Public Relations Connections

Final Proposal Assignment

418 Jefferson Avenue

Miami Beach, Florida 33139

(305) 555-5000

Shawna McCutcheon

English 222

Technical Writing

6 July 2012

Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Corporate Description
  3. Market Analysis
  1. Figure 1: Demographic Breakdown
  2. Business Strategy
  3. Figure 2: Promotional Calendar (Appendix F)
  4. Management and Personal Summary
  5. Figure 3: Personnel Organization Structure (Appendix E)

II. Proposal Change

  1. Presentation of Change and/or Idea
  2. Procedure and Process to Implement Change
  3. Timetable
  4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Change Idea
  1. Figure 4: Advantages and Disadvantages of Change Idea

5. Edging the Competition

6.Financial Estimates

  1. Figure 5: Public Relations Connections Budget Table
  1. Appendix A: Definitive Terms
  2. Appendix B: Vision/Mission Statement
  3. Appendix C: Logo
  4. Appendix D: Newsletter
  5. Appendix E: Organizational Chart
  6. Appendix F: Promotional Calendar Sample

Executive Summary

  1. Corporate Description:

Public Relations Connections is a public relations firm based in Miami, Florida. We are seeking to branch out into the nationwide community. We strive to enhance our clients’ reputations. We offer a range of public relations services that include social media, press releases, press kits, crisis diversion and publicity. We also provide speech writing services, direct communication and personal branding for our clients.

2.Market Analysis:

This company provides service to private companies, individual customers and non-profit organizations.

Figure 1: Demographic Breakdown

Private Companies / 10 – 50 Employees / $1,000,000 to $100,000,000
Non-Profit Organizations / 2 – 20 Associates / $75,000 to $1,000,000
Individual Clients / Personnel / $45,000 to $5,000,000

3. Business Strategy:

This company will use various types of media outlets to advertise the services provided. Radio spots, television commercials, print media, business expos, website, social media sites, event flyers and promotional items (such as pens, calendars, PostIt pads, etc.).

(see Appendix F)

4. Management and Personal Summary:

Figure 2: Personnel Organization Structure (see Appendix E)

Shawna McCutcheon / President/CEO
Michelle Vaz de Oliveira / Vice President
Michele Papakie / Communications Director
Kathleen Schrecongost / Accountant
Raquel Guimaraes / Secretary
Jennifer Bergey / Communications Representative

Section II, Proposed Change:

  1. Presentation of Change and/or Idea:

The change desired by this company is to expand into the Los Angeles public relations market. The purpose of this change is to provide the services of the company in a different locale. It will resolve the problem of a restricted customer base in Miami and give clients in Los Angeles a personal touch and resolve the time difference conflict.

  1. Procedure and Process to Implement This Idea:

Step 1: The idea was initially produced June 1, 2012 in a staff meeting at the office.

Step 2: Staff members will research the positives and negatives in regard to opening

afacility in Los Angeles.

Step 3: The secretary of the company will make the necessary calls to the real estate


Step 4: Upon receiving the rental contract, it was signed and submitted back to the

real estate agent.

Step 5: Director of communications to make the trip to Los Angeles to meet with the

real estate agent, purchase supplies at Staples and set up the office.

Step 6: Interview and hire potential employees.

Step 7:Open up the new location.

  1. Timetable

The tentative date for the Public Relations Connections branch to open in Los Angeles will be September 10, 2012. It will take a proposed three month time period for the plan to come to fruition.

Figure 3: Time Breakdown Table

Process Steps / Date Finished
Idea Produced / June 1, 2012
Staff Research / June 16, 2012
Real Estate Agent / June 17, 2012
Contract Secured / August 15, 2012
Office Set-Up / August 25, 2012
New Employee Interviews / August 31, 2012
Official Grand Opening L.A. / September 10, 2012

Figure 4: Advantages and Disadvantages of Change Idea

Advantages of Change Idea / Disadvantages of Change Idea
Higher financial outcome for company / Higher expense in maintaining two locations
Greater client base / Greater distribution of payroll
Gain additional training and assistance / May have cash flow problems
Benefit from name recognition
Opening up to many new clients

5.Edging the Competition

There will be a greater advantage over the competition in Miami because there will be two locations to meet the needs of our client base. The advantages listed in Figure 4 will provide a greater idea of how the company will be better than the competition.

6.Financial Estimates

Figure 5: Budget Table

8.Summary and Conclusion

After careful research and planning, the team has concluded that it will be beneficial to open a second branch office in Los Angeles, California.

Appendix A: Definitive Terms

Public Relations Connections is a firm that advocates for our clients. We use the words below in our line of business as a way to communicate our ideas, describe what we do, and how we relate to the news media.

  1. Engage is a process in which a person enacts with another person or organization.
  2. Publics are the organizations, people, or audience in which are engaged in public relations.
  3. Conversation is the sharing of ideas between the public relations organization and the client.
  4. Press release is a notification sent out to the media to make them aware of events for an organization.
  5. Image is the way the company is portrayed to the public.
  6. Goals are what the company is working toward.
  7. Wire service is the media outlet in which a press release is given so that reporters can pull information from for stories.
  8. Strategy is the plan of action to achieve the desired direction in which the business goes.
  9. Crisis management is a continuous positive effort by a business in regards to an ongoing problem.
  10. Lede is the first, descriptive paragraph of a news story that tells who, what, when, where, why and how.

Public relations encompasses many of the same aspects as the written media. We advocate for our clients and ultimately find solutions to help them grow.

Appendix B: Vision/Mission Statement

Vision Statement:

The advocacy we provide for our customers break down barriers and fight for equality in the country.

Mission Statement:

The mission of Public Relations Connections is to:

Solve the problems of our publics.

Create a team to extend advocacy to our community.

Continuously increase our financial gain.

Create a positive work environment for our employees.

Appendix C: Logo

The light blue of the text represents tranquility and understanding. I want my clients to know I understand their needs while allowing them the relaxation of being in a tranquil and calm environment.

The darker blue represents knowledge and seriousness. I want my clients to know I’m serious about representing them with an abundance of knowledge in keeping both mine and their integrity in-tact.

The purple represents wisdom and creativity. Using this color, I want my clients to know that I have the wisdom to give them what they need and the creativity to offer them a variety of solutions to their circumstances.

Appendix D: Newsletter

Appendix E

Public Relations Connections is a firm that advocates for our clients.

  • The president and CEO of the company makes the main decisions about how the company is run and where the company will be in the future.
  • The vice president takes over company responsibilities when the president is away. The vice president is the second in command.
  • The communications director works closely with the president and vice president. They draft speeches for the top brass, write marketing plans, manage the brand, act as a spokesperson, manages crises and handles the social media aspect of the company.
  • The accountant takes care of the day to day finances of the company.
  • The secretary takes care of legal documents, makes sure meetings are scheduled and kept and make sure the top company officials do things in according to the law.
  • The communications representative works under the communications director to handle the smaller details of crisis management.

Appendix F:

Promotional Calendar Sample