SMTD Regular DAYTIME Bus Options for UIS Students RESIDING in Chatham Hills (as of Spring 2015)
- From Chatham Hills to Downtown Transfer Center (2 options):
Option 1.
- “Quickest/shortest” ride to downtown isRoute #14 heading “inbound” (only route in neighborhood providing direct “ inbound” service). Per bus schedule, departure time at bus stop leaving from Meijer in Prairie Crossing will be :04 & :34 running every half-hour all day. It will take the bus at least 6 minutes to travel East on Westchester Blvd. to reach Chatham Road onto Gaines Mill Road picking up then exiting Seven Pines Road onto Chatham Rd.
- Students may board the bus at any of the “outside boundary” SMTD Bus Stops in the “Hills” except the ones indicating “Night Service Only” found on Chatham Road between Westchester & Seven Pines Roads.
- Route #14 will arrive to Downtown Transfer Center Bus Stop (A). It’s located on 5th Street between Capitol & Jackson.
- The trip will be approximately 23 minutes to transfer center.
Option #2
- “Quickest/shortest” ride heading “outbound” from Downtown to Chatham Hills area will be Route #13 Macarthur/Westchester/Jerome Route (again only “outbound” route servicing the Chatham Hills area).
- However, this route will run every half-hour except midmorning from 8:45am to 1:45pm. It will be running only every hour at :45 from downtown. Except for these times, the Route #13 will be running every half-hour leaving downtown at :15 & :45 heading outbound.
- Students may also catch this bus as it travels through the Hills neighborhood but the ride will be closer to an hour trip once they board the bus attempting to get to downtown arriving at Bus Stop (B) located on Capitol Street.
- Route should depart at :08 & .38 heading “outbound” from Seven Pines & Gaines Mill.
- Students may catch the bus at any of the “interior boundary” SMTD Bus Stops
- Departing From Downtown Transfer Center to UIS Campus during Day Service:
Available Options (2 options)
1.Route #11 UIS parked at BUS Stop (C) on Capitol St. departs every half-hour :15 & :45 running all day heading “outbound”.Approx 25 minute ride to PAC teardrop at UIS
2. Route #15 SO. 11th/UIS/LLCC also parked at Bus Stop (C) Departs every half hour all day :15 & :45 heading “outbound”. About a 24 minute ride to the campus PAC Bldg.
- Departing from UIS to Downtown Transfer Center during Day Service:
Available Options (2 options)
- Route #11 board at the PAC leaving at :13 & :43 every half-hour heading “inbound”. About a 27 minute ride to Downtown Transfer Center.
- Route #15 any SMTD Bus Stop Sign heading “ inbound” every half-hour all day long from the PAC Bldg. at :18 & :48. Also this route makes 2 trips to UIS once on the “outbound” (leaving from downtown) and returns again for the “inbound”trip heading to downtown after leaving LLCC. If students catch this bus on the “outbound” the ride will be longer because it will return back to the campus once it leaves LLCC the second time through there. About a 25 minute ride to Downtown Transfer Center.
SMTD Regular NIGhttime Bus Options for UIS Students RESIDING in Chatham Hills (as of Spring 2015)
Note: The SMTD night route (905) and the Express bus service will follow the same schedule as they had in the past.
Monday through Thursday evenings
An Express bus will pick up students from UIS (Lindsay Farnham/Founders Hall bus stop) at 8:15pm, 9:10pm and 9:45pm and bring them to Chatham Hills.
SMTD Night Route (with transfers) – Route 905
Bus leaves from UIS 10minutes after the hour (Lindsay Farnham/Founders Hall) and travels to Transfer Center, Bus Stop C, arriving at Transfer Center 40 minutes after the hour.
(7:10pm is earliest stop at UIS; 10:40pm is last stop at Transfer Center)