DCCC Political Call Sheet
To: Rep. Heck
From:DCCC Political Department –(Jason Bresler – – (202) 485.3442)
Date: December9, 2015
Re: City of Belpre Mayor, Mike Lorentz(OH-06, Johnson)
Purpose of the Call:
Please call Mayor Lorentz and discuss a potential run for Congress. The Mayor was suggested to us by the Ohio Democratic Party and some of the local State Legislators.
Cell: 304-482-0887
Talking Points:
- Mayor Lorentz was honored to have received a call from the DCCC. While he at one point pondered making a run for the State Legislature he has never considered a run for U.S. House.
- Mayor Lorentz thinks it will be very hard to raise $1 million, let alone the $2.5 it will likely take to win this race. Please discuss with him how you do not need to see a path from day one (no one does).
- It is looking more and more like the Republicans are going to nominate an anti-establishment candidatefor President. With Strickland on the ballot, a quality candidate will ensure this seat is firmly on the battlefield against a depressed Republican electorate.
- With former Governor Ted Strickland and Secretary Clinton on the ballot, there will be a boost from the top of the ticket. This is Strickland’s former district and Mayor Lorentz and Governor Strickland have been friends for two decades.
- The DCCC estimates that it will take $2.5 million to run a campaign here.
- This area has a history of electing Democrats. For the most part this is the same House District former Governor Strickland represented and it was later represented by the late Charlie Wilson (who lost in the 2010 wave).
- The District has a 48.6% DPI which requires the right kind of Democrat to run here. Lorentz fits this profile.
- Because this district has five media markets (in three different states; Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia), it is a very difficult place to communicate in, which has helped keep Rep. Johnson safe. Lorentzcould have the fundraising potential to overcome this hurdle.
- This district runs from tip of West Virginia in the heart of Appalachia to the suburbs of Youngstown.
Mike Lorentz was born in Ohio in 1951. He moved to Belpre in 1977 with his wife Joyce. Together they have two children. Lorentz was first elected in 2008. Lorentz has helped turn around a city that many had thought had seen his best days. Since taking office he has been a strong promoter of the shale industry and helped land a hospital in Belpre. Lorentz also successfully fought to expand the Belpre Senior Center.
Lorentz is also heavily involved in the Riverfront Restoration which is of interest to most of voters in the 6thCongressional District.
Lorentz made statewide news when he was a victim of a mugging in 2014 in Philadelphia while visiting family. Lorentz downplayed the incident and was back on the job within a couple days.
Known locally as a Mayor who digs in on local issues, Lorentz’s profile would be a strong contrast should he raise enough money to be able to properly tell his story.
Lorentzworked for Kraton Polymers for 26 years, retiring in 2006 as the Belpre chemical plant’s maintenance supervisor.