
Installing and Configuring Microsoft UDDI Services 3.0 on Windows Server 2008 R2

About the Installation and Configuration Process

Software Requirements

Overview of Installation and Configuration Tasks

Supported Deployment Configurations

Stand Alone Installation

Distributed Installation

Installable Components

Installing UDDI Services 3.0

Configuring Windows Firewall

Installing UDDI Services in Interactive Mode

Configuring UDDI Services 3.0

Basic Configuration

Custom Configuration

Installing and Configuring UDDI Services in Silent Mode

Verifying UDDI Services 3.0

Uninstalling UDDI Services 3.0

Installing and Configuring Microsoft UDDI Services 3.0 on Windows Server 2008 R2


[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

This document provides detailed instructions for installing and configuring UDDI Services 3.0 included with Microsoft® BizTalk® Server2009.

This document is updated when new information regarding installing UDDI Services 3.0 becomes available. You can download the latest version of this document at

For information about installing and configuring BizTalk Server2009, see the installation guides at

About the Installation and Configuration Process

This section provides an overview of the UDDI Services 3.0 installation and configuration process.

Software Requirements

This version requires the following software prerequisites prior to installing:

Windows Server2008 R2.

Internet Information Services (IIS). IIS is required for hosting the UDDI Web Application.

.NET Framework 3.5. Download .NET Framework 3.5.

SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2005. SQL Server Compact edition is not supported. SQL Server Express edition is supported only in a standalone installation. Windows Internal Database (WID) is not supported for this release of UDDI Services.

Overview of Installation and Configuration Tasks

The following table provides an overview of the tasks needed to install and configure UDDI Services 3.0 on a new computer with no operating system installed.

Task / Notes
Task 1: Install Windows Server 2008 R2 / After installing Windows, you must be logged on as an administrator to complete the full installation process of UDDI Services.
Task 2: Install critical updates for Windows / Install any high priority updates listed at the Windows Update Web site.
Task 3: Install Internet Information Services / When installing IIS on Windows Server 2008 R2, you must enable following IIS features:
Basic Authentication
Windows Authentication
IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
Task 4: Install SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2005 / When installing SQL Server:
Install using default settings
A local SQL Server instance is required for installing UDDI Services Database Component
Task 5: Install UDDI Services components / Default components are installed automatically. You can also choose optional components such as Notification Service.
Task 6: Configure UDDI Services components using UDDI Services Configuration Wizard / UDDI Services configuration wizard can be run in basic or custom mode.

Supported Deployment Configurations

A basic installation requires an instance of the UDDI Services Database and one or multiple instances of the UDDI Services Web Application. If you choose to enable the optional notifications feature, an instance of Notification Service is also required. You can deploy UDDI Services as either a stand-alone installation or a distributed installation.

Stand Alone Installation

In a stand-alone installation, all default and optional components are installed on a single server. An instance of SQL Server must be installed before installing UDDI Services. When installing UDDI Services, the local instance of SQL Server is used to host the UDDI Services Database. UDDI Services Web Application and Notification Service are then configured to use the local UDDI Services Database.

Distributed Installation

If you require high-availability for UDDIServices, use a distributed installation. In a distributed installation, you install the UDDI Services Database, one or more instances of the UDDI Services Web Application, and the optional Notification Service on different servers. You can set up UDDI Service Database on a clustered SQL Server. You must install and configure the UDDI Services Database component on both the active node and the passive node of the cluster, though the actual UDDI database is only created during the configuration on the active node. The recommended sequence is that you install and configure the UDDI Services Database component on the passive node first and then on the active node.

You can also set up a web farm that consists of multiple UDDI Services Web servers. You must install and configure the UDDI Services Web Application on each Web server box that is configured in the farm.


For a distributed installation, Windows Firewall must be configured to allow Remote Access. For distributed installation on Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Firewall must also be configured to enable Remote Administration.

Installable Components

This version of UDDI Services includes the following primary components:

Database component: This component provides data storage services for a site using an instance of SQLServer. In addition to storing site data, the UDDI Services Database also stores all site-wide configuration settings, such as the name of a site, user group mappings, and all security settings for the site.

Web Application: This component uses Internet Information Services. The Web user interface provides search, publishing, subscription, and coordination capabilities. This component provides support for the UDDI APIs and Windows Integrated Authentication, UDDI publisher authentication, or a combination of the two on both the Web UI and API interfaces.

Notification Service: This Windows service component can send subscriber’s notifications of data changes in services registered in UDDI Services.

Administration Tools: This component includes the following administration tools:

UDDI Services Management Console: This MMC snap-in can be used to change the configuration settings of UDDI Services to customize runtime policies. For example, you can configure user groups for different roles or change the authentication method. You can launch UDDI Services Management console by clicking Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft UDDI Services, and then click UDDI Services Management Console.

Data Export Tool: A wizard that you can use to select providers or tModels that are hosted in a UDDI Services site and export their details to an XML file. You can run this tool by clicking Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft UDDI Services, point to UDDI Tools, and then click Data Export Tool.

Categorization Scheme Editor: A UI tool for creating and modifying categorization schemes that comply with UDDI Services. You can run this tool by clicking Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft UDDI Services, point to UDDI Tools, and then click Categorization Scheme Editor.

uddiconfig.exe: A command-line tool that applies configuration settings from an XML document to UDDI Services components or retrieves configuration settings from UDDI Services components and stores them in an XML document. This tool provides a command line interface to the same functionality that the UDDI Service MMC snap-in provides. This tool is located under the bin/ folder in the UDDI Services installation folder.

Backup.exe: A command-line tool that backs up or restores the UDDI Services Database. This tool is located under the bin/ folder in the UDDI Services installation folder.

Bootstrap.exe: A command-line tool that loads XML data such as exported UDDI data entities and categorization schemes into the UDDI Services Database. This tool is located under the bin/ folder in the UDDI Services installation folder.

Uddimigrate.exe: A command-line tool that enables data migration from a UDDI Service v2.0 site to a UDDI Service v3.0 site. This tool is located under the bin/ folder in the UDDI Services installation folder.

Developer Tools and SDK: The developer tools include the Publish Wizard tool, Digital signing tool, and UDDI Services software development kit.

Installing UDDI Services 3.0

Configuring Windows Firewall

For a distributed installation of UDDI Services, you must configure Windows Firewall on each server to allow remote access. How to enable Windows Firewall will depend on the operating system and SQL Server.

To configure Windows Firewall for remote access on a SQL Server computer, see Configuring the Windows Firewall to Allow SQL Server Access at

When installing UDDI Services on Windows Server 2008 R2, you must enable Remote Administration.

To enable Remote Administration in Windows Firewall in Windows Server 2008 R2

1.In Control Panel, click Security and then click Windows Firewall.
2.Click Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall.
3.Select the check box for Remote Administration.

Installing UDDI Services in Interactive Mode

This section explains how to use the interactive setup to install and specify options and properties of UDDI Services on your computer.

Before you begin installation, ensure that your computer complies with the requirements listed in Software Prerequisites.


Close all applications before running setup.


There is no discernable difference in user instructions when running setup on x86 and\or 64bit editions.

To install UDDI Services in Interactive Mode

1.Double-click setup.exe located in the root of the UDDI Services 3.0 installation package.
2.On the Installation Wizard page, click Install Microsoft UDDI Services on this computer.
3.On the Component Installation page, in Available Components, select and click from the available components you want to install.
4.In Install To: specify a location to install UDDI Services components, and then click Next.
5.On the Summary page, review installation details and then click Install.

Configuring UDDI Services 3.0

After installing UDDI Services, you must use the Microsoft UDDI Services Configuration wizard to configure and enable components. The configuration wizard supports two modes: Basic or Custom. You can run Microsoft UDDI Services Configuration wizard in Basic mode immediately after running setup by selecting the Launch Configuration Wizard checkbox on the Installation Completed screen of the Installation Wizard. You can also run the Configuration Wizard at any time after installing UDDI Services by clicking Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft UDDI Services, and then click UDDI Services Configuration.


You can only run Custom configuration if you have already run either Basic or Custom configuration after installing UDDI Services.


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption is automatically selected during Basic configuration of the UDDI Services Database Component. If you do not want to use SSL encryption, you can use Custom configuration to de-select the Require SSL for publication to this UDDI Services site option on the Configure UDDI Services Database Component page. When using SSL encryption with UDDIServices, you must configure a server certificate for the Internet Information Services (IIS) service that hosts the UDDI Services Web Application and then create an HTTPS binding for the web site. For more information about configuring server certificates on a Web server, see Configuring Server Certificates in IIS 7.0 at .

Basic Configuration

Basic configuration is targeted for first-time users. Use this option to configure the server with default settings.

To configure UDDI Services using Basic Configuration

1.In Database server name, type the name of the server that hosts the UDDI database.
2.In User name, type the user name for the account that the services will run under. When using Basic configuration, all services will run under this account.
3.Click Configure.
4.On the Summary screen, review configuration information, and then click Next.

Custom Configuration

Custom configuration allows you to configure the server using advanced configuration options. With custom configuration, you can enable and disable features and customize settings.

Help for Custom configuration is provided in the online Help installed with UDDI Services. You can view information and procedures on how to use Custom configuration by clicking Help on the Microsoft UDDI Services Configuration tool menu.

You can run the Configuration Wizard in Custom configuration mode at any time after installing UDDI Services by clicking Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft UDDI Services, and then click UDDI Services Configuration.

Installing and Configuring UDDI Services in Silent Mode

This section explains how to use the silent mode to install and setup different installer options and properties of UDDI on your computer. Using silent mode requires a custom xml config file.

Before you begin installation, ensure that your computer complies with all hardware, software, and security requirements.


Close all applications before you begin installation.

To install UDDI Services in Silent Mode

1.Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.
2.To start the silent installation, at the command prompt, type Setup.exe /s <xml config file> /product uddi and then press Enter.

To configure UDDI Services in Silent Mode

1.Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.
2.To start the silent installation, at the command prompt, type Configuration.exe /s <xml config file> and then press Enter.


You can export a custom configuration as an xml file. You can then use the custom configuration for identical silent installation and configuration on additional computers To create your custom xml config file, perform a manual configuration using the UDDI Services Configuration wizard, verify the components are functioning as required, and then export the configuration to an xml file by clicking File menu in the configuration wizard and then clicking Export Configuration.

Sample UDDI Services xml config file:


<Feature Name="UDDIDatabaseComponent" DisplayName="UDDI Database Component" Version="1.0" Description="Description" ConfigByDefault="true" ISDIRTY="true">

<Name ID="UDDI_DB_DataLocation" DisplayName="Database Data Files L&amp;ocation:" Description="for description" Hidden="false">

<Value>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft UDDI Services\data\</Value>


<Name ID="UDDI_DB_LogLocation" DisplayName="Database &amp;Log Files Location:" Description="for description" Hidden="false">

<Value>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft UDDI Services\data\</Value>


<Name ID="UDDI_DB_SiteName" DisplayName="&amp;Site Name:" Description="for description" Hidden="false">



<Question ID="UDDI_DB_SSL" Text="Require the use of SSL for the &amp;publication to this UDDI Services site" Answers="yes,no" Default="yes">

<Answer Value="yes" GUID="{045B7725-AB68-41b6-81F1-8A1DB01FE4F3}" />

<Answer Value="no" GUID="{560AB833-C57C-4461-B62A-33156E767233}" Selected="Yes" />


<DatabaseInstance ID="UDDI_DB_Instance" DisplayName="S&amp;QL Server Instance" Description="for description">




<Feature Name="UDDIWebApplication" DisplayName="UDDI Web Application" Version="1.0" Description="Description" ISDIRTY="true" ConfigByDefault="true">

<SQL ID="UDDI_Web_Database" DisplayName="UDDI Database" Description="for description">




<UserName />

<Password />


<NTService ID="UDDI_Web_ServiceAccount" DisplayName="UDDI Application Pool Account" Description="for description">

<UserName>NETWORK SERVICE</UserName>

<Domain>NT AUTHORITY</Domain>




<Question ID="UDDI_Web_SelfRegister" Text="Self-register services and bindings in A&amp;ctive Directory Domain Services (AD DS)" Answers="yes,no" Default="yes">

<Answer Value="yes" GUID="{A2C86C85-7C59-4c0c-A874-7275297940E8}" Selected="Yes" />

<Answer Value="no" GUID="{A8C07E97-659B-4f0b-A68D-DB42C1337B55}" />


<WebSite ID="UDDI_Web_WebSite" DisplayName="UDDI Services Web Si&amp;te" Description="for description">

<WebSiteName>Default Web Site</WebSiteName>



<Feature Name="UDDINotificationService" DisplayName="UDDI Notification Service" Version="1.0" Description="Description" ConfigByDefault="true" ISDIRTY="true">

<SQL ID="UDDI_Notification_Database" DisplayName="UDDI Database" Description="for description">




<UserName />

<Password />


<NTService ID="UDDI_Notification_ServiceAccount" DisplayName="UDDI Notification Service Account" Description="for description">

<UserName>NETWORK SERVICE</UserName>

<Domain>NT AUTHORITY</Domain>




<Name ID="UDDI_Notification_SMTPServer" DisplayName="&amp;SMTP Server:" Description="for description" Hidden="false">



<Name ID="UDDI_Notification_EmailAddress" DisplayName="E-mail add&amp;ress:" Description="for description" Hidden="false">



<Question ID="UDDI_Notification_SMTPAuthentication" Text="Anon&amp;ymous authentication;Windows au&amp;thentication using the windows service credentials;&amp;Basic authentication" Answers="0,1,2" Default="0">

<Answer Value="0" GUID="{513F1301-F23F-43f9-872B-13D219577A3E}" Selected="Yes" />

<Answer Value="1" GUID="{37F818D8-B771-4483-89C3-A36F3A1BE708}" />

<Answer Value="2" GUID="{50EC986A-9694-4b82-B143-62271C2BD8B5}" />


<Name ID="UDDI_Notification_UserName" DisplayName="User &amp;name:" Description="for description" Hidden="false">

<Value />


<Name ID="UDDI_Notification_Password" DisplayName="Passw&amp;ord:" Description="for description" Hidden="false">

<Value />


<Name ID="UDDI_Notification_ConfirmPassword" DisplayName="Confir&amp;m password:" Description="for description" Hidden="false">

<Value />









Verifying UDDI Services 3.0

To verify UDDI Services 3.0 is installed correctly