS A&A are looking at loneliness and social isolation. The ScotPHN report was published in May 2017.
Community Link workers –Kate Burton will update when she has more information. Not all boards have progressed with new community link workers. Within NHSGG&C there are funding concerns beyond 2017/2018.The this role is valued locally but there have been delays in recruitment as a result. The national perspective is currently unclear. AB will discuss with KB. Keep this on the agenda.
Realistic Medicine/HPHS - EY contacted Kate Barlow (NHS Health Scotland) to look at good examples for realistic medicine. She will follow up in due course. AB will also liaise with Andrew Fraser about how useful it would be to connect these and consider how SHPM play into the SDsPH sub group. A short discussion followed. AC advised that the CMO has asked SDsPH to contribute to the CMO’s Annual Report so this is being coordinated by Scottish Government. The deadline is 20 November 2017.
Diet and Obesity – SHPM to link with NHS Health Scotland (ML). ScotPHN are co-ordinating the Obesity strategy consultation workshops which are being held in the near future. When briefing packs are available these are to be shared with SHPM Group.
Alcohol Focus Scotland – Group refresh underway at the moment. The remit may be changed. AB asked for names of those who may be interested in representing the SHPM on this. MB suggested Elizabeth Oldcorn, NHS Lothian. AB will contact Maggie Watts, DPH NHS Western Isles to discuss further.
SHIIAN –Margaret Douglas has been invited to NHS A&A to provide training. The East Ayrshire strategy will be used as a case study. The consensus was that there is an appetite in boards for this training. It would also be useful from a workforce development perspective.
PHOB – nothing to share beyond the update that has been circulated. Are papers publicly available? Can we clarify PHOB communication routes.
Health Improvement Induction – EY to share information / AB
3. / Guests – Kerry McKenzie (NHS Health Scotland) – Mapping of Maternity and Health Visitor Services
The individual board reports have been helpful. KMcK circulated the updated report in advance. The report was updated to reflect SHPM feedback. The purpose of today is to highlight the recommendations that NHS Health Scotland suggest as next steps and to seek SHPM approval. The report also highlights what’s happened nationally which might have a bearing on discussions. A SLWG will be created to develop the recommendations by the end of March 2018. KMcK asked for two SHPM reps who could be part of the SLWG to develop an action plan. The SHPM agreed to this. ScotPHN will work with NHS HS to identify SHPM reps for North, East and West. The Scottish Government, social justice colleagues are also interested in the report. A discussion followed. AMcC suggested connecting with other nationals groups and ‘Best Start’ so that they are not working in isolation. Best start is being piloted in NHS Lothian. KMcK advised that she is meeting with policy leads in Scottish Government, Kirsty Campbell, maternal and child health team and Caroline Wilson, lead health visitor to talk about the implications of this in relation to pathway development. AB felt that the drive for this could be through health improvement within local areas and our role within each individual board? AMcC said this depended on how developed local partnerships are. She also added that the LA role in facilitating advice services is missing, this is a collective responsibility. Would the SLWG make these links? There was reference made to the letter from Alison Johnston to CEO’s and board members. These two things need to be connected. KMcK will suggest to Scottish Government a maternity role on the SLWG along with health visitors, midwives, SHPM reps, Health Scotland and CoSLA. It was agreed that data collection was an important element. The SHPM group are happy that the report reflects local perspectives. KMcK asked the group for any further minor comments to send them to her asap. NHS FV is not in the report as there is no pathway available, Ann McLaughlin to provide KMcK with a form of words for the report. KMcK advised that there will be statutory guidance produced. / GMcC
4. / Business Items
4.1 Workforce development – The three SHPM reps are EY, MB and CSt. Fiona MacDonald will update at the December 2017 meeting. Scheme coordinators are looking at the role. LS had a discussion with FMacD re the role descriptors. The understanding of functional areas is variable. A mapping process for PH specialist’s band 7 was started in NHS D&G and CM will share this as it may be useful. It was a difficult exercise. AB asked CSt to make FMacD aware of the work done in NHS D&G and how to take it forward. It does need to be done ‘Once for Scotland’. There is an appetite to contribute to the process as an SHPM priority. SHPM need to be sighted on learning and development needs and highlight the issue around the level of core understanding of staff. Training is important. The list of workforce development champions’ role is not complete. There are still gaps. GMcC will chase the boards who have not responded. There are leadership courses being arranged and those who are attending are to feedback at future meetings.
4.2 Smoke Free Prisons – There are two phases of implementation impacting on smoking cessation service models. The pre-policy implementation phase which needs to reflect current smoking cessation model similar to what is provided in community ie choosing to quit. The model for the post phase is still to be developed but will reflect that people cannot smoke in prison. The SHPM will feed into this work via Anna and Pauline. Pauline will chair the NHS sub groups reporting to the SFP programme Board.
Actions include:
· Identification of capacity to support SC – this could include Prison staff (SPS) but Board should explore options to increase capacity. There is no indication of any additional funds.
· Smoking Cessation training- a significant challenge currently only Glasgow providing. Looking to extend provision scotland wide in early 2018.
· Establish an implementation group at each prison. This could be a big ask for some boards but each Board should be engaged- not necessarily HI staff.
· The NRT costs are likely to be pressures for boards. National procurement is involved but a national standard operating approach is required.
· There are issues around throughcare pathways and connections to local SC services.
· SPS communication plans. Pauline Craig will produce a briefing note from the meetings she attends. AB stated that HI staff should be linked in through the smoking coordinators network.
· SHPMs need to stay close to feed into respective teams. It’s about flagging it up in terms of the risks. As soon as the prison population data is available then the modelling will be done through Scottish Government. KT asked about mental health in relation to smoking cessation. She is aware that there are links here as there are wider ramifications. AB advised that the SPS are looking at ‘meaningful activity’ this as part of the scope.
4.3 SHPM Priorities – discussed later in the agenda
4.4 Public Health Intelligence - KT updated the group.
• Papers on PHI Shared Services work stream were circulated
• A brief and work plan has been produced
• Three work areas have been identified as result of a workforce survey. These include: – group iskeen for more feedback
• HENS paper produced on how their work can contribute – questions posed for further discussion and again feedback from SHPM’s is welcome.
The Shared services portfolio (SSP) and will produce a costed business case by March 2018 but this work could continue into other spheres beyond this deadline. AC added that the project management for 4 of the SSP work streams has come back to ScotPHN.
AB asked the group to look at the membership of the workstream. Health Improvement isn’t strongly represented. Pip Farman is on the group from the Highland but no-one engage who is working directly with a local CPP perspective. Elspeth from NHS Lanarkshire links into CPPs but has asked whether another SHPM might be better to represent on the group. In general the group were happy for Elspeth to retain representation on the group on behalf of SHPMS. KT reiterated that more feedback is welcome through Elspeth. AB requested that Elspeth could look to identify workforce development around this area of work and feedback. ScotPHO has offered tutorials around this which would be useful to consider. / CM/CSt
5. / Housing and Public Health – Matt Lowther (NHS Health Scotland)
ML circulated a paper. He advised that NHS Health Scotland are picking up some of the recommendations from the ScotPHN report and are dedicating some resource internally. The overall aim is to coordinate the recommendations. Some work has been done already, in particular, a review of local authority housing strategies. There is also an agreement between NHS HS and Scottish Government to revise their guidance which is due in 2018. Following a needs assessment they will be developing a learning programme to support front line NHS staff to identify those at risk of homelessness and intervene early. There are plans to set up regional events to bring together local public health teams with local housing leads. These events will cover operational as well as a strategic base from a local perspective. ML will update as necessary and it will be a standing item on future agendas. The group were supportive of the events to help at local levels. AB will share the GGC paper with mapped out lead responsibilities for public health and at a local level. AB asked ML to keep the group sighted on the needs assessment feedback and the training. ML also welcomed sharing of local practice from SHPM. There are lots of opportunities for i.e. dementia, mental health, fuel poverty etc.
Action: ML to update routinely at SHPM meetings and ML to develop the housing paper as a live example of integrated working in relation to a public health issue / AB
6. / Lunch
7. / SHPM Priorities
7.1 A presentation was circulated in advance. This session was an opportunity to stocktake the work of SHPMs on ‘priorities’ so far. With consideration given to reflection, what’s happening elsewhere and what are the implications for the SHPM and the wider workforce. AB went through the slides. There is a strong component around health improvement workforce development which is a key objective for SHPMs. The information reflects the ‘structure’ of last iteration of the thinking of the PHOB i.e. places, systems and people.
There were different levels of progress around the priorities. Environmental sustainability was raised as an interest but is an area that isn’t a priority for concerted effort by the SHPM group. It was suggested that it would be useful to create a list of interests that should be recognised but are in abeyance. AB referenced the SDsPH list of priorities and where we could join up. A whole system approach is important and putting effort in to a limited range of issues would potentially increase impact.
Discussion followed around the different topics/headings/sections. The focus may change as the new national priorities evolve. ML added that there is a policy element and a practice element to these priorities and that we need to be aware of what others are doing. CG advised that work his being scoped with regards to community engagement and looking to a common approach for health improvement public health and how it feeds in.
ScotPHN plan to produce a document similar to the housing report. Being able to link this could be a major strand. ML will connect with ScotPHN. AB added that housing would be a good agenda item in the future and also links SHPM to ScotPHN.
A discussion followed around IJB’s, CPPs, LOIP and locality plans. There are parallel processes which apply. Partnership working is key. AB reminded the group that we also have the SHPMs Contribution paper which describes practice which could be transferred to the document.
7.2 ML explained the list of National Groups facilitated by HS, this is being reviewed at the moment by Diane Stockton. AB asked that the SHPM could be part of this process independent of the group members which would comprise HI staff. MLwill feedback. ML suggested mapping priorities to the group lists. AB asked to include the current SDsPH SIG’s in the mapping. AC advised that they are;