Cumulative Senior Project
Table of Contents
Senior Cumulative Project Timeline...... 3 & 4
Senior Cumulative Project Overview ...... 5
Letter of Intent ...... 7
Sample Letter of Intent ...... 8
Senior Project Approval Form...... 9
Guidelines to Research...... 11
Plagiarism Policy...... 12
Evaluating Internet Sources...... 13
Product/Project Mentor Role and Responsibilities...... 15
Mentor Evaluation...... 16
Product/Project Log...... 17
Considerations...... 18
The Presentation...... 20
Guidelines for the Presentation ...... 21
Rehearsal and Delivery ...... 22
Delivery Checklist………………………………………………………………………………………….23
PORTFOLIO...... 24
Letter to the Judges...... 25
Resume Writing...... 26
Suggestions for Sections on your Resume...... 27
Suggestions for Reference List ......
Resume and References Checklist...... 28
The Cover Letter …………………………………………………………………………………………...29
RUBRICS ...... Distributed Fall 2016
TENTATIVE Project/Product Timeline 2016 - 2017
Required Activities:25% Research Paper25% Portfolio
25% Product25% Presentation / Tentative Due Dates:
Dates correspond with quarter and
mid-term grading – into Senior Project Section of Senior English Grade
Project Explanation and Manuals distributed / May 16, 2016
Letter of Intent written
Senior Project Approval Form signed
Mentor Form signed
Plagiarism policy Form signed
All of the completed documents placed in Portfolio / September 14 & 15
(Two dates indicate Advisor and Ms. Froiland grading)
Resume & Cover Letter Final Drafts in Portfolio / September 22
Research Paper Topic Refined and Approved
- Appointment with Ms. Froiland
- Graphic Organizer
- Notes
- Topic Outline
- Works Cited
- Rough Draft
- Final Draft
Researching/Note taking
Research Paper Graphic Organizer due!
Research Paper Rough Draft Topic Outline due! / September 26 – October 5
October 5 & 6
Research Paper Notes due
Research Paper Rough Draft Works Cited
Research Paper Rough Draft Introduction / October 13
Research Paper Rough Draft – all parts 1 document
Research Paper Copy to AdvisorAppointment to discuss project/product plan and/or process – Product/Project Checkpoint 1
Research Paper Copy to Pre-selected Peer / October 25
(Two dates indicate Advisor and Ms. Froiland grading)
Research Paper Peer Edit
Review Advisor and Teacher comments/edits
Begin working on final draft / November 1
Research Paper Final Draft all parts! 1 document
Research Paper Final Outline – separate document / November 4
Research Paper in Portfolio
- Graded Rough Drafts (Teacher & Advisor)
- Peer Edited Drafts
- Graded Final Drafts
Product/Project Checkpoint 2 / November 29 & 30
(Two dates indicate Advisor and Ms. Froiland grading)
Product/Project Checkpoint 3 / January 10 & 11
(Two dates indicate Advisor and Ms. Froiland grading)
Product/Project Checkpoint 4 / February 14 & 15
(Two dates indicate Advisor and Ms. Froiland grading)
Product/Project Checkpoint 5 / March 1 & 2
(Two dates indicate Advisor and Ms. Froiland grading)
Product/Project Checkpoint 6 / March 21 & 22
(Two dates indicate Advisor and Ms. Froiland grading)
Product/Project Checkpoint 7 / April 4 & 5
(Two dates indicate Advisor and Ms. Froiland grading)
Presentation Preparation & Practice / April 11 - 24
Finalizing Portfolio
Portfolio Grading
Include Product/Project Log/Checkpoint Form / April 18 & 19
(Two dates indicate Advisor and Ms. Froiland grading)
Presentation Open House / TBA – Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Presentation Judging / TBA – Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Senior Cumulative Project Fall 2016
Phases of the Project
- Introduce idea
- Letters of intent
- Parent acknowledgement form
- Personal mentors
- Research Paper component
- Product component
- Presentation practice
- Presentation
- Project/Paper compilation in Portfolio
- Follow up – thank you/reflection
Rationale:Each senior student at Parker High School will complete a Cumulative Senior Experience Project as a graduation requirement. The purpose of the project is to allow the student to demonstrate the knowledge and maturity that he/she has gained during the course of his/her education. The project must be a “learning stretch,” meaning that it must go beyond what one already knows or has experienced. The Cumulative Senior Experience Project is a four-part process involving a Research Paper (as accepted and assigned by the senior English teacher), a Project/Portfolio (approved by parents and administration), a Portfolio (running representation of yearly progress and compilation of the experience), and Open House and Judged Presentation.
Selection of the Research Paper Topic
- The Research Paper topic should relate as closely as possible to the product/project.
- The Research Paper topic and format will be determined by the English teacher as he/she sees fit in accordance with the educational norms/necessities for their standard senior year in high school as well as being fundamentally purposeful for post-secondary writing expectations.
- The below source is a magnificent reference for Research Paper writing.
Complete Research Paper
- This Project/Product should be a real-world accomplishment that can make an impact upon the student by providing a stretch in abilities in order that he/she can experience something new and that through research, guidance, organization, and perseverance success can be realized.
- The Project/Product should be project-friendly, meaning it should easily lend itself as a project or product but be a definite “stretch” for the student to experience growth.
You should seek a mentor for this project/product, a subject specialist preferably not a family member.
- Your director & advisor will check that you are maintaining the timeline and provide academic assistance.
- Specialist mentors provide an interview, guidance, suggestions, and possibly sources.
- At least three mentor meetings need to be scheduled with your mentor.
- Remember that your mentor’s time is valuable. Be respectful of this fact and schedule your meetings in advance and within the convenience of the mentor. When you schedule a meeting – BE THERE!
- 10-20 minutes (not including questions).
- Introduction should explain why you selected the project/product and a little about yourself.
- The body of the presentation will explain and demonstrate how your project/product was an extension of your research paper topic. Be sure to show evidence and explain your product and/or shadowing hours.
- If applicable, describe the role your mentors played during the course of your project.
- In conclusion, explain how the senior project has affected or influenced your personal development, and/or your intended area of study or employment.
- Your presentation must include visual aids and must incorporate technology.
The letter of intent is a document you write before you are allowed to do any “hands-on” work on your project/product. It will explain what your plans are for your project/product, including how you plan to go about finishing it and what the finished project/product will be.
Your letter of intent must be typed in block-style, personal business letter format (see next page) with one-inch margins on the left, right, and bottom; the top margin should be 2 – 2 ½ inches. Block style means all parts of the letter begin at the left margin. Your letter must provide all of the information requested and reflect your best writing, spelling, and grammar. Make certain to sign your letter! You should quadruple space after the date and before your typed signature line to allow room for your handwritten signature. Your letter of intent must be approved by your parents and school administration before you begin your project.
Sample Letter of Intent
Your name
123 Main Street (your home address)
Parker, South Dakota 57053
August 25, 2007 (current date)
Addressee’s name
Parker High School
P.O. Box 517
330 W. 2nd. St.
Parker, SD 57053
Dear School Administrator:
In the beginning of this paragraph, explain yourgeneral area of interest, such as art, communications, social problems, physical fitness, automotive, etc. Explain what you already know or have accomplished in this area. Then transition into your project/product idea - give very specific details-what it will be, what you will actually do, who and what will be involved, and what you will need to consider completing your project. You should also list possible mentors to help you, estimated cost, and estimated time required to complete the project. Explain clearly how this project/product will be a learning stretch for you by writing how it will take you beyond current knowledge and/or current skills. This is not an opportunity to do again something which you already have done using current knowledge. It is here that you transition into the connection between the research paper and the product portion of the Cumulative Senior Project.
In the second paragraph, be specific about what you will be researching for your research paper. Tell what you hope to gain from your investigation, and any sources you plan to use. Include names of people/authorities you plan to interview as primary sources for information and identify their expertise/background.
In the third paragraph you should explain what plagiarism is and the consequences of plagiarizing or falsifying any information, including the fact that this would result in failing the Senior Project and possibly English 12.
Conclude with a clear statement affirming that you will not plagiarize or falsify any information in your research, your research narrative, or your project itself.
Sincerely yours, (or other appropriate complimentary close)
Your Typed Signature
This letter will be submitted with a Senior Project Approval Form. When the approved documents are returned to you, you must keep them to add to your Senior Project Portfolio.
Research Paper Topic______
Project/Product Idea______
Student Signature ______Date______
Parent Signature ______Date ______
Review Committee
Research Paper Topic Approved ______(Sr. English Teacher or Sr. Experience Director)
Product Approved______(High School Principal)
Topic Not Approved*______Product Not Approved*______(Director/Principal respectively)
Reason Not Approved:
- There is no apparent "learning stretch" for you in this project.
- This project closely resembles one that is already part of the PHS curriculum and is a project that is already completed by many students.
- The proposal has elements that violate school policies.
- The project has potentially dangerous elements.
- o Other______
*You must resubmit unapproved components.
- It is not the responsibility of a new administration/new director/new advisor/school personnel or a new mentor to approve an ongoing project that was begun prior to his/her role with the student. In this case, a new approval form needs to be submitted in order for continued work to occur with the Research Paper, Senior Experience Project/Product, Cumulative Portfolio, and/or Open House/Judged Presentation.
- It is not the responsibility of the school personnel/school board/and/or mentor to provide supplies and services beyond its onsite supplies and this is only if the director initially communicates and receives approval of use from the individual(s) responsible for the supplies prior to their use.
- It is not the responsibility of the school personnel or school board to provide transportation of the student to his/her project/product site in order for it to be realized.
- It is not the responsibility of the school personnel/school board/and/or mentor for any injuries or damage that may occur during the process, presentation, or transportation of the project/product.
- It is not the responsibility of the school personnel/school board/and/or mentor for the final judged presentation score.
- The research paper is more meaningful than a "term paper." It is likely to cross disciplines and will require interviews, as well as written material.
- The first step involves researching. Research may take a variety of forms, primary and secondary, traditional and non-traditional. Primary sources of information may include interviews and surveys, an expert's actual notes, an autobiography, letter, or on-line databases. You may use more than one primary source, but one must be an interview. Secondary sources are textbooks, reference books, periodical articles, literary criticism, and/or written material discussing any primary information.
- Each research paper must cite a minimum of six different sources. Students should seek a variety and balance in their selections, utilizing no less than three different types of sources. Sources should include at least one primary source (interview source) because primary sources add immediacy and relevance to the research.
- Students must carefully document all research information cited in their papers. This should include parenthetical documentation within the paper and a list of works cited at the end of the paper. Likewise, the student should be thoroughly informed of research ethics and the serious consequences of plagiarism. Refer to your copy of the current MLA/APA Writing Stylus.
Parker High School regards plagiarism as a very serious offense. Plagiarism is a form of cheating, and cheating will not be tolerated.
Plagiarism is defined as:
The use of another's words without acknowledging the source, whether found in printed material or in electronic media, including submitting the work of another, either published or unpublished, in full or in part, free or purchased.
It is the teacher's responsibility to provide instruction concerning documentation procedures. Ultimately, however, academic honesty is the student's responsibility. If plagiarism is not discovered during the writing process but appears in the final paper, the penalties listed below will apply.
Student research will be evaluated throughout the writing process. A paper containing blatant plagiarism will be returned. After having a period of time to conference with the teacher and make any necessary corrections, the student may resubmit the paper for a final grade no higher than 50% of the possible points. If the resubmitted paper still contains a pattern of plagiarism, it will receive a zero.
I understand that if the first final copy of my research paper contains plagiarism, it must be rewritten correctly in order for me to continue with my Senior Project. I also understand that when the paper is redone, it will receive no grade higher than a 50%.
Student's Signature______
Parent's Signature______
1. Authorship
·Who wrote the site?
·What are the author's credentials?
·Is the web information within the author's specialty?
2. Publishing Body
·Is this an official organizational site or a personal web page?
·Is the sponsoring organization credible?
3. Content
·What is the purpose of the web page?
·Is there evidence of bias?
·What is the source and date of the information?
4. Context of the work
·Does the site include a bibliography?
5. Accuracy or credibility
·What are some of the links listed at the site?
·· What is the full URL address?
7. Scope
·What is the depth of the context (i.e. number of pages)?
The product/project will be an extension of your research paper, which will allow you to use your creativity and personal interests to learn more about the passion/career you have researched for your paper. For this reason, the product will take on many different forms. It will be important for you to consider the product you would like to create while you are determining the topic for your research paper.
Remember that the Senior Experience Project/Product should be a stretch and stimulate intellectual growth. This is true for the project/product you will be developing. When considering the project/product, think about the resources that you currently have available to you, the resources that are available through your mentor, and contacts you may make in the process.
The possibilities are endless!!
Senior Experience Project/Product Review
Parents must sign research paper topic and project/product plans prior to review by the Review Committee/Administration. These plans should be attached to your letter of intent. The signature will be an indication of parental knowledge and support of the research topic and project/product. The approved plans will be kept in the portfolio. The Review Committee/Administration must review detailed plans before you begin work on the research paper portion.
Product/Project Log
The Project/Product log will be used to document the time you spend working on your Product/Project. You are required to spend a minimum of fifteen hours working on your Product/Project. All the time you spend working on your Product/Project should be documented on a Product/Project log (you can create your own or use the one provided in this packet). The log needs to specify the hours you worked alone, with your mentor, as well as the meeting times with your teacher (director) and school adviser. Signatures of the mentor, advisor, and director are required on this log. The log should provide an area to describe the activity accomplished and the next planned steps. You will find the next step column especially helpful when you have lapses of time between your work sessions. The Project/Product log requires appropriate signatures.
**The research paper must directly relate to the product/project thus any refining to the product/project plan must be finalized prior to starting the research paper. The research paper is completed in the fall of the senior year, by that time the project/product should be confirmed by the student, and approved by the parents and school administration.
**If major changes are made to the product/project plan following the research paper completion, a new letter of intent, a new approval form and possibly another research paper will be assigned. Changing the project/product is not recommended as the senior experience project/product at Parker High School is a year-long culmination of many parts and thus the learning stretch and organizational experience will not be positive and could result in a final score that is not typical of the student or even passing. If the student does not pass this project/product parts, he/she may not pass Senior English and may be asked to repeat some or all parts of the project/product.