/ Collin County Master Gardeners Association Standing Rules – Organizational Chart
December, 2008
Revised February, 2005
March, 2005
August 2005
August 2008
December 2008

‘Standing Rules’ consist of those rules that have been adopted by the Executive Board without previous notice or publication. These rules pertain to the detailed functions of the Organization. The Standing Rules may be changed on an as needed basis by the Executive Board, but must not be in conflict with the existing By-Laws.

  1. General Meetings

Meetings for the general membership will be held on the Fourth (4th) Thursday of each month with the following exceptions:

i. The November meeting will be held on the Third (3rd) Thursday.

ii. There will be no meeting during December.

General Meetings will begin at 11:30 a.m. and will be held at the Heard Natural Science Museum in McKinney, Texas, unless otherwise announced in advance to the Membership. During the year, it may be deemed advisable or become necessary to hold meeting(s) at the TAMU District Office.

  1. Executive Board Meetings

Meetings of the Executive Board will be held at least one (1) week prior to each General Meeting. The Executive Board meetings will be held at the Office of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service in Collin County or such other location as may be decided.

  1. Volunteer Hours

Intern Master Gardeners must volunteer for a minimum number of hours to equal the hours of education obtained during training (65 hours). Intern Master Gardeners must obtain at least fifteen (15) of their first-year volunteer hour requirements from the Help Desk at the Collin County AgriLife Extension Office.

Hours worked by all Master Gardeners must be reported within thirty (30) days of the month in which the hours are worked. Any hours not reported within this time frame will be forfeited. In addition, any member who is not current with yearly dues will not be allowed to report volunteer or educational hours to be credited toward their yearly requirements until dues are paid.

When determining volunteer hours, travel time should be included.


To recertify, each member must have twenty (20) volunteer hours and six (6) Continuing Education hours every year; travel time is not to be include in continuing education hours. For record keeping purposes, a recertification date for each member will be established to coincide with the end of a given calendar year. In the event that this date is less than one year, the hour’s requirement will be prorated accordingly.

Of the twenty (20) volunteer hours required for recertification, three (3) hours must be obtained from the Help Desk at the Collin County AgriLife Extension Office.

A member in good standing may submit a written request to the Extension Agent requesting a leave of absence. This written request will specify the extenuating circumstances for which it is being submitted, such as illness or family emergency. If granted, this leave of absence will not exceed six (6) months during which time the member will stay current with dues.

  1. Dues

Dues for the Organization will be assessed annually. The dues will be assess-ed in September of each year and will be applicable to the next calendar year.

The assessment will be eighteen dollars ($18.00), of which two dollars ($2.00) will be used to provide the individual membership in the State Organization. Half-year dues (for New Interns joining in May) will be nine dollars ($9.00) and do not include State Membership.

  1. Standing/Special Committees

Standing Coordinators/Committees will be those which will exist for the life of the current Executive Board. Special Coordinators/Committees will exist only on an as-needed basis.

i. Administration

Executive Board

This Executive Board shall consist of elected Officers of CCMGA: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Volunteer Support Coordinator. The Extension Agent shall serve as Advisor.

Duties of Executive Board Members

In addition to the duties in the By-Laws, the President will serve as liaison between the Executive Board and Committee Chairpersons of the Audit and Nominating Committees.

CCMGA Standing Rules/Organizational Chart December 2008 Rev.

In addition to the duties in the By-Laws, the First Vice President shall serve as liaison between the Executive Board and Committee Chairpersons of the Speakers Bureau Committee, Horticulture Therapy Committee, Public Relations Committee/Calendar Committee, and Collin County Jail Education Committee.

In addition to the duties in the By-Laws, the Second Vice President shall keep a current membership roster, document membership hours, collect dues, advise members of status, and record any other data as needed by the Extension Agent. This person shall serve as liaison between the Executive Board and Committee Chairpersons of the Junior Master Gardeners Committee, Heritage Farmstead Museum Committee, Native Plant TAMU Display Gardens Committee, CEMAP Test Gardens Committee, and the Urban Plant Detectives Committee.

In addition to the duties in the By-Laws, the Secretary shall serve as liaison between the Executive Board and the Historian.

In addition to the duties in the By-Laws, the Treasurer shall serve as liaison between the Executive Board and the Committee Chairpersons of the Fundraising Committee, Habitat for Humanity Assistance Committee and Special Events.

In addition to the duties in the By-Laws, the Volunteer Support Coordinator shall serve as liaison between the Executive Board and the Committee Chairpersons of the Extension/Office Committee, Information Booth Committee, Newsletters/E-Minders Coordinator, and Website Committee. In addition, this person shall keep records of membership interests, support Chairpersons in filling Committee needs, and coordinate the Annual Project Review and Authorization form.

AgriLife Extension Office Administration and Help Desk Committee

This Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and additional members, as necessary. The duties shall include scheduling workers in the Extension Office to answer phones, make copies, and any other duties as may be necessary or as requested by Executive Board and/or Extension Agent.

This Committee Chairperson will contact the Secretary at least monthly, or more frequently, as needed.

Nominating Committee

As defined in Article IV, Section One, C of the By-Laws.

CCMGA Standing Rules/Organizational Chart December 2008 Rev.

In addition, this Committee shall be responsible for soliciting nominations from the membership for the State Awards presented by the Texas Master Gardeners Association. The Committee Chairperson will contact the President at least monthly, or more frequently, as needed, and work with the Extension Agent to finalize nominations.

Social/Hospitality Committee

This Committee will consist of at least a Chairperson and as many members as are needed. The Committee Chairperson shall be responsible for coordinating a committee that will facilitate refreshments and necessary supplies at the Association’s General Meetings and other special events. The duties also include coordinating door prize procurement and distribution at these events.

The Chairperson of this Committee shall contact the First Vice President at least monthly, or more frequently, as needed

ii. Communications

Newsletter and E-Minders Coordinator/Committee

This Committee will consist of at least a Chairperson who would also function as the Editor. The primary function will be to prepare and distribute a Newsletter on a quarterly basis as set by the Advisory Board to inform members of meetings and other pertinent information.

E-Minders will be sent on a weekly basis and shall contain only Master Gardener updated information of activities and events. Supplemental eminders will be sent on an as needed basis for activities requiring immediate attention.

Submissions for the weekly eminder must be sent to the eminder box at by 12 noon on Friday of each week.

The Chairperson of this Committee shall contact the Volunteer Support Coordinator at least monthly, or more frequently, as needed.

Web Site Committee

This Committee, consisting of at least a Chairperson and One (1) Master Gardener, shall prepare and keep updated the Collin County Master Gardeners Association’s website. This maintenance shall be under the guidance and at the request of the Executive Board and Extension Agent.

The chairperson of this Committee shall contact the Volunteer Support Coordinator at least monthly, or more frequently, as needed.

  1. Community Education

Collin County Jail Education Committee

This Committee shall consist of the Chairperson and as many additional members as have been trained and are willing to serve. The CCJE Committee’s duties shall include informing a select group of individuals of horticultural employment possibilities in the community, along with other assistance as may be deemed advisable.

CCMGA Standing Rules/Organizational Chart December 2008 Rev.

The chairperson of this Committee shall contact the First Vice President at least monthly, or more frequently, as needed.

Horticulture Therapy Committee

This Committee shall visit with a specific group of patients at local hospitals and or retirement communities on a regular basis to assist the medical staff with physical/mental therapy through simple horticultural projects, such as seed planting, propagating plants, etc.

Expenditures by members of this Committee for supplies purchased in advance of regularly scheduled hospital visits shall be refunded to the Master Gardener(s) by the appropriate hospital. These expense items shall not be submitted to the Treasurer for reimbursement.

The Chairperson of this Committee shall contact the First Vice President at least monthly, or more frequently, as needed.

Public Relations Committee/Calendar Committee

This Committee shall consist of at least a Chairperson. Other members will be added as required. The general purpose of this Committee will be to acquaint the community with the Association’s current and planned functions through the available media, such as radio, newspapers and the CCMGA website.

The Chairperson of this Committee shall contact the First Vice President at least monthly, or more frequently, as needed.

Speakers Bureau Committee

The Committee shall consist of the Chairperson and as many addition- al members as have been trained and are willing to serve. The Speakers Bureau will present programs to other organizations within the County on subjects for which presentations have been prepared and are available from the Extension Office, or presentations on subjects related to research which have been prepared or approved by AgriLife Extension Service.

In addition to speakers, this Committee shall consist of members providing research, advance preparations and record keeping.

The Chairperson of this Committee shall contact the First Vice President at least monthly, or more frequently, as needed.

CCMGA Standing Rules/Organizational Chart December 2008 Rev.

Gratuities received by the AgriLife Extension Service Office, or handed to the speaker at the time of the presentation, will be given to the Treasurer who will complete an individual and personal Thank You letter to be mailed to the contributing organization and deposit the gratuity in the CCMGA bank account.. At the same time, the Treasurer will send an e-mail to the Chairperson of the Speakers Bureau notifying him/her of this transaction.

iv. Community Enrichment

Heard Museum Partnership

This Committee shall be under the leadership of the Extension Agent and shall partner with the Heard Museum to provide educational opportunities to the community, as well as other assistance as deemed advisable.

The maximum reportable volunteer hours per Master Gardener will be eight (8) per year.

KRLD Phone Screeners/Neil Sperry Assistance Committee

This Committee shall consist of a select group of trained Master Gardeners who will assist as needed in this educational program.

The Chairperson of this Committee shall contact the Extension Agent on an as needed basis.

North Collin Habitat for Humanity Assistance Committee

This Committee, in cooperation with the North Collin Habitat for Humanity, shall consist of a Chairperson and other MGs, such as members of the Speakers Bureau, etc., who will provide horticultural education to new, inexperienced homeowners. Presentations shall contain instructions in the care and/or planting of suggested plants and turf.

The Chairperson of this Committee shall contact the Treasurer at least monthly, or more frequently, as needed.

  1. Demonstration Gardens

Native Plant TAMU Display Gardens Committee

This Committee shall consist of at least a Chairperson and shall be assisted by Master Gardeners on an as needed basis to maintain designated garden(s) at TAMU District Office.

The Chairperson of this Committee will work with and under the guidance of the TAMU District Office, but shall contact the Second Vice President at least monthly, or more frequently, as needed.

  1. Education

Master Gardener Training Committee

CCMGA Standing Rules/Organizational Chart December 2008 Rev.

This Committee, under the leadership of the Extension Agent, shall provide needed assistance during the training sessions of new interns into the Master Gardener program.

vii.  Educational Displays

Information Booths Committee

The Committee shall consist of the Chairperson and as many members as are needed and willing to serve.

This Committee shall provide published AgriLife Extension Service approved information to the community at public affairs/functions and may partner with other organizations as is advisable.

Master Gardener AgriLife Extension Office Help Desk volunteers may be used to prepare brochures, pamphlets and make copies as needed.

The Chairperson of this Committee shall contact the Volunteer Coordinator at least monthly, or more frequently, as needed.

viii.  Fundraising

Fall Bulb Sale Committee

This Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and other members as needed who will handle advertising, bulb selection and other duties as deemed necessary to conduct the fall bulb sale.

This Committee shall educate the public as to the correct fall bulbs for planting in North Texas and will be a reliable source for purchasing such bulbs.

The Chairperson of this Committee shall contact the Treasurer at least monthly, or more frequently, as needed.

Texas SuperStar/EK Rose Plant Sale Committee

This Committee, under the leadership of the Extension Agent, shall handle the plant selection, advertising, set up and other duties as deemed necessary to conduct the sale and shall consist of as many members as are needed. The Executive Agent shall work closely with and keep the Executive Board updated.

  1. Research

CEMAP Test Gardens Committee

This Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and other members as needed.

The duties of this Committee will be as decided yearly by TAMU. The chairperson of this Committee shall keep the Second Vice President advised at least monthly, or more frequently, as needed.

Urban Plant Detectives Committee

CCMGA Standing Rules/Organizational Chart December 2008 Rev.