Outcomes AssessmentProgress Report
Department or Program
Names and contact information for individual members of department or program performing leadership roles with the StudentLearning Outcomes Assessment initiative:
Student Learning Outcome (SLO)assessed:
Access and evaluate information from credible sources
Collaborate respectfully with others
Communicate effectively through the clear and accurate use of language
Demonstrate an understanding of the broad diversity of the human experience and the individual’s connection to society
Process numeric, symbolic and graphic information
Comprehend, analyze and synthesize written, visual and aural material
Select and apply appropriate problem-solving techniques
Use technology efficiently and responsibly
Summary of Assessment Method(s)
Description of assessment tool:
Culminating Assignment
Course Embedded Assessment
Rubric Evaluation
Performance Review
Standardized Instrument
Other (please define) ______
Description of how assessment tool measures SLO:
Description of scoring method(s) (check all that apply):
Rubric (a scoring tool that lays out the specific expectations for the assessment)
Percentage Correct (for embedded testquestions – when answers are dichotomous – right/wrong)
Scaled Distribution (for use when answers are not dichotomous, but may be partially correct along a scale)
Cross scored by faculty (when faculty from within the discipline all provide scoring on a rubric)
Gain Scores (Pre/Post Scores)
Other (please define) ______
Description of data collection methods:
Single Course
Multiple Sections
Single Faculty Member
Multiple Faculty Members
Sample ______# of Students
Entire Population ______# of Students
Semester data was collected: ______
When in the semester was data collected: ______
When did analysis take place/ or is planned: ______
Person(s) charged with data collection and/or analysis:
Data Summary and Analysis or Next Steps
Summarize data collected, you may wish to include charts/graphs. Include next steps to increase student learning based on data analysis.
Mastery MatrixBased on the department’s discussion of what constitutes Mastery, Progressing, and Low/Now Mastery in the discipline/course please provide aggregated results for your students. See below for outcome definitions for each of the Student Learning Outcomes.
Total # of Students Assessed in Course / # Attaining Mastery / # Attaining Progressing / # Attaining Low/No Mastery
SLO # 1 – Access and evaluate information from credible sources
Mastery / Progressing / Low/No MasteryDefinition: Definition: Student uses appropriate methods to find and evaluate information in order to distinguish between credible and non-credible sources and select the most appropriate source(s). / Definition: Student is able to differentiate between credible and non-credible sources, but not understanding all aspects of relevant tools or evaluating the source fully. / Definition: : Student cannot consistently differentiate between credible and non-credible sources.
SLO # 2 – Collaborate respectfully with others
Mastery / Progressing / Low/No MasteryDefinition: Student engages team members in ways that facilitate their contributions to meetings by both constructively building upon and synthesizing the contributions of others. / Definition: Student engages team members in ways that facilitate their contributions to meetings by restating the views of other team members and/or asking questions for clarification / Definition: Student exhibits low commitment to collaboratively work with team members.
SLO # 3 – Communicate effectively through the clear and accurate use of language
Mastery / Progressing / Low/No MasteryDefinition: Student consistently presents ideas, information and concepts clearly without error that detracts from communicating accurately with the target audience. / Definition: Student generally presents ideas, information and concepts clearly, but with error that decreases accuracy of the message communicated with the target audience. / Definition: Student presents ideas, information and concepts unclearly, with errors that obscure the message communicated with the target audience.
SLO # 4 – Demonstrate and understanding of the broad diversity of the human experience and the individual’s connection to society.
Mastery / Progressing / Low/No MasteryDefinition: Student demonstrates evidence of adjustment in attitudes and beliefs. Learning from diversity of communities and cultures. / Definition: Student has awareness that attitudes and beliefs are different from those of other cultures and communities. / Definition: Student expresses attitudes and beliefs as an individual. Is indifferent or resistant to what can be learned from diversity of communities and cultures
SLO # 5 - Process numeric, symbolic and graphic information
Mastery / Progressing / Low/No MasteryDefinition: Student provides accurate explanations/ processing of mathematical forms. Makes appropriate inferences based on that information. / Definition: Student provides somewhat accurate explanations/ processing of mathematical forms. but occasionally makes minor errors related to computations or units. / Definition: Student attempts to explanations/processing of mathematical forms, but draws incorrect conclusions about what the information means, or commits major computational errors.
SLO # 6 – Read, analyze and synthesize written, visual and aural material
Mastery / Progressing / Low/No MasteryDefinition: Student consistently recognizes and can communicate implications of the material for contexts, perspectives, or issues. / Definition: Student draws basic inferences about context and purpose of the material. / Definition: Student exhibits little to no understanding of material.
SLO # 7 – Select and apply appropriate problem-solving techniques
Mastery / Progressing / Low/No MasteryDefinition: Most of the time, a student is able to identify specific problems to be solved and apply an appropriate process and sequence to achieve the solution. / Definition: More than half the time, a student is able to identify specific problems to be solved and apply an appropriate process and sequence to achieve the solution. / Definition: Student is rarely or never able to identify specific problems to be solved and apply and appropriate process and sequence to achieve the solution.
SLO # 8 – Use Technology efficiently and responsibly
Mastery / Progressing / Low/No MasteryDefinition: Most of the time the student demonstrates the ability to use technology efficiently and responsibly. / Definition: Some of the time the student demonstrates the ability to use technology efficiently and responsibly. / Definition: Student rarely or never demonstrates the ability to use technology efficiently and responsibly.
Revised December 1, 2015