Case Discussion Panels are held on a monthly basis in each of the area teams.

Referral criteria

  • Cases referred to be from the relevant residency area (North, West or South)
  • Cases referred to be below Social Care thresholds
  • Internal and external case referrals should be discussed with appropriate Team Leaders /Operations Managers (to confirm this is the correct next step for this particular case).
  • Where appropriate the CAF / Family CAF process should be considered as a way of making progress prior to referral to case discussion panel.


  • To be submitted in advance with a minimum of 48 hours notice
  • Professional submitting referral to be invited to attend Panel
  • Council staff completing case panel referrals can send these securely on the internal network and Health staff e.g. School Nurses & Health Visitors can send it via their account to a suitable gcsx account
  • All staff can support schools, GPs, voluntary and community organisations with referral via secure electronic referral outlined above or via post or fax to the area teams.
  • Ad hoc meetings are occasionally held for cases which require immediate attention

Area Team and information / Dates
North Area Case Panel
Time: 10.00am up to 12.30pm
How to refer: complete the attached referral form and send to
/ 21 March
18 April
16 May
20 June
18 July
15 August
19 September
17 October
21 November
19 December
West Area Case Panel
Time: 9.15am up to 10.45am
How to refer: complete the attached referral form and send to
/ 13th March
17th April
15th May
12th June
17th July
No August meeting
11th Sept
9th Oct
6th Nov
11th Dec
South Area
Referrals go through Alison McGlaulin.
Time: 2.00pm-3.30pm
How to refer: complete the attached referral form and send to / 14 March
18 April
16 May
13 June
18 July
No August meeting
19 September
17 October
21 November
19 December