Wassily Kandinsky,
Farbstudie Quadrate, 1913
Molly Downey Newton / Visual Art Teacher
Peachtree Charter Middle School / 6th Grade Syllabus
Course Description /Course Code:
This course is designed to introduce each student to concepts and skills in more independent problem-solving activities. This course will use the basic Elements of Art and Principles of Design by offering the opportunity to explore two and three-dimensional areas of art using a variety of media and technology. The syllabus is aligned in accordance with DeKalb County Common Core. Please refer to the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards for detailed listings of Visual Art standards. (
Outline of Course:
~ Introduction to Art / Art Around Me / Art of Cultures Around the World
Visual Verbal Journal Sketchbook:
~ Integrated into daily instruction with art vocabulary terms and Art History, as well as sketching to create ideas for art projects and sketching art openings to practice techniques and skills.
~Art Vocabulary: Throughout the nine weeks the students will learn about the Elements of Art (Line. Value, Texture, Color, Shape, Space, and Form) and the Principles of Design (Balance, Proportion, Unity, Emphasis, Harmony, Movement, Rhythm, and Variety).
~Art History: Each day the student will learn about and discuss a famous painting, art movement or artist.
~Drawing: The students will produce an artwork after practicing drawing skills.
~Painting: The students will produce an artwork after learning about Color Theory.
~3D Design / Pottery / Collage/ Art Criticism and Aesthetics
~Final Exam / Finish Projects / Clean Up
* The teacher reserves the right to change or adjust any section of the course content at any time during the
9 weeks to more adequately meet the needs, abilities and interests of the students.
Grading Scale Weighted Averages
100-90 A Projects 50%
80-89 B Studio Work (Classwork/Daily Work) 30%
71-79 C Reading/Writing/Tests (Sketchbook) 10%
70 D Final Exam 10%
69 and below F
Policies/Regulations: It is the policy of the DeKalb County School District that students will receive a denotation of “I” (Incomplete) for any missing assignments until student work is completed. Student work must be completed within the prescribed time limit set by your school. The maximum point allotment will be 80%.
Late Work: It is the policy of the DeKalb County School District that students that do not turn in work on time will receive a zero for that grade. They are given three opportunities to make it up with a ten point grade deduction for each day late. After that, the grade will be entered as a zero.
Make-up Work: Announced work, such as homework, quizzes and major assessments are due the day the student returns. For each day’s excused absence, students will have one day to make up missed work for full credit. This applies for excused absences only. After that, the student’s grade is lowered 5 points for each day late. If a student is absent under extenuating circumstances, special arrangements can be made to make up work. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK THE CALENDAR AND/OR REQUEST MISSED WORK.
Academic Honesty: Receiving or giving information for an assignment is cheating. When caught in the act, students will not receive credit nor receive the opportunity for a chance of make-up. Plagiarism is not acceptable. If a student takes information from the Internet or any printed resources without a citation, it is considered plagiarism wand will result in a reduction in grade.
Safety Net Opportunities: The student will have the occasional opportunity to come in early or stay after school to complete a project. This should be kept as an exception and not as a rule and must be done with special permission by Mrs. Newton.
Abuse of Supplies: We will not tolerate the waste and/or abuse of art materials. Anyone intentionally wasting or destroying supplies will bereferred to their grade level administrator and asked to make restitution. No supplies are to be taken out of the room unless checked out with special permission.
Visual Art Syllabus
Piet Mondrian, Composition B, 1920
Students must adhere to the DCSS Student Code of Conduct, as well as specific class rules.
1. No talking while Mrs. Newton is talking.
2. Stay in your assigned seat.
3. Talk quietly to those at your table except on Zen Wednesdays
when we do our artwork and have no talking!
4. Respect the materials and the work of others.
5. Always clean up behind yourself and help to keep the art room clean.
6.Students are required to bring a pencil, eraser, and a sharpener to class each day. Each student needs to bring in two rolls of paper towels also.
Donations:Paper towels and bottles of hand soap are always needed and appreciated!Pencils, hand sharpeners and erasers are needed as well.
Signature Page/Parental Contact Information: Students and parents/guardians, by signing this syllabus, you are hereby considered knowledgeable of the requirements outlined in the Visual Art Syllabus including the expectations of behavior and consequences.
student name date
student signature
parent/guardian name cell phone #
parent/guardian signature work phone #
email address home phone #
*The student will receive 100 points for a participation grade if this syllabus
is signed and returned the next day. Ten points will be subtracted each day after that.