
Regular meeting Board of Education, Hinton Public School, April 25, 2016, 6:00 p.m. High School Library located at 708 N. Broadway, Hinton, OK.

1. The meeting was called to order by President Ken Spady.

Members present: Ken Spady, Jodi Combs, Jason Douglas, Shane Kimble and Clendon Tucker

2. Invocation was given by Mr. Brownen.

Moved to item #7

7. Representative from Keystone Foodservice to present a presentation regarding foodservice outsourcing.

Mr. Feeback and Mr. Lime with Keystone Foodservice presented their foodservice operation. Items of discussion:, food served, menu rotation, employees and billing. The board members and Mr. Brownen will visit other schools they service to gather more information.

Move to item #5

5. Administration Reports:

A.  HS/MS Principal's Report: Mr. Nickell presented his report with State testing underway, 6th grade will travel to the Caddo Kiowa Vo-Tech, Alyssa Rose, Skye Hall, Caitlin Boytin and Kaitlin Nelson will attend the State Speech contest, Softball moving to Regionals, Baseball starts Districts and FFA State Convention this week. Other activities for the month of May include: FFA Banquet -3rd, Band Concert -10th, Special Olympics -11th-13th, Sports Banquet -12th, Baccalaureate -15th, 8Grade Graduation -16th, Awards Assembly -17th, HS Graduation -20th, Senior Trip -21st and last day of school May 26th. Enrollment: MS-162, HS-175.

B.  Elementary Principal's Report: Mrs. Derryberrys’ report included upcoming events for May,

Testing will finish this week; Spring Festival May 6 at 7pm with the theme being “Rodgers and Hammerstein” Musicals; Teacher Appreciation week May 2-6; Foundation Grants Awarded to teachers were very much appreciated; New Elem. Computer lab is complete and running; Chrome books are being used with great interest by the students. Enrollment at 399.

C.  Superintendent's Report given by Mr. Brownen included looking at a new website offered to schools called Oklahoma Public School Resource Center. The Foundation Grants issued to several teachers in all totaled $10,227.28 which is greatly appreciated since the Hinton Foundation was started just a year again.

Return to item #3

3. Motion was made by Clendon Tucker, second by Jason Douglas to approve the consent agenda with all of the following items:

A.  Minutes: BOE Regular Meeting March 21, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.

B.  Agenda as posted by law.

C.  Approve the following encumbrances –Regular encumbrance’s #446 - #481; increase #392, #434 void #280, 299, 426, 445, 448,449 and 452 on General Fund 11; approve regular encumbrance’s #125 - #135; increase #109 & #117; void #40, 49 and 54 on Building Fund 21; no encumbrances on Child Nutrition Fund 22; no encumbrance on New Bldg. Bond #33 and no encumbrances on Bond #32 for the month of April.

D.  Approve Requisitions #121 - 123; Change Order #2 Joe D. Hall for Bond #33 from BancFirst.

E.  Financial Report given by Mr. Brownen included all Expenditure Account Payables and Activity Fund. Revenue was covered with balances of all funds. General Fund $1,133,811.38, Building Fund $157,472.80, Child Nutrition $23,162.03, Bond Fund #32 $4,208.48, Bond Fund #33 $1,061,480.45, Sinking Fund $847,484.38, Activity Fund Money Market $50,076.79 and Gifts & Endowments $316.07 for the month of March 2016

Kimble -yes, Tucker -yes, Combs -yes, Douglas -yes, Spady -yes

4. No guests present.

Disregard item #6, entered twice on agenda will be voted on Item #12.

6 Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the Open Transfer request for school year 2016-2017.

8. Motion was made by Jason Douglas, second by Jodi Combs to approve improvement costs associated with the athletic complex improvements.

Douglas -yes, Combs-yes, Spady -yes, Kimble -yes, Tucker -yes

9. Motion was made by Clendon Tucker, second by Jason Douglas to approve the review of the deed provided by Hinton Recreation and Tourism relating to the athletic complex.

Combs -yes, Kimble -yes, Tucker -yes, Spady -yes, Douglas -yes

10. Motion was made by Jodi Combs, second by Shane Kimble to table the contract with the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services for school year 2016-2017.

Tucker -yes, Spady -yes, Kimble -yes, Douglas -yes, Spady -yes

11. Motion was made by Jason Douglas, second by Jodi Combs to approve the Academic Pre-Engineering and Bio-Medical Credit Agreement with Caddo Kiowa Technology Center.

Kimble -yes, Douglas -yes, Spady -yes, Tucker -yes, Combs -yes

12. Motion was made by Clendon Tucker, second by Jodi Combs to approve the Open Transfer request for school year 2016-2017.

Spady -yes, Combs -yes, Tucker -yes, Douglas -yes, Kimble -yes

13. Motion was made by Jodi Combs, second by Clendon Tucker to approve a fundraiser request by Sr. Class to have “Treat Day” added to their list of fundraisers which will be for two weeks to help with Sr. Trip.

Tucker -yes, Kimble -yes, Combs -yes, Spady -yes, Douglas -yes

14. Motion was made by Shane Kimble, second by Clendon Tucker to table a request by Cheerleader Sponsors to add to their fundraiser list “ETeam Sponsor – Crowdfunding System” for the Cheer activity account.

Combs -yes, Douglas -yes, Spady -yes, Kimble -yes, Tucker -yes

15. Motion was made by Shane Kimble, second by Jason Douglas to approve the Hinton Girls Basketball Camp May 30th and 31st, 2016.

Douglas -yes, Spady -yes, Tucker -yes, Combs -yes, Kimble -yes

16. Motion was made by Jodi Combs, second by Clendon Tucker to approve Title VII Indian Education committee for school year 2016-2017.

Kimble - yes, Combs -yes, Douglas -yes, Tucker -yes, Spady -yes

17. Propose executive session to discuss, so board can return to open session and vote on appropriate

items: 25 O.S. 307 (B)(1).

A.  Discuss the resignation of Connie Miller, HS Teacher.

B.  Discuss the resignation of Kelly Feusteneau, HS Teacher.

C.  Discuss the resignation of Sidney Huitt, HS Teacher.

D.  Discuss the resignation of Becca Sullivan, Child Nutrition Director.

E.  Discuss the employment of H.S./M.S. Language Arts Teacher.

F.  Discuss the employment of H.S./M.S. Language Arts Teacher.

18. Motion was made by Jason Douglas, second by Shane Kimble to convene into executive session at 7:45 p.m.

Douglas -yes, Tucker -yes, Spady -yes, Kimble -yes, Combs -yes

19. Motion was made by Jodi Combs, second by Clendon Tucker to acknowledge the board has returned to open session at 8:05 p.m.

Tucker -yes, Combs -yes, Kimble -yes, Douglas -yes, Spady -yes

20. Motion was made by Jason Douglas, second by Jodi Combs to approve the resignation of Connie Miller, HS Teacher.

Combs -yes, Douglas -yes, Spady -yes, Kimble -yes, Tucker -yes

21. Motion was made by Clendon Tucker, second by Jason Douglas to approve the resignation of Kelly Feusteneau, HS Teacher

Douglas -yes, Tucker -yes, Spady -yes, Kimble -yes, Combs -yes

22. Motion was made by Shane Kimble, second by Jodi Combs to approve the resignation of Sidney Huitt, HS Teacher.

Kimble -yes, Douglas -yes, Spady -yes, Tucker -yes, Combs -yes

23. Motion was made by Clendon Tucker, second by Jason Douglas to approve the resignation of Becca Sullivan, Child Nutrition Director.

Douglas -yes, Spady -yes, Tucker -yes, Combs -yes, Kimble -yes

24. Motion was made by Shane Kimble, second by Jodi Combs to approve the employment of

Kayla Klassen as the H.S./M.S. Language Arts Teacher.

Tucker -yes, Combs -yes, Kimble -yes, Spady -yes, Douglas -yes

25. Motion was made by Clendon Tucker, second by Jason Douglas to approve the employment of

Katherine Whitt as H.S./M.S. Language Arts Teacher.

Combs -yes, Douglas -yes, Tucker -yes, Kimble –yes, Spady -yes

26. No New Business

27. Motion was made by Jodi Combs, second by Clendon Tucker to adjourn at 8:15 p.m.

Kimble -yes, Douglas -yes, Spady -yes, Tucker -yes, Combs –yes

Pres: ______Member: ______

V-Pres: ______Member: ______

Clerk: ______Minutes Clerk: ______