September 25, 2007

7:00 p.m.

**Visitors are to limit their presentations to 10 minutes.

***Council please wait to be recognized to speak.

1. Determination as to whether quorum present

2. Invocation and pledge of allegiance

3. Old Business

4. Period for hearing visitors:

A.  *Samuel and Frances Gonzales – Request for a 7-month extension of condemnation of
712 W. Missouri.

B.  Linda Steven representing Artesia Clean & Beautiful – Report of program activities

C.  B.D. Hope – Ordinance 7-1-2 Utility Rates

5. City Departments and Employees – Introduction of new employees and recognition of departments.

A.  Sylvia Schneider – 5 years

B.  ÖDwayne Oliver and Tony Franco – Wastewater Level I

*6. Approval of Consent Agenda

7. Public Hearings – including consideration of final passage of any ordinance as to which proper notice has been published.

A.  *Consideration and approval for ‘Ace Graphics’ Home Occupation License located at 1408 S. 22nd Street.

B.  *Consideration and approval of an ordinance to approve the Artesia Annexation Plat
08-2007, a portion of the NE ¼, NW ¼, Sec. 20 T17S, R26E, located at the NW Corner of 26th Street and Richey Avenue.

C.  *Consideration and approval of an ordinance to approve the West Acres Subdivision No. 3, Replat 1, located at 23rd Street & Runyan Avenue, Block 1, Lots 12 & 13.

D.  *Consideration and approval of an ordinance to approve the Clayton and Stegman Replat 1 of Block 16, Lots 2 & 4, located at Roselawn Avenue & Richardson Avenue.

E.  *Consideration and approval of an ordinance amending Section 1-5B-5 of the Artesia Municipal Code, regarding salary and benefits for the Municipal Judge.

8. Visitors who did not request to be on the agenda

Any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen
prior to the time of posting the agenda. Items are for discussion only – no action
will be taken.

9. Committee Reports:

A.  Budget and Finance

B.  Personnel

C.  Police and Fire

1) Ratification of purchase of server for Police Department (budget adjustment required)

D.  Community Development (Streets, Parks, Cemetery, Garage, Recreation, Planning)

*Denotes material included in Council Packets √Denotes Monday Additions

or previously received material

City Council Agenda Con’t

September 25, 2007

Page Two

9. Committee Reports (con’t):

E.  Administrative Services (City Hall, Purchasing, Commission on Aging, Museum, Library and Airport)

F.  Public Utilities

G.  Government

10. Personnel:

*Upon recommendation of the Mayor, subject to successful completion of required pre-employment testing, permission to:

A.  Transfer:

Name Department Position Rate of Pay

1. Museum Custodian $1988 per month

CA3 step 10

B.  Promote:

1. Police Police Officer $2422 per month

CA21 step min

2. Police Humane Officer $2141 per month

CA8 step 8

C.  *Approval of the reclassification of Jimmy Joseph to Airport Supervisor Part-time at $1905 per month CA1 effective October 1, 2007.

D.  *Discussion of tuition reimbursement/assistance policy

11. Public Safety:

A.  Police Department:

B.  Fire Department:

12. Community Development Director:

A.  Planning:

1)  *Approval of resolution expanding the geographical jurisdiction of the City’s Building Inspection Department

2)  *Code Enforcement stats for August 2007 and September 2007

B. Public Works

13. Director of Public Utilities:

14. City Attorney:

15. City Clerk:

16. Mayor:

A.  Executive session

1) Purchase of real property 10-15-1(H)(8)

B. Action as a result of executive session

17. New or other business from Councilors

18. Adjournment