NWEA SCORES for 2004-2005
NWEA has given InSAI the following scores to use for the ISTEP. They have been updated for 2004-2005 based on NWEA’s refined analysis of the ISTEP. These are Indiana On-Track Scores. This means that for those students scoring at or above the scores below in BOTH Reading and Language Usage, it is predicted that they are on-track to receive a “passing” score on the ISTEP Reading/Language Arts. For those students scoring at or above the scores below in Math, it is predicted that they are on-track to receive a “passing” score on ISTEP Math.
To complete the NWEA charts online, please enter the number of students who receive scores at or above those listed in the table below.
Grade / Fall Administration / Spring AdministrationReading / Language Usage / Math / Reading / Language Usage / Math
2 / 168 / 172 / 177 / 181 / 184 / 186
3 / 182 / 187 / 189 / 192 / 195 / 198
4 / 192 / 195 / 198 / 199 / 202 / 206
5 / 199 / 202 / 206 / 205 / 208 / 212
6 / 205 / 208 / 212 / 210 / 212 / 218
7 / 210 / 212 / 218 / 216 / 217 / 224
8 / 216 / 217 / 224 / 218 / 219 / 229
9 / 219 / 219 / 227 / 221 / 221 / 239
10 / 221 / 221 / 239
- NWEA advises its schools to use these data as follows: To identify students in the Fall who may be at risk for not “passing” ISTEP, attention should be paid to the Fall RIT estimates (Indiana On-Track scores). To identify students in the Spring who may be at risk for not “passing” ISTEP, NWEA recommends that attention be paid to the next grade’s Fall scores. Therefore, Spring scores are the same as the next grade level’s Fall scores.
- Grade 2 Fall scores are NWEA National RIT scores and NOT Indiana On-Track scores or predictions of ISTEP “passing” scores.
- For scores listed for Spring 8th grade, Fall and Spring 9th grade, and Fall 10th grade, it is important to note that: a) the analysis for these scores is NOT based on the new ISTEP (2002-2003) and b) NWEA states that these scores should be viewed cautiously due to a low number of test takers in the norming group.