Prophetic Word for 2012
Catherine Toon, 12/31/11

You have asked Me, “What about 2012”? Many have asked Me. It is a year of ordering and reordering – aligning and realigning. I see a large building constructed – frame up – solid. I see files put in slots, starting with a few and multiplying – many in order. The process, which has been so painful, will bear solid, lasting, multiplied and multiplying fruit! Some of that fruit will come from unexpected places and there will be joy in that!

There is a steadying to the list of the ship that has kept some off kilter and has thrown some poorly grounded and uncommitted off. Do not worry about them. My buoyancy devices will keep them and some will be reestablished as they yield to Me. It is My job, My methods, and My timing. You must focus on the work at hand. There is much to be done, but there will be joy in the work. There will be increase and substantial up swinging (I see a chart with a red line going up exponentially).

Do not worry about the finances. They are reserved and waiting. You will see the beginnings of the harvest of that this year and much more the next. I will keep you steady and energized and enthusiastic. I AM your endurance and you will reap with joy. You will rejoice in the surprises that await. You will be glad you stayed steady. There will be some reuniting with ones that have fallen away, others will remain apart, but you will not grieve them in your race.

Do not initiate from your own understanding and devices, but also do not draw back from what I have placed in your heart. It was Me Who placed it there. It was from My heart. You may run with that and run you should, but do not forget those who have been supporting you. Do not fail to see what they have sacrificed and are sacrificing, for I see and treasure it. My reward is with them as well as with you. Do not forget kindness in your run, for I stopped for the little ones as well as the big ones in My run. They are precious and will bring you joy and fulfillment.

There is much harvest you will glean from the work that you’ve already planted – work that you thought was lost. But I lose none of it. Some will show up in unexpected ways. Delight in My unpredictability. I Am true to my promises and My nature, and I Am limitless in how I do the work. I want you to enjoy the work and enjoy the beauty of the people I place around you, even as you see them move in ordinary ways. They are extraordinary and will bring meaning and fulfillment to all you do.

Many of you have been carrying extraordinary burdens. It has been painful and has felt prolonged. Do not be vexed or anxious. Does not relief always come? Have I not always been faithful? How much more now? But look at how you have grown. You have not perceived it under the strain, but how I beam with pride over how you have stretched and grown into giants – not one puny one in the lot! Yes, you have done well – you have stretched and trusted in Me. You have honored Me – how shall I not much more honor you. It is My delight to honor those who have esteemed Me. Oh, yes, expect the best!

This will be a good year, a busy year, a full year, but a rewarding one. Expect My power to ramp up in expected ways. You will laugh in delight and share stories - exploits, not only for you, but many who will be coming to join you. And, yes, you will gain notoriety, good and bad, but so did I and I laughed with My Father and you will laugh with us. I want you to have fun.

So run! Run with a sure gait and a steady gait. Run with a light gate. There are precious things and people in the path that need to be attended to. Many you will lift up and carry and the will gain strength and start to run. More momentum will be built as more are added. The army is coming forth!