

held at the Band Hall, Shipston on Stour,

at 20.00 on 16 October 2014

There were 13 Members present.

1. Exhortation and Remembrances.

The Chairman recited the exhortation, which was followed by a minute’s silence during which the following departed comrades were remembered: Cyril Milsom and Ron Ruthven.

2. Apologies.

Members’ apologies for absence were received from Maryann Dobbin, Jack Russell, Andrew Coleby, Phyll Savage, Roger Berry, Alison Punt and Debbie McKay.

3. Chairman’s Opening Remarks and Additional Agenda Items.

a. The Chairman welcomed those present and thanked them for their attendance. He said there was nothing else to add that was not covered elsewhere in the minutes.

b. There were no additional items.

4. Poppy Appeal Awards.

The Chairman thanked the Poppy Appeal collectors for their continued support. He said that the awards were made for the time given by the collectors and not for the amount each collected. The following awards were made:

5 year Bar to her 30 year Brooch – Sue Peebles

20 year Badge – Richard Adams

Brooch – Gerlinda Grey

10 year Certificate of Appreciation – Sheila Roberts

5 year Certificate of Appreciation – Mike Dobbin, Simon Taylor, Mick Cornock, Beverley Absom.

Certificates of Appreciation – Boots, Library, Rimmells Sadlers, The Plough at Stretton, Katherine House, Shipston Plumbing, Turners.

5. Minutes of the 2013 AGM

Colin Paxford proposed and Charlie Cox seconded that the Minutes of the 2013 AGM be adopted. This was carried unanimously. The Chairman and Secretary signed the minutes as a true record.

6. Matters Arising.

There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.

7. Chairman’s Annual Report.

a.  The Chairman said he regretted the poor attendance at the AGM.

b.  He said that last years Poppy Appeal had shown an increase, as was involvement with and participation in Remembrance year by year.

d. The Town Band had, again, supported the Branch with an excellent concert in March.

e.  He continued by saying that the Field of Remembrance initiative was ongoing with the Town Council. There were two choices – the gyratory garden and a new football pitch/games area at Angela’s Meadow. Further details would be forthcoming.

f.  He reported that Arthur Winter of Shipston had been featured in the Legion magazine and was joining Branch.

g.  He said was concerned about some of the ideas etc coming out of HQ, aimed at taking the Legion forward. He would report later when the full impact was evident.

h.  He further said that our Facebook page was a useful tool and that the Secretary would give a report later in meeting.

i.  And finally, he reported that Chloe Wells, our Standard Bearer, had accompanied a Fusilier pilgrimage to France in early September, commemorating the 1st Battle of the Marne. She paraded the Standard well doing the Branch and Shipston proud.

8. Officers’ Reports.

a. Hon. Secretary

i. The Branch web site continues to be visited on a regular basis. The average visitor looks at 2.5 pages. The number of visits increases dramatically on the run up to Remembrance. In October 2013, 2,064 people had visited the site, whilst in November the number was 15,870.

ii. He said that he still receive requests for assistance from Veterans seeking their Veterans Badge and also requests to purchase items of Poppy merchandise. He said that the web site was a valuable communication tool, which he would continue to edit.

ii.  He also reported that the Facebook page is less successful. It has been extremely quiet this year. However, with the help of Norman Barrett it has recently been given a boost with the number of “likes” having increased. This page is open to anyone who wishes to visit and add a comment

b. Hon. Treasurer

i. The Treasurer opened this year’s report by thanking John Horseman, who had again been kind enough to validate the end of year accounts.

ii. This year was the first full year since the change of date of the Financial Year.

iii. The Treasurer initially reported on more usual points:

A.  TheVictorian Fayre made £217. Thanks go to all members who contributed items to the Christmas Hamper and to Chloe Wells who made countless Cup Cakes to sell.

B.  The Band concert raised £1432.

C.  Donations to the Legion at funerals as requested by relatives in lieu of flowers etc £690.

iv. After questions the Treasurer concluded by asking that the accounts be approved.

v. Stuart Turville proposed and Richard Adams seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.

c. Hon. Membership Secretary.

Mike Ashley said that current membership for the Branch stood at 130. He noted that over the long term numbers had hovered around this figure, losses being approximately balanced by new members.

d. Poppy Appeal Organiser.

Richard Adams said that all supplies had been received for the Poppy Appeal. He said he had received two new volunteer collectors but reiterated his appeal for more collectors in view of the number of new housed being built in Shipston. He said that the High Street collections would take place during the period 1 – 9 November.

e. Welfare Representative.

Richard Adams reported that there were no welfare cases within the Branch.

9. Election of Officers and Committee.

The Chairman asked if there were any nominations for any of the Branch Offices or Committee. As there were none and the present Committee was prepared to stand, he asked for the Meeting’s approval that they be voted in en bloc. This was proposed by Colin Paxford, seconded by Charlie Cox and carried unanimously.

10. Remembrance Sunday.

a.  The Chairman reported that, in view of the large numbers now attending the Parade and Service, the Parade would now be in the hands of a Parade Marshall. Mike Dobbin had agreed to take on this role.

b.  He also reported that the great nephew of Archie Nicholls, whose name appears on our War Memorial, would be attending along with other members of the family.

11. Forthcoming Events.

a. Chairman reported that the branch had again been invited to the High School on Friday 7 November for a buffet lunch at noon followed by an assembly where he would speak about aspects of the Remembrance ceremonies; this is known by the school as “Remembrance Friday”. He asked that around half a dozen ex-service members attend, to wear medals as appropriate.

b. He reminded the meeting that Remembrance Sunday would fall on 9 November this year and Armistice Day would be remembered at 1100 on Tuesday 11 November in the High Street where a two minutes silence would be observed.

c.  He said that the organisers of the Town Victorian Evening on 5 December had, once again, offered the Branch a stall. This would be used to publicise the Legion, hopefully recruit more members and to sell poppy merchandise and “Shipston Remembers”.

d. He concluded by saying that a visit would be arranged to the National Memorial Arboretum in May 2015.

14. Any Other Business.

The Chairman reported that he had received details of two candidates for the post of County Chairman. It was agreed to vote for Roy Charlesworth, in view of his Service and Legion background and experience. The relevant paperwork would be signed and despatched following the meeting.

15. The Date of the Next AGM

Thursday 15 October 2015 at 2000 hrs.

The meeting closed at 2050 hrs.


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Mike Dobbin Richard Adams

Hon. Secretary 15 October 2015 Chairman