A step-by-step guide to completing your admissions application

·  Log on to www.fullcoll.edu Click on APPLY ONLINE icon

·  Scroll down to bottom of page and Click on “Begin Application for Fullerton College”

·  Click on “New User”

·  Enter First Name, Middle Name and Last Name

·  Enter Birth date according to format mm/dd/yyyy

·  Enter email address and telephone number according format (###) ###-####

·  Enter mailing address information

·  Be sure to make note of your user name and password information. This information will be required for any future changes to your admissions application.

Page 1: Enrollment

·  Click Next when completed to go to the next page.

Page 2: Personal Information

·  Your personal information should populate on this page. (i.e. first and last name, birth date)

·  Enter any other names that you may go by, or have used on previous records.

·  Social Security Number: It is important to enter your Social Security Number correctly in the following format: ###-##-####

o  If you do not have a Social Security Number, check the box that declares you do not have a Social Security Number.

·  Your birth date should appear in the next field.

·  Select your marital status. (Married, Unmarried or Decline to State)

·  Select your gender. (Female, Male or Decline to State)

·  Select ethnic background that you identify with most.

·  Click Next when completed to move on to the next page.

Page 3: Contact Information

·  Enter Current Mailing Address Remember to enter apt. suite # if applicable

·  Enter Parent’s Last and First Name, Select their relationship to you.

·  Enter Guardian Parent Address if different than the Current Mailing address, if not

check the box that indicates “Check here if your guardian parent address is the same as your current mailing address”

·  Enter daytime and evening time telephone, according to (###) ###-####

·  Enter e-mail address, if not check box – Check this box if you do not have an e-mail address

·  Click Next when completed to move on to the next page.

Page 4: Education

·  Enrollment status: Select “First Time Student”

·  Skip Higher Education box, unless you have been to another college.

·  California High School Attendance

o  Answer “yes” – you have completed high school diploma or GED.

o  Have you completed three years or more years of high school in California – “yes or no”

·  Last High School Attended

o  Click on “Find high school”

·  After you have found the correct high school click on “select school”

·  Skip “Colleges Attended” – unless you have attended another college.

·  Click Next when completed to move on to the next page.

Page 5: Residency

·  The Residency section determines whether you are a resident/non-resident. It is important for you to answer this section carefully.

o  If you are a US citizen, select US citizen and proceed to Military Status.

o  If your are a permanent resident, you must provide Alien Registration Number, Date Issue and Expiration

§  If there is no expiration date, check the box.

o  For any other selection, you must provide Visa type, Date Issue and Expiration.

·  Military Status: Select the military status that applies to you.

o  If you are currently not in the military, select “None apply to me” and proceed to Self or Guardian Section.

o  If you are a status other than “None apply to me”, you must answer all four questions in the section.

·  Self or Guardian Section

o  Select between the following two choices.

Page 6: Residency 2

·  Click Next when completed to move on to the next page.

·  California Residence

·  Answer the following questions:

o  “Has your parent/guardian lived in California for at least two years?” “Yes or No”

§  If “No”, indicate the date they arrived to California

o  “Does your parent or guardian intend to maintain California as his/her legal residence?” “Yes or No”

o  “Is your parent or guardian a full-time employee, or spouse or dependent of a full-time employee of any of the following colleges or universities?” “Yes or No”

§  California Community College

§  California State University

§  University of California

§  Maritime Academy

o  “Is the applicant a full-time credentialed employee of California public school enrolling in college for purposes of fulfilling credentialed related requirements? “Yes or No”

o  Has your parent or guardian been employed as a seasonal agricultural worker for at least a total of two months of each of the past two years? “Yes or No”

·  Answer the following questions:

o  In the last two years has your parent or guardian

§  Declared residency in another state for tax purposes “Yes or No”

§  Register to vote in another state? “Yes or No”

§  Declared residency at an out-of-state college or university? “Yes or No”

§  Petition law-suit or filed for divorce as a resident in another state? “Yes or No”

·  Click Next when completed to move on to the next page.

Page 7: Needs & Interest

·  Answer questions on Main Language

·  Indicate if you are interested in financial assistance and other information listed.

Mark all that apply to you.

·  Click Next when completed to move on to the next page.

Page 8: Request for Consent

·  Read paragraph on Request for Consent to Release Information

·  Select “I do consent” or “I do not consent”

·  Click Next when completed to move on to the next page.

Page 9: Supplemental Questions

·  Pay close attention to the following sections

·  Once your application is completed, click on Submit.

·  After you have submitted your online application, you will need to do the following:

o  Print out the signature page

o  Sign the signature page

o  Turn in the signature page to Fullerton College Admissions and Records Office.


o  You will receive your ID number via e-mail or mail in a few days.