Level One Benchmarks for Upper String Instruments

By the end of Level 1, the violin/viola student will have accomplished the following categories.

Proper Posture and Position

­ Display proper posture- both sitting and standing.

­ Display proper positioning of the violin/viola and correct bow hold.

Knowledge and Maintenance of Instrument

­ Name the parts of his/her instrument and know how to take care of it.

Tone Quality and Intonation

­ Produce a clear tone using a straight bow at all parts of the bow; whole, lower,

middle, and upper parts.

­ Match finger intonation to open string; discriminate pitch by ½ and whole steps.

Finger Technique and Harmonics

­ Utilize low second fingers, and fourth finger in the keys of D, G, and C major.

­ Perform right hand pizzicato.

­ Play natural harmonics.

Bowings (Articulations)

­ Demonstrate the following bowings: Detache, staccato, slurs, retakes, bow lifts,

up bow pick ups, and up and down bows.


­ Perform a one octave scale in the keys of D, G, and C major.


­ Play the following rhythms keeping a steady pulse: quarter note, half note, whole

note, dotted half note, eighth notes, sixteenth notes and corresponding rests.

­ Read and Count the following rhythms: quarter note, half note, whole note and dotted

note and the corresponding rests.


­ Read the note names of all the open strings, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers in 1st position.


­ Perform with musicality by using dynamics (p, f, mp, and mf), crescendo, decrescendo

and accents.

Musical Terminology

­ Know and apply the following music terms: repeat signs, tempo, Da Capo, Fine,

and meters (3/4, 2/4, 4/4).

Musical Styles and Composition

­ Play in different styles of Music.

­ Create and Compose simple melodies.

Level One Benchmarks for Lower String Instruments

By the end of Level 1, the cello/bass student will have accomplished the following categories.

Proper Posture and Position

­ Display proper posture- both sitting and standing.

­ Display proper positioning of the cello/bass and correct bow hold.

Knowledge and Maintenance of Instrument

­ Name the parts of his/her instrument and know how to take care of it.

Tone Quality and Intonation

­ Produce a clear tone using a straight bow at all parts of the bow; whole, lower,

middle, and upper parts.

­ Match finger intonation to open string; discriminate pitch by ½ and whole steps.

Finger Technique and Harmonics

­ Utilize low second fingers, and fourth finger in the keys of D, G, and C major.

­ Perform right hand pizzicato.

­ Play in half, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions.

­ Play natural harmonics.

Bowings (Articulations)

­ Demonstrate the following bowings: Detache, staccato, slurs, retakes, bow lifts,

up bow pick ups, and up and down bows.


­ Perform a one octave scale in the keys of D, G, and C major.


­ Play the following rhythms keeping a steady pulse: quarter note, half note, whole

note, dotted half note, eighth notes, sixteenth notes and corresponding rests.

­ Read and Count the following rhythms: quarter note, half note, whole note and dotted

note and the corresponding rests.


­ Read note names in half, 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions.


­ Perform with musicality by using dynamics (p, f, mp, and mf), crescendo, decrescendo

and accents.

Musical Terminology

­ Know and apply the following music terms: repeat signs, tempo, Da Capo, Fine,

and meters (3/4, 2/4, 4/4).

Musical Styles and Composition

­ Play in different styles of Music.

­ Create and Compose simple melodies.