Progress Report 2
Project Title:Holding Chamber for Zebrafish
Team Members: Austin Ramme, Kristin Sipsma, Mike Haggerty, Andrew Neumann
Client:Jill M. Kolesar, James Weichert, and Marc Longino
Advisor:Professor Justin Williams
Date:1/27/04 – 2/2/04
Problem Statement:
Design and evaluate a Zebrafish holding chamber for use during a CT imaging process.
Restatement of Team Goals:
1. Establish contact and meet with our client
- Develop an understanding of the project and its intentions
- Research relevant background information
- Identify market products
- Begin writing Product Design Specification (PDS)
Individual Goals:
Austin Ramme:
- Review PDS requirements and begin writing PDS report
- Research relevant background information on oxygen requirements for Zebrafish
- Update design notebook
Kristen Sipsma:
- Research background information regarding Zebrafish in medicalresearch
- Update design notebook
Mike Haggerty:
- Research relevant background information regarding CT microscanners
- Update design notebook
Andrew Neumann:
- Research relevant background information regarding Zebrafish anatomy
- Update design notebook
Summary ofAccomplishments:
1. Met with client on 1/28/04.
2. Developed understanding of project
3. Emailed client about additional information needed for project
Summary of Team Goals:
- Research for relevant background information regarding CT microscanners, medical Zebrafish research, andZebrafish anatomy
- Begin writing PDS
- Develop technique for testing oxygen requirements of Zebrafish
- Experimentally determine minimum oxygen requirements of Zebrafish
Project Schedule:
1/23/04Form teams and assign responsibilities
1/28/04Meet with client
1/23/04- 2/27/04Research, brainstorm, and develop PDS
2/27/04-3/5/04Prepare oral presentation
3/5/04 – 3/12/04Decide on final design; prepare written report
3/12/04 – 4/23/04Work on design and build prototype
4/23/04 – 4/30/04Prepare final oral presentation
4/30/04 – 5/5/04Prepare final report, PDS, and design drawings
5/7/04Final meeting with advisor
Developing a technique for determining the minimum oxygen requirement to sustain Zebrafish life is our current difficulty.
- Client Meeting- 1/28/04 (2 hr)
2. Assigned Research Topics and Began Research (2 hr)
Austin Ramme:
1. Began writing PDS Report (3 hr)
2. Researchedoxygen requirements(30 min)
3. Obtained and delivered 12 Zebrafish (45 min)
4. Wrote progress report(30 min)
5. Updated notebook (15 minutes)
Kristen Sipsma:
- Researched carcinogenesis in Zebrafish (2 hr)
- Updated notebook (15 min)
Mike Haggerty:
- Researched Zebrafish anatomy (45 min)
- Prepared fish tank for Zebrafish (30 min)
- Brainstormed design ideas (30 min)
- Updated notebook (15 min)
Andrew Neumann:
- Researched CT microscanners (30 min)
- Upload pictures from client meeting (45 min)
- Updated notebook (30 min)
Total Hours for Week:27 hr
Cumulative Team Hours to Date:38.5 hr