Course Outline for INTD 62, Page 1
Fall 2005
ChabotCollegeFall 2005
Course Outline for Interior Design 62
Catalog Description:
Interior Design 62 – Kitchen and Bathroom Design3 units
Survey of the field of kitchen and bathroom designs. Includes resources, materials, trends, costs and needs, both functional and aesthetic. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
[Typical contact hours: lecture 35, laboratory 52.5]
Prerequisite Skills:
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
- explain the human factors in designing functional and aesthetic kitchens and bathrooms;
- express current technology and trends in kitchen and bathroom design;
- identify the materials, fixtures and business practices in this field;
- devise plans for remodels of kitchens and bathrooms;
- explain the roles and responsibilities of designers, contractors and suppliers;
- draw accurate floor plans and specify materials and estimate cost of materials and installations;
- plan functional storage areas.
Course Content:
- Floor plans and elevations of kitchen and bathrooms and how they fulfill the functional needs of individuals and take into consideration the human factors of space design
- Standard dimensions of fixtures and components on the market
- Materials used in kitchen and bathroom design including ceramic tile, marble, corian, fiberglass and plastic substances
- Resources for materials, fixtures, cabinetry, designers and support services
- The National Kitchen and Bath Association and the Society of Certified Kitchen Designers
- Estimating, drafting, presentation, and Title 24 requirements.
Methods of Presentation:
- Lectures
- Field trips
- Guest speakers
- Videos
- Projects
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
- Typical Assignments
- Study current layout of your bathrooms and kitchen
- New bathroom specs
1) do a specification sheet for all materials
2) estimate and cost all materials
- New kitchen specs
1) do a specification sheet for all materials
2) estimate and cost all materials
d.Bathroom remodel
1) draw a new floor plan
2) do a specification sheet for all materials
3) estimate and cost all materials
4) do color board with design
5) draw details and elevations
e.Kitchen remodel
1) draw a new floor plan
2) do specification sheet for all materials
3) estimate and cost all materials
4) do color board with design
5) draw details and elevations
- Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
- Projects
- Oral presentations
- Quizzes
1) Typical questions:
(a) Which type of tile set on a counter has a mortar bed, is
highly durable, labor intensive and expensive?
(2) Thinset
(b) For ADA requirements, you must have how many inches
maximum clearance under an accessible lavatory?
(2) 27”
(3) 30”
(4) 34”
- Class participation
- Final exam
Textbook(s) (Typical):
Kitchens and Baths, Watson-Guptill, Loft Publications,2002.
Kitchens: Plan, Remodel and Build. Creative Homeowner Press, 2002.
Special Student Materials:
- Basic drafting supplies
- Other materials as listed on the syllabus
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Revised: kk ch 10/27/04