Office of Social Justice


The mission of the Social Justice Office is to call the Diocesan Community to a deeper understanding of the Social Teachings of the Church as an integral part of Christian life and spirituality. Our mission is to encourage the Diocesan Community to be in solidarity with the poor, the suffering and the voiceless; and to take action for the transformation of unjust political, economic and social structures both nationally and internationally. The office strives to ensure that Catholic Social Teaching plays an essential part in the formation programs of the Diocese, and that we infuse the Gospel message of Justice in parish life and mission. The office coordinates collaboration on Social Justice issues among Catholic and other groups and institutions at a diocesan, national and international level. It also seeks to help individuals to participate in the work of existing groups in the Diocese or to pursue new justice initiatives. We offer workshops and other learning and formation opportunities for individuals and groups: Parish Social Justice Ministry, Development and Peace, St. Vincent de Paul, Inn from the Cold groups, RCIA, CWL and Knights of Columbus, Parish Councils and Youth/Young Adult Groups, and Catholic Schools. The Social Justice Office advocates the actions of Diocesan outreach groups, such as Development and Peace, Prison Ministry, Mission Mexico, St. Vincent de Paul, and Feed the Hungry. We seek to engage parishioners in social concerns in their parish, in the wider community on issues such as poverty, hunger, homelessness, affordable housing, healthcare, unemployment, minimum wage etc.

2011 Programs

  1. Diocesan Social Justice Commission meetings - Seek involvement from other groups
  2. Prison Ministry Committee - Volunteer Appreciation Evening, support Restorative Justice Shannon Moroney event, promotion of Prison Ministry in parishes.
  3. Diocesan Affordable Housing Committee & KAIROS Working Group on Housing - Acadia Place project promotion to help fundraise funds to keep the building sustainable and to help families at risk of homelessness. Raise awareness on homeless issues in Calgary during Homeless Awareness Week in October (Bishop’s Breakfast as well as The Human Experience film promotion) and throughout the year. Total of $135, 000.00 has been raised towards the project so far among all Christian denominations.
  4. Caritas in Veritate encyclical study sessions: one at St. Pius X with University of Catholic Community students & another at St. Cecilia’s parish.
  5. Development & Peace - Presentations at schools, parishes for Together in Action, Bottle Water Free campaign promotion and Benefit Gala at St. Luke’s parish as an awareness and fundraiser, hosted Solidarity Visitor presentation at Our Lady of Peace Maronite Church
  6. KAIROS Calgary - Organization of KAIROS Stories of Climate Change (Environment Issues) Study Day at Our Lady of Grace Parish and awareness around environmental issues
  7. WYD Pilgrimage: Collaboration with Stewardship Office to engage youth involvement in Social Justice Initiatives: St. Vincent de Paul adopt a family for Christmas and recycling at One Rock event.
  8. Assist with planning of WCSJ Conference in Saskatoon for Social Justice Directors
  9. Outdoor Way of the Cross in April 2011


  1. A workshop potentially on Food Security & Economic Justice (Regarding Poverty and Hunger)
  2. Workshop related to issues around Refugees and Immigrants
  3. Prison Ministry Committee will be hosting a Conference in February or April of 2012 (topic to be After-Care or still to be decided)
  4. Diocesan Social Justice Commission – potentially hold a Symposium on various organizations involved in Social Justice initiatives within the Diocese of Calgary and link it with several speakers from St. Mary’s University College
  5. Would like to run a Youth Internship program over the summer months