SEE Change: Sustainable Early Engagement for Change
SEE Change State Leadership Team Meeting Notes
March 25, 2015 • 9:00-12:00
2 Delta Drive, Concord, NH
Joan Izen, Facilitator • Pat Cantor, Scribe
Vision Statement: New Hampshire children, birth through five, who have or are at risk for delays or disabilities, learn and grow as actively engaged members of their families and communities.
Mission Statement: To build capacity of those who work with or care for young children with disabilities to implement evidence-based practices that promote child engagement in everyday settings and activities.
Pre-reading: In preparation for this meeting please review the following documents: 3/6/15 SLT letter to ECTA and RP2; revised (draft) PD Event Sequence and Timeline for NH; SLT Benchmarks of Quality
Participants: Joan Izen,Ruth Littlefield,Kerry Wiley, Pat Cantor, Leslie Couse, Michelle Lewis, Dee Dunn Tierney, Ellen Wheatley, Tammy Vittum, Kathy Gray and Kathy Keene
Time / Agenda Item / Discussion Points / Decisions9:00 / Welcome
Check in / Joan set the stage for today’s meeting: Last month, we took the pulse on where we are and captured that in a letter to RP2 and ECTA; this month, we’ll focus on next steps, as informed by today’s conversation with RP2 and ECTA.
9:30 / Follow up to mid-year evaluation letter: Conversation with ECTA (Christina Kasprzak, Katy McCullough and Lise Fox) and RP2 (Katy and Lise) / Katy referred us to the one-page document, Status of NH SEE Change Implementation. She noted that NH is where it should be in terms of implementation and the questions that we have are typical questions for this stage of the process.
See the notes from our conference call, on the RP2 Response to NH Needs 3-18-25 REV document. / In our conversation, we identified areas for action. (See notes.)
ECTA committed to preparing a summary of the conversation and initiating follow up discussions.
11:15 / Moving forward:
- What did we learn to help us move forward?
- Do we need additional information/resources?
- Review revised PD Sequence and Timeline
- Are we ready to engage in our planning process?
-If yes, begin planning process / What do we need to do?
- We need to know the specifics of the PALS training, including cost and who would be involved.
- We need to dedicate time (maybe next meeting?) to figuring out what NH wants to do and what we need for supports. Then we can figure out what we need from RP2 and what we can do on our own. This will include discussing whether the Benchmarks of Quality will get us where we need to go in our planning.
- We have to support the current teams and learn as much as we can from them.
- We should get as much as we can from RP2 during our time with them.
- We know what the end goal of this effort is. We should look at what resources we have and figure out what we can do with those resources and how we can build our own structure to get to that same end goal—and to sustain the goal.
- We should consider what resources we have (including fiscal and expertise) and what resources we need.
- We should also look at some of the web resources (including the NH site shell) and decide how we can utilize those. (Currently there are web resources available but they are in multiple places.) We also want to encourage ECTA to make materials available on their web site.
In response to a question from Michelle, we agreed that it would be duplicative to ask MC to complete paperwork describing their activities for the SLT.
We agreed that instead of the June event as envisioned by RP2, wewill invite representatives from the Implementation sites to talk with the SLT at the June meeting about their strengths and accomplishments and next steps. The MC would attend with one person from each site. Michelle and Kerry will work with the MC on developing a format.
Joan will share this decision with ECTA and ask that resources that would have been allocated for the June event be redirected toward other support for NH.
11:45 / Next meeting dates /
- April 22, 2015 (2 Delta Drive)
- May 27, 2015 – need to reschedule (RL and ML at conference)
- June?
- Summer and beyond?
Wednesday, April 22, 9:00-12:00
Wednesday, May 6, 9:00-12:00
(Leslie, Dee, and Tammy cannot attend on May 6.)
Wednesday, June 3, 9:00-12:00.
(This will be the celebration meeting.)
Ruth will work on getting rooms.
We will talk at the next meeting about schedules for summer and beyond.
11:55 / Reflection (meeting evaluation) /
- We learned more about where we stand and that our next steps need to be informed by that knowledge. Our team can pull this off.
- Well-facilitated, critical meeting. Appreciated everyone’s candor.
- It seemed that ECTA/RP2 expected that our state would have people with more time to dedicate to their roles. I don’t think they realize all that we do in NH.
- Well-facilitated meeting, helpful in charting out where we’re going to go.
- We are developing the vision to be able to go on our own.
- The conversation solidified where ECTA and RP2 stand and what they need to do, as well as our next steps.
- We have clearly identified what we want from ECTA/RP2, and it seems that they’re not going to be able to give us what we want, so it’s going to be up to us.
- This is not unlike other grant projects in that the expectations for the state are outlined and the project isn’t ready yet. We have extremely high expectations for what we do in NH, which makes it challenging to work on these kinds of projects. We should try to remind ourselves of that. We may not be able to do this at the level we’d like, so may need to modify to meet our needs.
- Appreciated the leadership, facilitation, candor from people about their experiences. We were able to enlighten members of the RP2 team to some extent. We have come a long way from the start, and RP2 is pushing us in a good way. Need to hold on to the resources they provide, in a way that meets on our needs. Need to continue to revisit that candidly.
12:00 / Adjourn