Education Committee Conference Call

Thursday, August 5th 2004

The monthly Education Committee conference call was held on Thursday, August 5th, 2004, at 10:00 AM eastern time.














Shahpori, Reza


Van Campen,





The purpose of the call is to make progress between working group meetings on various education projects. Abdul-Malik then introduced the agenda of this call as follows:
1. Approve minutes from July 1st, 2004 call

Minutes were previously sent and changes made – John Ritter motioned to accept; Abdul-Malik Shakir seconded the motion. Motion passed.
2. WBT & Distant learning proposal

Karen noted that the discussion of distance learning with the board was postponed until the board call on August 9th. It was noted that Pete Gilbert will be taking a lead on distance learning. Abdul-Malik again noted that there are two forms of presentation – one with a live instructor (“webinar”) and another with slides and pre-recorded audio. It was noted that Pete will be attending the August summit to tape the Introduction to V2 course being taught by Mike Henderson. The goal would be to have something to try and build a distance learning prototype. Jennifer noted that in her experience, recording audio is a quiet room would be better. It was also noted that having a second person play the role of audience and ask planned questions would make it more interactive. However, it was agreed that the recording of the V2 class at the summit was a good start. Virginia emphasized the need for the first ¼ of the V2 intro class to be packaged on its own and available through distance learning to new members and new attendees. She noted a need of students to receive this basic introduction to HL7 that the first ¼ day provides – what is HL7 org? What are its products? How does a member participate? Abdul-Malik thought that this class may attract people to meetings.

Abdul-Malik is interested in an additional volunteer to help with the distance learning project. This volunteer would help by reviewing materials, helping with logistics, etc. No one on the call volunteered to fill this role. John suggested a request be made on the list.

  1. Certification Testing

It was confirmed that Mike Henderson has agreed to update the V2 Control certification test to V2.5. Then the rest of our conversation centered around V3 certification.

It was noted that Virginia has agreed to work on a V3 Rim certification test. The rationale for choosing the RIM is because it’s the most solid of V3 products. Mead noted that we should not pick something in which there is still debate. Abdul-Malik noted that the V2 tests are given for years prior to being changed. The RIM also appears to be the least of V3 products to be subject to change. We also explored the possibility of certifying on the V3 Guide – how ever this was ruled out because V3 methodology still seems to be evolving. We explored the possibility of certifying on Infrastructure Mgmt – but that is evolving as well.

Rene raised the question of the usefulness of a rote learning/memorization based test. He expressed a need to be able to determine what consultants are V3 experts and which are not. He expressed a concern that memorization based tests cannot determine that this. He suggested a test where the test taker is presented with a mock domain and asked questions related to it. It was agreed that a mock-domain would be useful for other aspects such as for use in the training classes. Rene and Mead agreed to help develop a mock domain. The mock domain could be used in training and testing for proficiency in Infrastructure Mgmt, V3 methodology, and tools.

Mead agreed to work with Virginia in development of a V3 RIM test, with the goal of a first draft by the January meeting. Abdul-Malik will talk to MNM to get their agreement on the development of this test. WBT and the Distance Learning Proposals are 2 separate proposals. Both would be brought before the board. The proposals were sent to the list previously.

4.Educator’s Forum

Abdul-Malik noted that in response to requests from the international committee, an educator’s forum has been established. The purpose of the forum is to share best practices and to allow for collaboration among V3 educators. Tim Benson has agreed to oversee this and has scheduled Sunday PM at the September WGM. A concern was expressed that this time slot may overlap with the MNM and Vocabulary facilitator meeting. Virginia noted that she would not be there but would gladly participate if a conference phone could be provided.

5.August Educational Summit

It was noted that two classes have low enrollment. Status will be checked next week to determine if they need to be cancelled.

6.V3 Track Collaboration

Virginia expressed a concern that the V3 track is not well connected in the way the V2 track is connected. There are not enough dependencies on other classes and not enough collaboration. It was agreed that she could work with headquarters to set up a call with the V3 track instructors to work towards collaboration to improve the track moving forward.

7.Agenda Suggestions for next call

Virginia asked that the V3 track be further discussed

John Ritter asked that we discuss how to provide education for areas such as E.H.R., ePrescribing, and other NHII initiatives. He noted that many HL7 EHR CDs were handed out at the July NHII conference.


6/3 / The topic of "business model for Education" was brought up - Abdul-Malik recommended that this be a topic at a Working Group Meeting
September 26 – 30, 2004
6/3 / Mike Henderson to develop V2.5 cert test. DUE DATE???
6/3 / Virginia & Mead Walker to work on developing a V3 RIM Cert test.
First Draft Due – January 24 – 27, 2005
6/3 / AMS to propose V3 RIM Cert Test idea to MnM.
6/3 / AMS to develop a draft for mission and charter for Education
Due by 9/27/04
7/1 / AMS suggested joining a CDA Conference call to discuss the scope of a CDA Certification Exam and solicit their imput on how to go about developing one. AMS to contact Bob Dolin to get on their agenda about CDA Cert Test
Due Date??
7/1 / MnM will discuss the approach for a V3 Cert Test on July 13th.
7/1 / September WGM review instructor scores from Summits especially on anything less than a 3.0
7/1 / AMS to ask Int’l Affiliates how the tutorial download is working. May need to review at WGM the process that allows Int’l Affiliates to download the three (3) tutorials owned by HL7.
8/5 / V3 Track – V Lorenzi to set up conference call with HQ to allow V3 Track Instructors to work towards collaboration of V3 Track Connectivity
Due Date????
8/5 / Rene Spronk & Mead Walker to develop a mock domain for V3 Testing.
Due Date????
8/5 / Educators Forum – Meeting set for Sunday at Sept WGM. Concern about overlap with MnM & Vocabulary Meetings.
For agenda of September Call.
8/5 / V3 Track to be Discussed.
For agenda of September Call.
8/5 / How to provide education for areas like E.H.R., ePrescribing and other NHII initiatives – requested by John Ritter
For agenda of September Call.
6/3 / 6/3 / Arden SIG to work on Certification (Reza to assist or author). Peggy to find out. (Done 6/3/04)
Co-chairs will determine before January 2005 perhaps.
6/3 / 6/3 / CCOW TC has been approached but we need a person to own the task. Peggy to find out (Done 6/3/04)
CCOW co-chairs will determine before January 2005 perhaps
6/3 / 6/3 / Request CDA to develop a cert exam. Peggy to ask. (Done 6/3/04)
Structured Docs will determine before January 2005 perhaps
6/3 / 6/3 / AMS to send Helen's Educator's forum proposal to the list. (Done)
6/3 / 6/3 / Pete Gilbert to summarize his work and list several discussions on Web-Based Training into a proposal for review at the next call. (Done)
NA / 7/1 / Peggy to follow up and find out what we can do to support Virginia Lorenzi regarding the V3 track and educators.


September 2nd, 10:00 am


Participant passcode:236081#