General Writing Scoring Guide

Mr. Jones

English 9


  • the writing exhibits strong control of spelling punctuation, capitalization, and mechanics
  • the general presentation is professional looking
  • paragraphs are accurately constructed and well organized
  • the writing contains a depth and complexity of ideas supported by rich, engaging, and pertinent details; evidence of analysis, reflection, or insight
  • voice/point-of-view/verb tense is vivid, consistent, and appropriate for the piece of writing
  • sentences are complete, varied in structure, and fluid
  • introduction and conclusion are well constructed and satisfying


  • the writing contains some errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and mechanics which are becoming distracting
  • the general presentation is professional looking
  • paragraphs are accurately constructed and well organized
  • the writing contains thoughtful ideas which are supported by relevant details but may need more elaboration, development, analysis, or explanation
  • voice/point-of-view/verb tense is fairly vivid, consistent, and appropriate for the piece of writing
  • sentences are complete but could be more varied and fluid
  • introduction and conclusion are well constructed but could be more satisfying


  • the writing contains substantial errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and mechanics which are very distracting and starting to interfere with communication
  • the general presentation could be improved
  • the writing may contain lapses in organization and coherence; paragraphs may be missing
  • the writing contains some development of ideas but elaboration and support are necessary
  • voice/point-of-view/verb tense is inconsistent
  • run-ons, comma splices, and fragments are evident and sentence structure feels simplistic or awkward
  • introduction or conclusion needs stronger organization or development to become more satisfying


  • the same problems/issues exist as the criteria for a C only to a greater extent


  • little time or care has been put into the writing

Note: There are shades of gray in this scoring guide; in other words, a C+ or B- can occur, but I will let the criteria guide me. In order to earn an A on a piece of writing all the expectations under the A rubric must be met. However, if the writing’s conclusion needed definite development, the paper could earn a C for that alone—that’s where a conclusion of that quality places the writing.