The Odyssey: Odysseus Character Evaluation Essay

Your purpose for writing is to EVALUATE Odysseus’s character based on your personal definition of a hero. Your objective is to write a five paragraph, literary analysis essay that uses textual evidence to support your claims.


1.  Recall your personal definition of a hero.

Example: courageous, determined, selfless

2.  Determine if Odysseus does or does not exhibit that character trait (or exhibits the trait some of the time).

3.  Locate specific instances in the text in which Odysseus does or does not exhibit that trait.

4.  Document at least six pieces of textual evidence which you will use to support your evaluation.

Citation: “I drew on all my wits, and ran through tactics, / Reasoning as a man will for dear life,

/ Until a trick came—and it pleased me well” (Homer 373-375). Use line numbers, not page numbers.

5.  Write a thesis statement that includes the three traits and states whether or not Odysseus exhibits these traits (Do not use the word “three” in your thesis, however- formal writing rule.). The traits should be organized from the trait he displays the least (or impacts his journey the least) to the trait he displays the most (or impacts his journey the most). At the end the thesis, include an overall judgment of Odysseus’ character.

Example: Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseus displays prominent traits of a hero such as courageousness and determination, yet fails to demonstrate consistent selflessness; therefore, Odysseus meets the general standards of an ancient Greek hero but falls short of the modern qualifications of a hero.

6.  Write a topic sentence for each body paragraph. Each topic sentence must state the characteristic and if Odysseus displays the trait or not.


I.  Introduction

A.  Attention getter: piece of textual evidence that relates to Odysseus’s character and/or your hero traits

B.  Transition to thesis: general thoughts on the idea of a hero, what a hero means to a culture/society, how heroes are portrayed in literature, etc. Mention title, author, genre, and a one sentence summary of The Odyssey

1.  Author: Homer Genre: epic poem Composed: Between 800 and 600 BCE

C.  Thesis statement

II.  Body Paragraph One

A.  Transitional phrase, topic sentence

B.  T+Context+DTE+MLA

C.  Significance of 2

D.  T+Context+DTE+MLA

E.  Significance of 4

F.  Concluding Sentence

III.  Body Paragraph Two

A.  Transitional phrase, topic sentence

B.  T+Context+DTE+MLA

C.  Significance of 2

D.  T+Context+DTE+MLA

E.  Significance of 4

F.  Concluding Sentence

IV.  Body Paragraph Three

A.  Transitional phrase, topic sentence

B.  T+Context+DTE+MLA

C.  Significance of 2

D.  T+Context+DTE+MLA

E.  Significance of 4

F.  Concluding Sentence

V.  Conclusion

A.  Restate thesis

B.  Summarize main points (Do not repeat anything word for word.)

C.  Reflect on how Odysseus’s traits reveal the values of ancient Greek culture

Don’t forget to. . .


ü  Use one to two transition words per paragraph (however, consequently, on the other hand, etc.)

ü  Introduce every piece of textual evidence with proper punctuation- NO plopped quotes!*

ü  Include an MLA header and title

ü  Review your essay for formal writing rules, especially writing in literary present tense and avoiding contractions.

Works Cited: Go to; cite as a work in an anthology.